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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6


United States of America’s / Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’


March 2, 2023                                                                    Chickasaw Tribal Nation INTERNATIONAL News                               Volume 1, Issue1

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2020 Being What Has Become Known As The




For those who may not know, on or about January 15, 2020, the United States of America (a PRIVATELY held company) – through its EXECUTIVE Office President Donald John Trump – entered into a “TRADE” AGREEMENT with CHINA! Approximately TWO days later (it appears) is when the allege CORONAVIRUS / Covid-19 – reportedly LINKED TO Wuhan, CHINA - began to rampantly spread THROUGHOUT the World – i.e. SPECIFICALLY the USA!



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21st Century Version Of The Infected “SMALL POX” Blankets Europeans Used Against Indians During The UNLAWFUL Invasion Of What Is Presently Known As The United States Of America!



Through USA “PAPER Genocide,” Indians have been LABELED as “BLACKS!”



According to U.S. President Donald John Trump, Covid-19/Coronavirus is an “INVISIBLE WAR” - i.e. CONSPIRING to IMPLEMENT it through a COVERT ParaMILITARYMission known as “OPERATION WARP SPEED!”


An invisible war that has been designed to SPECIFICALLY TARGET the Native People LABELED AS: Indians – i.e. NOW known as Niggers, Colored, Negroes, BLACKS and African Americans by the NAZIs/White Supremacists/Ku Klux Klan/Jews/Zionists…!




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The 2020 Football Season is cut short – i.e. alleged to be due to the CORONAVIRUS / Covid-19.




2021 Campbell Having A LOSING (3 – 8) Season

ONLY HBCU On Schedule Being Hampton University



IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Hampton University (an HBCU) was ONCE in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (an HBCU Conference); however, it NOW appears to be in a PREDOMINANTLY White Institution [PWI] Conference (Big South) – i.e. due to such covert Paramilitary Operations devised to shield / hide such SYSTEMIC, RACIST, and DISCRIMINATORY practices – and DEVISED in such a way that Native Nations and their people were NOT supposed to see the hands of the NAZIS / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists crafting such CRIMINAL / TAKEOVER schemes, etc.



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WHY IS THIS INFORMATION CRUCIAL? Through “INTERNATIONAL” Law and the applicable “TRIBUNALS” it is important to provide EVIDENCE of a “PATTERN” of practice, show “SYSTEMIC” Racism / Discrimination and well-established RACKETEERING / MONOPOLY Schemes . . .



Furthermore, “HOW” WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, etc. are being used in the NAZIS’ / Ku Klux Klans’s / White Supremacists’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ quests to TAKEOVER Jackson, Mississippi – The STATE Of Mississippi! Moreover, what has become known as “THE SOUTH” – i.e. The CONFEDERATE States – in the 21st CENTURY!



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2022 Campbell Having A LOSING (5 – 6) Season



NOTE: HOW Campbell University INCREASED HBCU competition to FOUR (4) – North Carolina Central University, Jackson State University, North Carolina A&T University and Delaware State University – in role(s) played in the NAZIS’ / Ku Klux Klan’s / White Supremacists’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ CONSPIRACIES to TAKEOVER / BREAKUP of HBCUs!



WHY? Because the “STAGED” Jackson State University win over Campbell University was done to make it APPEAR that JSU was playing at a “POWER 5” Level [More ELITE White Collegiate Competitor – when NOT] and MISLEADING Public / World / Fans that JSU being MORE Superior over Southwestern Athletic Conference competitors (when they are NOT)! Even JSU’s Coach Deion Sanders acknowledged, “…when we’re ready” the plan [of such CONSPIRACIES] to “start jumping conferences…”



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The NAZIs’, Jews’, and Zionists’ SYSTEMIC Racism / Discriminatory practices leveled against HBCUs to bring about their FAILURES / COLLAPSE / DESTRUCTION, etc. have actually been in the making since their INCEPTIONS!



For instance, in the 1980s, it was reported that there were reports of CONSPIRACIES to shutdown Mississippi Valley State University and using this University’s LANDS / TERRITORIES to build a “PRISON” upon!



From research, there is record EVIDENCE of “HOW” the United States of America’s NAZIs, Jews and Zionists went about establishing what are known as GERMAN Sondergerichtsham Courts as well as draft FRAUDULENT so-called Legislation (i.e. for purposes of covering up the unlawful SEIZURES, TAKEOVERS and / or INFILTRATIONS of HBCUs…) in keeping with their “NEW World Order” SLAVERY Agendas and push for GLOBAL White Supremacy over “ALL” Native Nations, their People and Resources (Lands / Territories and Properties, etc.)!


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A Sondergericht was a German "special court". After taking power in 1933, the Nazis quickly moved to remove internal opposition to the Nazi regime in Germany. The legal system became one of many tools for this aim and the Nazis gradually supplanted the normal justice system with political courts with wide-ranging powers. The function of the special courts was to intimidate the German public, . . .



These protections were swept away in the special courts, since they existed outside the ordinary judicial system. There was no possibility of appeal, and verdicts could be executed at once. The court decided the extent of evidence to consider, and "the defense attorneys couldn't question the proof of the charges". . .



Between 1933 and 1945, 12,000 Germans were executed on the orders of the Sondergericht set up by the Nazi regime


Especially during the first years of their existence they "had a strong deterrent effect" against opposition to the Nazis; the German public was intimidated through "arbitrary psychological terror". . . - - As of 05/04/20:


In 1982, the NAZIS / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists relied upon their drafting of so-called Legislation Laws and / or Sondergericht-Styled Courts for purposes of unlawfully SEIZING and / or TAKING OVER of Historically Black Colleges and Universities – i.e. as that done in the UNLAWFUL seizure and takeover of Utica Junior College through what is alleged to have been authorized a “FEDERAL” Sondergericht Court Order!


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Utica Junior College,
historically black collegewhose history dates to 1903, merged with Hinds Junior Collegein 1982 under Federal court order as part of a class actionracial discriminationlawsuit. - - As of 01/07/2023: 



Research and EVIDENCE yielding the following regarding the Law Firm of Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz:



Serves as legal counsel for the United States of America – i.e. playing key and major roles in so-called Judicial Nominations and / or appointment of Federal Court Judges;



Serves as legal counsel for the State of Mississippi and / or Governors of the State of Mississippi;



Play KEY / MAJOR roles in planning, orchestrating, and carrying out of the September 11, 2001, DOMESTIC Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center Towers . . .;

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Play KEY / MAJOR roles in the drafting of so-called Legislation (as that known as BLACK CODES / Jim Crow Laws) as well as the planning, orchestrating and carrying out of CONSPIRACIES to merge and / or TAKEOVER of Historically Black Colleges and Universities! Moreover, the CONSPIRACIES to draft so-called Legislation / Laws attempting to LEGALIZE Slavery that is PROHIBITED under INTERNATIONAL… Laws governing said matters;



Played KEY / MAJOR roles planning, orchestrating and carrying out of the KIDNAPPINGS of Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica INTERNATIONAL Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome and the ASSASSINATION attempts on her life. Furthermore, the ASSASSINATIONS of her Parents (Matriarch Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome and Joseph Newsome) in Baker Donelson’s and their Nazi / Jewish / Zionist Counterparts’ quests to accomplish the OBJECT of their New World Order AgendasGLOBAL White Supremacy over “ALL” Native Nations and their People / Citizens; and



Much . . . much . . .much MORE!



Thus, in keeping with such conspiracies of the United States of America’s NAZI / Jewish / Zionist Officials to engage in WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, violation(s) of Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), Ethnic Cleansing, violation(s) of Chemical Weapons Convention (1997), as well as other Atrocities / serious violations of international laws through such covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc., the Public / World was NEVER supposed to see accomplishment of “The OBJECT” INTEGRATION and DESTRUCTION of HBCUs - through said conspiracies - - -


To INTEGRATE Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs)



To DESTROY HBCUs and Athletic Conferences (as SWAC [Southwest Athletic Conference] / MEAC [Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference])




As of 02/15/2023:



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There is RECORDED evidence of such SYSTEMIC Racist / Discriminatory practices and HBCUs “MERGERS” with PWIs CONSPIRACIES being aggressively pushed throughout the 1980’s! In FACT, failed efforts to merge Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU / Florida A&M) with Florida State University (a PREDOMINANTLY White Institution):





There is recorded EVIDENCE of Hinds County Community College’s unlawful SEIZURE / TAKEOVER of Utica Junior College; moreover, the KEY / MAJOR role(s) [it appears] that United States Mississippi Congressman Bennie Gordon Thompson (“Bennie Thompson”)is playing in such CONSPIRACIES! For those who may not know, Thompson is a graduate of Hinds County Agricultural High School (“Hinds AHS”) – i.e. located on the Utica Junior College Campus!


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United States Of America’s CONSPIRACY Playbook 101 EXPOSING “HOW” Nazis / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists USE Media DISTRACTIONS And “SONDERGERICHT” Courts…To Shield / Hide WAR Crimes…and THEFT Of Natives’ Schools / Universities …Lands / Territories and PRIVATIZATION Of

Prisons / Detention Centers…



Bennie Thompson (LABLED as “Black”) being an EMPLOYEE of the United States Of America / United (a PRIVATELY held Company) with an ALLEGIANCE / OATH to support the United States’ NAZI / Jewish / Zionist TERRORISTS’ WHITE Supremacy Agendas – i.e. as the INFILTRATION of HBCUs by said TERRORISTS and the DESTRUCTION… of said HBCU Educational Institutions as well as Native Communities and their Cultures, etc.



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IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  Such War Crimes and / or Human Rights Violations . . . through SYSTEMIC Racism and Discriminatory practices have been shielded / hidden through the use of Native-Looking CO-Conspirators (as Bennie Thompson) for purposes of preventing Native Nations / Native People from seeing the SUBTLE / DECEPTIVE practices being used to unlawfully SEIZE / TAKEOVER their Communities, Schools / Colleges / Universities and Cultures and STEAL their Lands / Territories / Properties!






In further support of the United States’ (and its so-called STATE Agency - the State of Mississippi) covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” a man by the name of Deion Luwynn Sanders Sr. (“Deion”) – a BLACK Man - was sent in by the United States’ Nazis / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists to aid and abet in their CONSPIRACIES to INFILTRATE HBCUs and play MAJOR / KEY Role(s) in INTEGRATING Jackson State University into PREDOMINANTLY White Institutions (as Mississippi State University) as well as another Conference (as the Southeastern Conference – i.e. through such unlawful TAKEOVERS)!


Sanders took over the program just two years ago, and he’s changed the face of not only Jackson State football but also the SWAC, HBCU and FCS football. One of the clauses in his contract stated he would get paid a bonus if Jackson State went to a new conference. Sanders said things are getting to where they need to be to make such a move, which is far from what he says he saw when he arrived in late 2020. - - 09/28/2022 Article:


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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: It appears the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica INTERNATIONAL Embassy’s EXPOSURE of such conspiracies resulted in putting “Deion on the run” – i.e. His FAILING to meet the “Terms and Conditions…” set out in his Contract to COLLECT “the bonus” for taking JSU into a new conference! Thus, a reasonable mind may conclude that Deion’s role in said conspiracies being to aid and abet the NAZIS / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists/ Jews / Zionists in the breaking up of the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) / Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Cultures!



As we look at “HOW” it appears that such United States’ covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc., work (as with Deion Luwynn Sanders Sr.), here are a few scenarios (i.e. encouraging those interested in the TRUTH, to go back and watch [if available] the 2022 JSU / SWAC Football games):



The so-called BLOWOUT of Mississippi Valley State (i.e. MVSU scoring in FIRST possession of game):




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Mississippi Valley State wins football game against Alabama A&M University (AAMU):




In the Jackson State University game against Alabama A&M University, note AAMU scores “10” in the FIRST quarter with their STARTING Quarterback (Quincy Casey).




For those who may have went to the game and / or watched the JSU vs AAMU Football Game on television, in the THIRD (3rd) Quarter, JSU Quarterback Shedeur Sanders is SACKED and FUMBLES the football; which is RECOVERED by AAMU! Deion comes out on the field allegedly concerned about his son (Shedeur) –i.e. when actually concerned about “HOW” JSU would now have to MANEUVER and MANIPULATE the outcome of the game in keeping with the United States’ covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc. to provide JSU with a FRIVOLOUS 12-0 Season Record obtained through engagement in CRIMINAL Acts in pursuit of “The OBJECT” of such CONSPIRACIES!



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Many may not know, a FORMER JSU Quarterback (Quincy Casey) NOW At Alabama A&M University - - IS ABRUPTLY Taken Out Of Game (3rd Qtr) WHEN AAMU Was Closing In On SCORING!



One may think that with JSU’s STAR Quarterback (Shedeur Sanders) taken out of the game (AFTER a SACK and FUMBLE with AAMU Recovering), that AAMU’s STARTING Quarterback Quincy Casey would be able to SEAL-A-WIN… Instead, he is TAKEN OUT of the game. JSU NEVER scoring again! Nevertheless, removing Quincy Casey from the game, providing JSU with a win (27 – 13)!





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Let us look at the Southern University Football Game. It is reported that this has become known as a “RIVALRY” Game! Again, ANOTHER game that appeared to have been DELIBERATELY Thrown in the United States’ covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc.!



Remember the NAZIS’ / Ku Klux Klan’s / White Supremacists’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ Hinds Community College Officials and CO-Conspirators’ unlawful INFILTRATION and TAKEOVER of Utica Junior College? One guess “WHERE” Southern University’s Quarterback BeSean McCray went to JUNIOR College at BEFORE being pulled into the United States’ covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc.! If you guess, Hinds Community College, you have guessed correctly!



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Believe a reasonable mind may conclude that Former Hinds Community College Quarterback BeSean McCray (it appears) being used to “THROW” Southern University’s Game against JSU! There was feedback as to “WHY” Southern University’s Coach Eric Dooley kept BeSean in the game and did NOT go with another Quarterback (as Glendon McDaniel…) when it appeared that BeSean was a MAJOR FAILURE!




Clearly, it appeared that BeSean and Coach Dooley were in on the United States’ covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc. being used in the CONSPIRACIES to takeover Jackson State University as well as the City of Jackson, Mississippi!



To PROVE what appear to be the “Playbook Scams” being carried out, “NUGGET” (subliminal) information was released in Social Media Forum(s) – i.e. as Twitter – to that effect! Such methods; wherein, Opponents may be informed of “HOW” it appears Deion Sanders and / or Jackson State University Football Players engaged in unlawful practices for purposes of deceiving the Public / World in “BELIEVING” they were “DOMINANT” (when they were NOT) over their Competitors / Opponents!



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AGAIN, REITERATING That “ONLY” SWAC Opponents (as Florida A&M University / FAMU)

Seemed To Be The “ONLY Ones” Allegedly Being “BLOWN OUT” and / or “DOMINATED”

Through Such Covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc.!



IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Adding JSU Opponents for instance to “HIDDEN” listing(s) such as “@UIE_List for purposes of them receiving a copy of Tweet(s) being sent without Deion and / or JSU being aware of “ALL” Recipients of the Tweet(s)! Then using the remainder of the 2022 Season conducting Research for Investigative. . . purposes and preparation for providing this instant “PRESS RELEASE” of “HOW” such USA covert “Operation PRIME Time PLAYBOOK Scams . . .,” etc. – it appears - are being carried out by the USA’s NAZIS / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists to INFILTRATE Native Cultures, their Communities and their Educational Institutions, etc. for purposes of unlawfully SEIZING and TAKING OVER their Lands / Territories and Resources by engaging in WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, violation(s) of Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), Ethnic Cleansing, violation(s) of Chemical Weapons Convention (1997) and other Atrocities, etc.!


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Thus, requiring the Utica International Embassy’s engagement in such covert “NUGGET Operations” (i.e. due to observations and for investigative. . . purposes) resulting in Deion’s “DOMINATIONScript becoming shaky and his “COUNTENANCE” changing upon realizing that his roles in criminal CONSPIRACIES are being exposed! Observing Deion’s and his CO-Conspirators’ engagement in “REPETITIVE” psychological warfare (i.e. the over-and-over drilling of “BELIEVE” and / or “DOMINATE” scripts) implemented for “BRAINWASHING” and “INTIMIDATION,” etc. purposes!





While Deion “PIMP DADDY” Sanders was busy “CLOSING THE DEAL” and Pimping Out his services (and those of his Children…) to the DEVIL’s NAZIS / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists…, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials focused on EXPOSING and SHUTTING DOWN such evil / wicked… conspiracies, etc.!



Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
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