Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

PDF Version Of 03/30/2023 Holy See Press Office Release -

Chickasaw Tribal Nation Edition



Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. - - Jeremiah 10 (King James Version)


17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE

As of 04/04/2023, cut and pasted from 03/30/2023 Vatican’s Release entitled, “Joint Statement of the Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development on the ‘Doctrine of Discovery

IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  Pictures and / or images have been added for emphasis.

N. 230330b

Thursday 30.03.2023

Joint Statement of the Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development on the “Doctrine of Discovery”

1. In fidelity to the mandate received from Christ, the Catholic Church strives to promote universal fraternity and respect for the dignity of every human being.

2. For this reason, in the course of history the Popes have condemned acts of violence, oppression, social injustice and slavery, including those committed against indigenous peoples. There have also been numerous examples of bishops, priests, women and men religious and lay faithful who gave their lives in defense of the dignity of those peoples.


Maduro says U.S. plotting to invade Venezuela, country not afraid of combat - - - Venezuelas Guaido defends U.S. sanctions against Maduro

Lest we forget

– i.e. WHEN the United States of America’s NAZI / White Supremacist / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionist PARAMILITARY Sought To UNLAWFULLY Invade Venezuela!

REMEMBER: God [NOT China nor Russia…] being merciful and sparing Venezuela’s People from USA TERRORIST Invasions

For those who may not be aware, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials were exposing USA INTERNATIONAL Law Violations. . .when USA President Donald John Trump, with Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and their CO-Conspirators had Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome KIDNAPPED on March 25, 2019, and proceeded to seek ways to have her ASSASSINATED.

          It was also IRAN. . .(NOT China nor Russia) that also stepped in to assist Venezuela!  Iran (ISLAMIC) assisting Venezuela (CATHOLIC)!


3. At the same time, respect for the facts of history demands an acknowledgement of the human weakness and failings of Christ’s disciples in every generation. Many Christians have committed evil acts against indigenous peoples for which recent Popes have asked forgiveness on numerous occasions.




4. In our own day, a renewed dialogue with indigenous peoples, especially with those who profess the Catholic Faith, has helped the Church to understand better their values and cultures. With their help, the Church has acquired a greater awareness of their sufferings, past and present, due to the expropriation of their lands, which they consider a sacred gift from God and their ancestors, as well as the policies of forced assimilation, promoted by the governmental authorities of the time, intended to eliminate their indigenous cultures. As Pope Francis has emphasized, their sufferings constitute a powerful summons to abandon the colonizing mentality and to walk with them side by side, in mutual respect and dialogue, recognizing the rights and cultural values of all individuals and peoples. In this regard, the Church is committed to accompany indigenous peoples and to foster efforts aimed at promoting reconciliation and healing.





Principle IV: The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does NOT relieve him from responsibility under INTERNATIONAL law, provided a moral choice was in FACT possible to him!”

This principle could be paraphrased as follows:  “It is NOT an acceptable excuse / defense to say, ‘I was just following my Superior’s orders’



5. It is in this context of listening to indigenous peoples that the Church has heard the importance of addressing the concept referred to as the “doctrine of discovery.” The legal concept of “discovery” was debated by colonial powers from the sixteenth century onward and found particular expression in the nineteenth century jurisprudence of courts in several countries, according to which the discovery of lands by settlers granted an exclusive right to extinguish, either by purchase or conquest, the title to or possession of those lands by indigenous peoples. Certain scholars have argued that the basis of the aforementioned “doctrine” is to be found in several papal documents, such as the Bulls Dum Diversas (1452), Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493).




17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

18 For they that are such serve . . . their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. - - Romans 16 (King James Version)



6. The “doctrine of discovery” is not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church. Historical research clearly demonstrates that the papal documents in question, written in a specific historical period and linked to political questions, have never been considered expressions of the Catholic faith. At the same time, the Church acknowledges that these papal bulls did not adequately reflect the equal dignity and rights of indigenous peoples. The Church is also aware that the contents of these documents were manipulated for political purposes by competing colonial powers in order to justify immoral acts against indigenous peoples that were carried out, at times, without opposition from ecclesiastical authorities. It is only just to recognize these errors, acknowledge the terrible effects of the assimilation policies and the pain experienced by indigenous peoples, and ask for pardon. Furthermore, Pope Francis has urged: “Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that one culture is superior to others, or that it is legitimate to employ ways of coercing others.”


The World is watching the collapse of the “NEW” World Order!

International Military Tribunal. . .INVESTIGATIONS will expose the United States of America’s and its Allies “PAPER” Genocide scams / schemes to convert:

“BLACK” Indians – TO – Blacks – TO – Slaves

-  i.e. CENTURIES of conspiracies launched to deceive the Public / World to think and / or believe that the Natives ALREADY populating, inhabiting and occupying, etc. Lands / Territories alleged to have been DISCOVERED by the White Man’s Christopher Columbus and other European Explorers were the RAPED-Out versions and / or $5.00 Indians planted. . .

The allege U.S. President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was nothing but an EXECUTIVE ORDER! Those who are familiar with the USA’s POLITICAL Circus, a U.S. President can undo another U.S. President’s EXECUTIVE ORDER (as Donald John Trump did with some of Barack Obama’s - - as Joseph Biden did with some of Trump’s Executive Orders, etc.)! For those who were SLEEPING and ENTERTAINING. . .the U.S. President Donald John Trump DRAMA - - - i.e. unaware of Trump’s “STACKING” of the USA’s NAZI Sondergericht - Styled Courts in PREPARATION of undoing the Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation [i.e. thinking that the NAZIS, Jews and Zionists had been successful in STRIPPING “BLACK” Indians / Natives of their NATIONALITY and false claims of them being from Africa (rather than the DESCENDANTS of Natives ALREADY populating, inhabiting and occupying, etc. Lands / Territories within what is presently known as the United States of America PRIOR to the European Explorers alleged DISCOVERY)] - - - The Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials preserved their own PAPER Trails and preservation of evidence, etc. in support of the applicable SPECIAL Court(s) / International Military Trials for War Crimes. . .against the United States of America’s Officials. . .Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and CO-Conspirators, etc.




2012 Vice President Debate:

Paul Ryan - . . .And with respect to that quote, I think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don’t come out of your mouth the right way.

Joseph Biden But I always say what I mean . . .

Joseph Biden He’s going to ONCE again let the BIG BANKS write their OWN Rules. . .UNCHAIN Wall Street. Their gonna put ya’ll BACK IN CHAINS!





7. In no uncertain terms, the Church’s magisterium upholds the respect due to every human being. The Catholic Church therefore repudiates those concepts that fail to recognize the inherent human rights of indigenous peoples, including what has become known as the legal and political “doctrine of discovery”.








8. Numerous and repeated statements by the Church and the Popes uphold the rights of indigenous peoples. For example, in the 1537 Bull Sublimis Deus, Pope Paul III wrote, “We define and declare [ ... ] that [, .. ] the said Indians and all other people who may later be discovered by Christians, are by no means to be deprived of their liberty or the possession of their property, even though they be outside the Christian faith; and that they may and should, freely and legitimately, enjoy their liberty and possession of their property; nor should they be in any way enslaved; should the contrary happen, it shall be null and have no effect”.




PAPER-Trail Evidence

[Mississippi House Bill 1020…]



CONSPIRACY: U.S. v. Jimenez Recio, 123 S.Ct. 819 (2003) - Essence of a conspiracy is an agreement to commit an unlawful act.


Agreement to commit an unlawful act, which constitutes the essence of a conspiracy, is a distinct evil that may exist and be punished whether or not the substantive crime ensues. Id.


Conspiracy poses a threat to the public over and above the threat of the commission of the relevant substantive crime, both because the combination in crime makes more likely the commission of other crimes and because it decreases the probability that the individuals involved will depart from their path of criminality. Id.






From Mississippi

NOW Abroad

(To Israel…)




9. More recently, the Church’s solidarity with indigenous peoples has given rise to the Holy See’s strong support for the principles contained in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The implementation of those principles would improve the living conditions and help protect the rights of indigenous peoples as well as facilitate their development in a way that respects their identity, language and culture.



Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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