Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6











EUROPEAN REMOVAL ACT From The United States of America: The Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy is relying on the “PAPER TRAIL” Evidence to support NAZI Germany’s and European ALLIES CONSPIRACIES in using GERMAN Scientists / Doctors in Extermination, Genocide and / or ETHNIC Cleansing schemes against BLACK Indians / Native Nations in their QUESTS to STEAL Lands / Territories and Resources!


Using The WHITE Man’s RELIGIONS (Christianity / Catholicism / White Supremacy / Judaism / Zionism), LAWS and LABELS (Indians, Niggers, Negroes, Colored, BLACKS and / or AFRICAN American) to FREE the BLACK Indians / Native Nations within what is presently known as the United States of America and abroad!




As of 09/09/2023, the following is cut and paste from:

The images / pictures, comments, etc. have been added for emphasis! Only this page may be translated. Webpages provided through the links; may not be available for translations.


NMT Case 1

U.S.A. v. Karl Brandt et al.: The Doctors' Trial



The Medical Case, U.S.A. vs. Karl Brandt, et al. (also known as the Doctors' Trial), was prosecuted in 1946-47 against twenty-three doctors and administrators accused of organizing and participating in war crimes and crimes against humanity in the form of medical experiments and medical procedures inflicted on prisoners and civilians.


The MEDICAL / POLITICAL PRISONER / WAR CRIMES / CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY Case: Chickasaw Tribal Nation vs. United States of America / State of Mississippi (also known as the N.A.Z.I. [Nazis and Zionists International] Trials, are the being sought in the 21st Century against USA Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators that are being accused of PLANNING, ORGANIZING and PARTICIPATING / CARRYING OUT War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities in the form of unlawful MEDICAL Experiments, unlawful HUMAN Experiments and unlawful MEDICAL procedures, etc. inflicted on Civilian HOSTAGES, POLITICAL Prisoners / SOVEREIGN Nation Officials / Citizens and PRISONERS . . .



There is recorded evidence of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials / Supporters CHALLENGING the United States of America’s RACKETEERING Privately Held Company” Scams / Schemes – i.e. as their “STATE OF MISSISSIPPI – UNIFORM TRAFFIC TICKET issued through unlawful ROADBLOCKS . . . (set up on Interstates / Highways, etc.) that are PROHIBITED under INTERNATIONAL Laws as well as the so-called Laws (as the Ku Klux Klan Act – wherein KLAN Members are DISGUISING themselves as LAW Enforcement . . .) / Statutes / Codes / Rules / Regulations . . . – i.e. that adversely TARGET BLACK Indians / Native People . . .! RECORDED Evidence supporting “TIMELY” response(s) [through the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Utica International Embassy] that “ALL” went UNCONTESTED!




in the March 25, 2019, KIDNAPPING of Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome (“PM Newsome”) and her being held HOSTAGE at the Hinds County Detention Center (being TRANSPORTED over the HIGHWAY from Utica, Mississippi TO Raymond, Mississippi and THEN to the City of Jackson, Mississippi). PM Newsome REPEATEDLY advising KLAN Members of their UNLAWFUL practices and advising OBJECTION to her being KIDNAPPED and “HELD HOSTAGE!”




Moreover, advising
Hinds County Detention Facility Officials, they are in VIOLATION of their Policies / Procedures that “PROHIBIT” use of the Hinds County Detention Center for the holding of HOSTAGES! To NO avail! Resulting in RETALIATORY acts by Hinds County Detention Officials; wherein, TWO Black Ku Klux Klan Members were advised to HOLD DOWN Prime Minister Newsome while she is INJECTED (against her will) with an UNKNOWN substance! Resulting in Prime Minister Newsome to request “IN WRITING” for Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy records – of what Officials allege she had been INJECTED with! Resulting in PM Newsome following up with issuance of a “CEASE and DESIST” (submitted through Hinds County Detention Center electronic KIOSK) and demand for immediate “RELEASE!” To NO avail!


PM Newsome being advised that she WILL BE held HOSTAGE for approximately 51 DAYS (which would be until about May 16, 2019) for UNPAID TICKETS – i.e. moreover, as a direct and proximate result of PM Newsome REFUSING to pay the EXTORTION demands! There is RECORDED evidence to support the State Of Mississippi (a PRIVATELY held COMPANY) having so-called LEGISLATION prohibiting HOSTAGE TAKING for alleged NONPAYMENT / UNPAID fine(s) / TICKETS!




The United States of America’s Officials / State of Mississippi’s Officials bringing in what they call a “BLACK” Attorney (Trent Walker) for purposes of IMPERSONATING a Judge – i.e. in keeping with the USA’s BLACK Codes / Jim Crow Laws practices – for purposes of carrying out the NEXT phase of the CONSPIRACIES to have PM Newsome ASSASSINATED! Going as far as using their NAZI Germany SONDERGERICHT-Styled Courts to DEPRIVE PM Newsome JUSTICE as well as the USA’s NAZI / WHITE Supremacist / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionist . . . Officials’, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson’s and CO-Conspirators’ efforts to have her ASSASSINATED with KNOWLEDGE of INTERNATIONAL options being pursued by the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials!




A Baker Donelson Slave/BOULE/Secret Society Member was USED To AID and ABET In The 03/25/2019 Kidnapping and Assassination Attempts On The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome FOR “CONTESTED” Alleged Tickets - Ordered The UNLAWFUL Assassination Of Newsome To Be Carried Out At The Mississippi State Hospital:


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: In May 2019 [AFTER TIME held for UNPAID Tickets], The USA’s / State of Mississippi’s Officials with their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and CO-Conspirators CONSPIRED with Trent Walker to IMPERSONATE a Judge in a FRAUDULENT “Competency Hearing!” Two Court-Appointed Psychiatrists assigned the matter advised Walker that nothing could be found; NEVERTHELESS, contrary to findings of Psychiatrists, Walker created a FRAUDULENT Order which was used to have Prime Minister Newsome committed with KNOWLEDGE of the CONSPIRACIES to have her ASSASSINATED!


Using “BLACK” Attorney Trent Walker in FRAUDULENT Competency Hearing to “FURTHER” the Hostage Situation and have Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome unlawfully TRANSFERRED (over the Highway / Interstate) to the “Mississippi State Hospital” (in Whitfield, Mississippi) for purposes of subjecting her to further “HUMAN Experiments,” unlawful INJECTIONS, TORTURE and other Crimes Against Humanity practices, etc. in the USA’s Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson’s and CO-Conspirators’ QUESTS to have PM Newsome ASSASSINATED!




HOW FAR WILL THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S NAZIS/Jews/Zionists Go To Accomplish “THE OBJECT” Of Their CONSPIRACIES - - Their SLAVERY Of Native Nations and Their People/Citizens? In March 2019, USA Officials with their President Donald John Trump, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and CO-Conspirators had the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s/Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome KIDNAPPED!


     Failure to have her MURDERED while being held HOSTAGE at the Hinds County Detention Facilities in JACKSON, Mississippi led to a MORE COVERT USA Paramilitary Operation wherein, TRENT WALKER was brought in to OVERSEE Operations to have her UNLAWFULLY committed to the MISSISSIPPI STATE HOSPITAL – i.e. for purposes of ASSASSINATION!


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: May 2019, Prior to Prime Minister Newsome leaving the Courtroom in SHACKLES/CHAINED, she advised the State of Mississippi’s KEY Witness (Joe Lee Newsome), “To get a lawyer!” Following up with a look at Trent Walker who was IMPERSONATING as a Judge/Magistrate…!

     The EXPRESSION and SMIRK on Trent Walker’s face said enough – i.e. He won’t need one because what we have for you, you won’t be coming out!



A reasonable mind may conclude that the USA’s NAZI / WHITE Supremacist / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionist . . . Officials – with their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson – having KNOWLEDGE of the APRIL 4, 2019, Communications from the International Criminal Court’s Mark P. Dillon (Head of the Information and Evidence Unit – Office of the Prosecutor) to the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Utica International Embassy advising of considing raising matters before the “appropriate INTERNATIONAL authorities.” Moreover, the USA having KNOWLEDGE of the April 4, 2019, Communications from the International Criminal Court and that it being CRITICAL / CRUCIAL that Chickasaw Tribal Nation and / or Utica International Embassy Officials NEVER receive – i.e. with the planned ASSASSINATIONS of the CTN / UIE Officials – so that the Public / World would have NEVER known of the SUCCESSES of said Tribal Nation and being advised of the INTERNATIONAL Tribunal(s) available to them to bring the United States of America’s Officials . . ., Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Lawyers and / or CO-Conspirators to JUSTICE! NOTE the “Thursday, 04 April 2019” date – i.e. Communications submitted during the time (March 25, 2019 TO July 12, 2019) PM Newsome was being held HOSTAGE at the Hinds County Detention Center in the City of Jackson, Mississippi!





IMPORTANT TO NOTE: There is RECORDED evidence to support that on or about July 12, 2019, Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome was able to obtain her FREEDOM from KIDNAPPERS (United States of America’s / State of Mississippi’s Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators)!


WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT: Believe INVESTIGATION(S) will yield NEXUS / CONNECTION between the USA Officials’ and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson’s and CO-Conspirators’ KIDNAPPING of PM Newsome and ASSASSINATION attempts on her life CAN be made with conspiracies to RESURRECT the “Osama Bin Laden” LIES – i.e. through his alleged Son (Hamza bin Laden)! USA Officials “counting their chicks before they hatched” – i.e. INVESTING / BANKING on the ASSASSINATION (in which USA Officials / Baker Donelson . . . FAILED) of PM Newsome!





From RESEARCH, China and Saudi Arabia clearly are ALLIES with NAZI Germany and EUROPEAN Allies in "BACK STABBING" Native Nations in the BACK!  China and Saudi Arabia making it APPEAR that they are friends with surrounding Native Nations; however, they are NOT and are HEAVILY invested in the ELIMINATION of "BLACK Indian" / NATIVE Nations in that they may have been PROMISED a "Seat At The European Table!"  Saudi Arabia and China being MAJOR "Invisible" CO-Conspirators in the WAR Crimes / Crimes Against Humanity . . . being carried out in the United States of America, Middle Asia (also known as the Middle East), South America as well as on the Continent of Africa / Afrika!


Had USA Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators been successful with PM Newsome’s Assassination, there were hopes of RESURRECTING the LIES about Osama Bin Laden in the LAUNCHING of USA NAZI Paramilitary Operations in Middle Asia (i.e. specifically targeting IRAN . . .) by using the “Hamza Bin Laden” Script! However, the success of said script was contingent upon the ASSASSINATION / DEATH / MURDER of PM Newsome – i.e. which FAILED! Thus, resulting in the scrapping of the KILLING / MURDER of Hamza Bin Laden Script!


NOTE: There are reports that Osama Bin Laden having ROOTS in “SAUDI ARABIA” – i.e. Saudia Arabia Nationals being implicated in the September 11, 2001, DOMESTIC Terrorists Attacks carried out by the United States of America’s Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz P.C. and CO-Conspirators, etc.!


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: On March 25, 2019, the United States of America’s Officials (as President Donald John Trump . . .), State of Mississippi Officials (as Governor Dewey Phillip Bryant . . .) with their Legal Counsel Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz P.C. (as Scott Pedigo / Lance Leggitt . . .) and CONSPIRED with CO-Conspirators (Town of Utica, Mississippi Officials / Hinds County, Mississippi Officials / City of Jackson, Mississippi Officials, Joe Lee Newsome, Cloteal Jolquita Newsome Turner, Harvellia Lupene Newsome Thomas, Geneva Rene Newsome Mosley (now Roach), Maureen Arlene Newsome Williams (now DECEASE), Selina Ann Newsome, Edward Earl Newsome, and others) to have the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome KIDNAPPED with malicious intent to have her ASSASSINATED!



APRIL 2011


in approximately ONE week, after United States of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s Administration contacted Vogel Denise Newsome regarding her January 2011, Email requesting INVESTIGATION(S) into the Administration of United States Barack Obama and Legal Counsel Baker Donelson brought about SHUTTING DOWN the killing / murder of "OSAMA BIN LADEN" LIE!

 NOTE:  If full calendar does not show, try reducing through "ZOOM" feature for webpage.



















FAMU Letter


















Vogel Denise Newsome’s Mailing of Response To March 17, 2011 Supreme Court of the United States' Letter:


Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s Office calls regarding 01/30/11 request for INVESTIGATION OF UNITED STATES PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA

January 30, 2011 Email:

President Barack Obama request Certificate of Live Birth:

The Public/World is supposed to believe that President Barack Obama does NOT have a copy of his Birth Certificate in his records that he could have SIMPLY provided a PHOTOCOPY of. How did he get the PASSPORT(s) he obtained over the years to travel overseas PRIOR to 2008 Presidential Campaign? All he had to do was provide a PHOTOCOPY of the one in his PERSONAL files (i.e. kept at home) but he didn’t.






Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour announces he will NOT run for U.S. President in 2012 – Barbour was the TOP Republican Hopeful for President of the United States of America


Barbour’s Legal Counsel is Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz

Governor Haley Barbour’s Chairman of the Mississippi Athletic Commission (Jon Lewis) was involved in the 02/14/06 KIDNAPPING and other crimes leveled against Vogel Denise Newsome:



Allege Breakout of Taliban Prisoners in Afghanistan

State of Hawaii – Department of Health’s RESPONSE to President Barack Obama’s request for Certificate of Live Birth

At Page 4:




President Barack Obama releases FAKE/FORGED Certificate of Live Birth

Alleged Nordyke Twins Certificate of Live Birth – born at the SAME hospital about the SAME time of Obama’s alleged birth there:


Baker Donelson provides Legal Counsel to the United States CITIZENSHIP and IMMIGRATION Services within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security



Nazi / Zionist controlled Mainstream Media set up press conference for Donald Trump to come out and take credit for work being done by Vogel Denise Newsome




Evening of the alleged KILLING/MURDER of Osama Bin Laden on May 1, 2011


One of Baker Donelson’s attorneys (Raymond Mabus) serves as the Secretary of the Navy (i.e. also the FORMER Governor of the State of Mississippi):


Baker Donelson’s information regarding Mabus.

Mississippi RANKING as #1 as the MOST Corrupt State in the United States of America:



POWER MOVES that resulted in Barack Obama’s RELEASE of a FORGED / FAKE Certificate of Live Birth AND the

United States “KILLING” / “ENDING” the Osama Bin Laden LIES!



Initially publishing the April 2011 Calendar of Events on or about November 9, 2012:




Karl Brandt, the lead defendant, was the senior medical official of the German government during World War II; other defendants included senior doctors and administrators in the armed forces and SS. They were indicted on four counts: 1. conspiracy to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity; 2. war crimes (i.e., crimes against persons protected by the laws of war, such as prisoners of war); 3. crimes against humanity (including persons not protected by the laws of war); and 4. membership in a criminal organization (the SS).






IMPORTANT TO NOTE: There is recorded information supporting that the United States of America is “a PRIVATELY held COMPANY” – i.e. FRAUD and NOT a Sovereign Nation! Running “MEMBERSHIP” / “CITIZENSHIP” Scams for more “ILLEGAL” Immigrants / Migrants (as themselves) as NAZI Germany and its EUROPEAN Allies seek to completely EXTERMINATE / GENOCIDE / ETHNIC Cleanse the “BLACK Indians” / Natives for purposes of STEALING their Lands / Territories and Resources!








Upon EXPOSURE, USA Officials . . . moved swiftly to have information removed for purposes of keeping the Public / World from knowing such crucial / critical information! However, to the USA’s Officials’, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson’s and CO-Conspirators’ DISAPPOINTMENT, said evidence was “PRESERVED” out of concerns of USA Officials and CO-CONSPIRATORS engaging in CRIMINAL acts to DESTROY such EVIDENCE!


As with NAZI Germany’s Schutzstaffel (SS) Paramilitary, it appears that NAZI Germany and European Allies have gone about creating one of the LARGEST Racketeering CRIMINAL Empires in the World – The United States of America!



Sending their CRIMINALS (NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists . . .) to build up a FRAUDULENT Nation for purposes of serving as a “BEER HALL PUTSCH;”



in keeping with NAZI Germany’s and European Allies’ “NEW ORDER” Agendas for GLOBAL White Supremacy!



        New Order (Nazism)          

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The New Order (German: Neuordnung), or the New Order of Europe (German: Neuordnung Europas), was the political order which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion. The establishment of the New Order had already begun long before the start of World War II, but was publicly proclaimed by Adolf Hitler in 1941:


The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of

a great European New Order.


Among other things, it entailed the creation of a pan-German racial state structured according to Nazi ideology to ensure the supremacy of an Aryan-Nordic master race, massive territorial expansion into Central and Eastern Europe through its colonization with German settlers, the physical annihilation of . . . others considered to be "unworthy of life" and the extermination, expulsion or enslavement of most of the . . . peoples and others regarded as "racially inferior".[2] Nazi Germany's desire for aggressive territorial expansionism was one of the most important causes of World War II.


Historians are still divided as to its ultimate goals, some believing that it was to be limited to Nazi German domination of Europe, while others maintain that it was a springboard for eventual world conquest and the establishment of a world government under German control. - -As of 02/13/19 this is an excerpt of an Article that may be found at the following LINK



The specific crimes charged included more than twelve series of medical experiments concerning the effects of and treatments for high altitude conditions, freezing, malaria, poison gas, sulfanilamide, bone, muscle, and nerve regeneration, bone transplantation, saltwater consumption, epidemic jaundice, sterilization, typhus, poisons, and incendiary bombs.


MP4 Version:


These experiments were conducted on concentration camp inmates. Other crimes involved the killing of Jews for anatomical research, the killing of tubercular Poles, and the euthanasia of sick and disabled civilians in Germany and occupied territories. The defendants were charged with ordering, supervising, or coordinating criminal activities, as well as participating in them directly. The fourth count concerned membership in the SS (Schutzstaffel) of the Nazi regime.





Karl Brandt and six other defendants were convicted, sentenced to death, and executed; nine defendants were convicted and sentenced to terms in prison; and seven defendants were acquitted.

The material presented in this project includes case file documents (the briefs and document books created and used in the course of the trial), evidence file documents (the evidentiary documents from which the prosecution, and occasionally the defendants, derived their exhibits), and the trial transcript.

The trial documents and evidence file documents related to Case 1 amount to approximately 2800 documents and 13,000 pages of material.




(25 Oct. 1946)

Four counts:

1 Conspiracy to commit war crimes against humanity: The ordering, planning, and organization of the war crimes and crimes against humanity charged in counts two and three. Charged against all of the defendants. The tribunal decided not to convict on this charge.



2 War crimes: Charged against all defendants. 15 guilty, 8 acquitted.




3 Crimes against humanity: Charged against all defendants. 15 guilty, 8 acquitted.





Unlike war crimes, crimes against humanity can be committed during peace or war... They are not isolated or sporadic events but are part either of a government policy (although the perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy) or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority.


War crimesmurdermassacresdehumanizationgenocideethnic cleansing,deportationsunethical human experimentationextrajudicial punishments including summary executions, use of weapons of mass destructionstate terrorism or state sponsoring of terrorism,death squadskidnappings and forced disappearances,use of child soldiersunjust imprisonment,enslavement,torturerapepolitical repressionracial discrimination,religious persecution and other human rights abuses may reach the threshold of crimes against humanity if they are part of a widespread or systematic practice. -- As of 07/25/2022:


4 Membership in a criminal organization:  Membership in the SS. Charged against K. Brandt, Genzken, Gebhardt, R. Brandt, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Sievers, Brack, Hoven, and Fischer. All found guilty.

Experiments and other "medical" crimes itemized in counts 2 and 3:



1 High-altitude experiments. March - August 1942. Conducted for the German air force to investigate the effect of high-altitude flying; experiments were conducted at the Dachau camp using a low-pressure chamber. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Romberg, Ruff, Schroeder, Sievers, and Weltz. Charges against K. Brandt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, and Poppendick were withdrawn. R. Brandt and Sievers were convicted.





2 Freezing experiments. August 1942 - May 1943. Conducted primarily for the German air force to investigate treatments for persons who had been severely chilled, using prisoners at the Dachau camp. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Schroeder, Sievers, and Weltz. Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, Gebhardt, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, and Weltz were acquitted; R. Brandt, Handloser, Schroeder, and Sievers were convicted.



3 Malaria experiments. February 1942 - April 1945. Conducted to test immunization for and treatment of malaria; experiments were conducted on more than 1000 prisoners at Dachau. Charged against Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rostock, and Sievers. (Evidence was also presented against Rose, but no judgment was reached.) No judgment was made concerning Mrugowsky. Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Poppendick, and Rostock were acquitted; Sievers was convicted.





4 Mustard (“lost”) gas experiments. September 1939 - April 1945. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to investigate treatment of injuries caused by Lost (mustard) gas; experiments were conducted at Sachsenhausen, Natzweiler, and other camps. Charged against Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Rostock, and Sievers. Blome, Gebhardt, Handloser, and Rostock were acquitted; K. Brandt, R. Brandt, and Sievers were convicted.



This is the way TERRORISTS dress WHEN carrying out BIOCHEMICAL Operations / Weapons of MASS Destruction Attacks!


5 Sulfanilamide experiments. July 1942 - September 1943. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to test the effectiveness of sulfanilamide and other drugs as treatments for infected wounds; experiments were conducted at Ravensbrueck. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Fischer, Gebhardt, Genzken, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Oberheuser, Poppendick, Rostock, and Schroeder. Charges against Becker-Freyseng, Blome, and Schroeder were withdrawn. No judgment was reached concerning R. Brandt. Genzken, Poppendick, and Rostock were acquitted; K. Brandt, Fischer, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, and Oberheuser were convicted.




6 Bone, muscle, and nerve regeneration, and bone transplant experiments. September 1942 - December 1943. Conducted for benefit of German armed forces, using Polish inmates at the Ravensbrueck camp. Charged against K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Fischer, Gebhardt, Handloser, Oberheuser, and Rostock. Charge against R. Brandt withdrawn. K. Brandt, Handloser, and Rostock were acquitted; Fischer, Gebhardt, and Oberheuser were convicted.




7 Seawater experiments. July - September 1944. Conducted for the German air force and navy to test methods of making seawater drinkable; experiments were conducted at Dachau. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, Beiglboeck, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rostock, Schaefer, Schroeder, and Sievers. The charge against Mrugowsky was withdrawn. K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Handloser, Poppendick, Rostock, and Schaefer were acquitted; Becker-Freyseng, Beiglboeck, Gebhardt, Schroeder, and Sievers were convicted.



8 Epidemic jaundice experiments. June 1943 - January 1945. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to investigate causes of and inoculations against epidemic jaundice; experiments were conducted on Polish prisoners at Sachsenhausen and Natzweiler camps. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rose, Rostock, Schroeder, and Sievers. Charges against Becker-Freyseng, Rose, and Sievers were withdrawn. R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rostock, and Schroeder were acquitted; K. Brandt was convicted.



9 Typhus ("spotted fever") and other vaccine experiments. December 1941 - February 1945. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to test the effectiveness of vaccines against typhus, smallpox, cholera, and other diseases; experiments were conducted at Buchenwald and Natzweiler. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Genzken, Handloser, Hoven, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rose, Rostock, Schroeder, and Sievers. Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, Gebhardt, Poppendick, and Rostock were acquitted; R. Brandt, Genzken, Handloser, Hoven, Mrugowsky, Rose, Schroeder, and Sievers were convicted.



10 Poison experiments. December 1943 and September - October 1944. Conducted to investigate the effect of various poisons, including poison in food and poisoned bullets; experiments were conducted at Buchenwald (food) and Sachsenhausen (bullets). Charged against Gebhardt, Genzken, Mrugowsky, and Poppendick. Gebhardt, Genzken, and Poppendick were acquitted; Mrugowsky was convicted.


ROBERT KOCH Africa Archives1



11 Incendiary bomb experiments. November 1943 - January 1944. Conducted to test pharmaceutical treatments for phosphorus burns; experiments were conducted at Buchenwald, involving the infliction of burns by materials from incendiary bombs. Charged against Gebhardt, Genzken, Mrugowsky, and Poppendick. All were acquitted.




12 Sterilization experiments. March 1941 - January 1945. Conducted to develop methods of rapid, large scale sterilization in order to ensure the eventual elimination of "enemy" populations while keeping captive workers as a labor force during the war. Experiments were planned and/or conducted at Auschwitz, Ravensbrueck, and elsewhere employing drugs, x-rays, and surgery. Charged against Brack, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Mrugowsky, Oberheuser, Pokorny, and Poppendick. The charges against Mrugowsky and Oberheuser were withdrawn. K. Brandt, Pokorny, and Poppendick were acquitted; Brack, R. Brandt, and Gebhardt were convicted.





13 Skeleton collection. June 1943 - September 1944. Conducted to complete a skeleton collection for an anatomical research project at the Reich University of Strasbourg; one hundred twelve Jews at Auschwitz were killed for the purpose. Charged against R. Brandt and Sievers; both were convicted.





14 Tubercular Polish nationals. May 1942 - January 1944. Polish nationals alleged to have incurable tuberculosis were imprisoned or killed on the pretext of protecting the health of Germans in Poland. Charged against Blome and R. Brandt; both were acquitted.





15 Euthanasia. September 1939 - April 1945. Involved the secret killing of the aged, insane, incurably ill, deformed children, and others, beginning at asylums in Germany and later in the camps and occupied territories. Charged against Blome, Brack, K. Brandt, and Hoven. Blome was acquitted; Brack, K. Brandt, and Hoven were convicted.


JULY 2019



SCIENTISTS – Scientists Represented By

USA’s Legal Counsel

Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz P.C.







Other charges:



16 Phenol (gas oedema) experiments. 1942 - 1944. Conducted to investigate whether levels of phenol in gas oedema serum caused fatalities among wounded soldiers; experiments were conducted on prisoners at Buchenwald. Charged against Handloser, Hoven, and Mrugowsky. Handloser was acquitted; Hoven and Mrugowsky were convicted.



17 Phlegmon experiments. 1942. Conducted to test treatments for sepsis and related diseases, in coordination with sulfanilamide experiments at Ravensbrueck; experiments were conducted at Dachau and Auschwitz. Charged against Fischer, Oberheuser, and Poppendick; all were acquitted.



18 Polygal experiments. 1943 - 1944. Conducted to test the effectiveness of polygal, a blood coagulant, for the treatment of wounds. Charged against Blome, Handloser, Poppendick, and Sievers. Blome, Handloser, and Poppendick were acquitted; Sievers was convicted.




19 Planning, organization, and administration(of 1-15 above)


20 Conspiracy:Count 1.




21 Membership: Count 4.



List of 1-15 taken from Indictment in Trials of War Criminals; 16-18 charged during trial although not specified in indictment.








Chronology of the Medical Case

25 Oct 1946

Indictment filed

5 Nov 1946

Indictment served

21 Nov 1946


5 Dec 1946

Defense motion for continuance (Transcript begins)

9 Dec 1946

Defense pleas; court procedures

9 Dec 1946

Prosecution opening statement

10 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Documents, defendants, and organizations

10 Dec 1946

Prosecution: High altitude experiments

11 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Freezing experiments

13 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Malaria experiments

16 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Seawater experiments

16 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Sterilization experiments

18 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Jewish skeletons collection

19 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Jaundice experiments

19 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Tubercular Poles program

19 Dec 1946

Prosecution: Sulfanilamide and bone/muscle experiments

2 Jan 1947

Prosecution: Polygal and phlegmon experiments

2 Jan 1947

Prosecution: Lost (mustard) gas experiments

3 Jan 1947

Prosecution: Typhus and other vaccine experiments

10 Jan 1947

Prosecution: Biological warfare experiments

10 Jan 1947

Prosecution: Euthanasia program

28 Jan 1947

Prosecution: Criminal organization

29 Jan 1947

Defense opening statements

3 Feb 1947

Defense: Karl Brandt

11 Feb 1947

Defense: Siegfried Handloser

20 Feb 1947

Defense: Paul Rostock

25 Feb 1947

Defense: Oskar Schroeder

28 Feb 1947

Defense: Karl Genzken

4 Mar 1947

Defense: Karl Gebhardt

10 Mar 1947

Defense: Fritz Fischer

12 Mar 1947

Defense: Kurt Blome

21 Mar 1947

Defense: Rudolf Brandt

26 Mar 1947

Defense: Joachim Mrugowsky

3 Apr 1947

Defense: Herta Oberheuser

8 Apr 1947

Defense: Helmut Poppendick

9 Apr 1947

Defense: Wolfram Sievers

16 Apr 1947

Defense: Gerhard Rose

25 Apr 1947

Defense: Siegfried Ruff

1 May 1947

Defense: Hans Romberg

6 May 1947

Defense: Georg Weltz

8 May 1947

Defense: Viktor Brack

19 May 1947

Defense: Hermann Becker-Freyseng

2 June 1947

Defense: Konrad Schaefer

6 June 1947

Defense: Wilhelm Beiglboeck

21 June 1947

Defense: Waldemar Hoven

25 June 1947

Defense: Adolf Pokorny

26 June 1947

Defense: additional documents

28 June 1947

Prosecution: rebuttal evidence

30 June 1947

Defense: additional documents

1 July 1947

Prosecution: rebuttal evidence

2 July 1947

Defense: additional documents

3 July 1947

Prosecution: rebuttal evidence

14 July 1947

Tribunal ruling on Count One of indictment

14 July 1947

Prosecution closing statement

14 July 1947

Defense closing statements

19 July 1947

Defendants’ personal statements

19 Aug 1947

Tribunal judgment

20 Aug 1947

Sentences (transcript ends)

22 Nov 1947

Appeals denied by Military Governor of U.S. Zone (Lucius Clay)

16 Feb 1948

Appeals denied by U.S. Supreme Court (333 U.S. Reports 836)

2 June 1948

Execution of seven defendants sentenced to death

NOTE:  Just as there is a list naming Defendants in the USA vs. Karl Brandt, et al. matter, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation . . . has a list of Defendants involved in the United States of America's and its State of Mississippi's . . . WAR Crimes / Crimes Against Humanity . . . against their Tribal Nation and People!



The USA and State Of Mississippi WAR That DESTROYED MAGA Agenda



091704 Petition To USDOJ Vogel Denise Newsome vs ENTERGY KOCH Ku Klux Klan BAKER DONELSON1


Persons Involved in the Medical Case



(With counts charged and verdicts.)

Becker-Freyseng, Hermann (Medical Inspectorate, Luftwaffe; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, 20 year prison term)

Beiglboeck, Wilhelm (Dr., Luftwaffe Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, 15 year prison tem)

Blome, Kurt (Dr., Office for Public Health; Reich Research Council; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)

Brack, Viktor (Oberdienstleiter, Chancellery; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)

Brandt, Karl (Dr., Commissioner for Public Health; Waffen-SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)

Brandt, Rudolf (SS Obersturmbannfuehrer, Himmler’s personal staff; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)

Fischer, Fritz (Dr., assistant to Karl Gebhardt; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, life in prison)

Gebhardt, Karl (Prof. Dr.; officer in SS and Waffen-SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)

Genzken, Karl (Dr. surgeon-general, Waffen SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, life in prison)

Handloser, Siegfried (Prof. Dr., Chief of Armed Forces Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, life in prison)

Hoven, Waldemar (Dr., physician at Buchenwald; Waffen SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)

Mrugowsky, Joachim (Dr., Chief of Hygiene Institute, Waffen SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)

Oberheuser, Herta (Dr., assistant to Karl Gebhardt; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, 20 year prison term)

Pokorny, Adolf (Dr.; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)

Poppendick, Helmut (Dr., Race and Settlement Office; SS officer; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, 10 year prison term)

Romberg, Hans (Dr., Institute for Aviation Medicine at DVL; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)

Rose, Gerhard (Prof. Dr., Robert Koch Institute; Luftwaffe Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, life in prison)

Rostock, Paul (Prof., Office for Medical Science and Research; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)

Ruff, Siegfried (Dr., Institute for Aviation Medicine at DVL; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)

Schaefer, Konrad (Dr., Schering AG; Institute for Aviation Medicine; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)

Schroeder, Oskar (Dr., Luftwaffe Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, life in prison)

Sievers, Wolfram Wolfram (Ahnenerbe Society; Reich Research Council; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)

Weltz, Georg (Dr., Institute for Aviation Medicine; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)


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