Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6


Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome’s NOTES / COMMENTS On:



021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 00



At 2:25 - -

Addresses allegations [that Malcolm X BOMBED his own home] made by a man name Joseph - - Malcolm X shares that Joseph is a man he found in a GARBAGE CAN in Detroit



Since Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam, MANY others have since left - - Since leaving the Nation Of Islam, their INTELLIGENCE and MORALS have gone BANKRUPT




At 3:00 - -

Using SAME TACTICS as that used by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

WHEN the KKK bombs your church – GASLIGHT and say, “you did it!”


Nation of Islam ADOPTING the practices of the Ku Klux Klan

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At 4:23 - -

1st CONGRESS of the Council Of African Organizations in London




At 5:05 - -


Malcolm X received an Invitation to visit event in Paris, France and speak on the “state” or “lack of development of the progress of BLACKS in the United States Of America regarding HUMAN RIGHTS”



French Officials – OBSTRUCTING Malcolm X access to the meeting to provide the CLOSING Address - - Man advised having ORDERS coming from the United States Embassy - - WHEN Malcolm X requested to contact the United States Embassy, he was DENIED



ORGANIZATION of Afro American Unity



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At 8:21 - -


FRANCE – Black Visit – Serious COLOR problem developing from MIGRATION from French Indies


ENGLAND MIGRATION Fears – COLOR problem developing: MIGRATION from British West Indies


No one in FRANCE nor ENGLAND of dark skin descent has ever tried to UNITE


So can see WHY the FEARS

NO efforts have been made to UNITE Afro Community or American Negro Community with the West Indian Community


Then those two (2) Communities with the AFRICAN Community and those Communities with the ASIAN Community - - This has NEVER been done in either ENGLAND or FRANCE


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At 10:47 - -


EXPOSURE Of Elijah Muhammad

Nation of Islam is a FRAUDULENT Organization being used to HARM own

Bombed Malcolm X’s House but NOT the Ku Klux Klan




At 11:35 - -


Malcolm X acknowledges having “BLIND Faith” in Elijah Muhammad

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At 14:10- -

CONTROL / MANIPULATION: NO Public Statement – NOR Move WITHOUT Permission From Elijah Muhammad




At 15:15- -

Malcolm X mention the “casing” of their house

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At 16:55 - -


Malcolm X shares that while he was in Los Angeles, California of being chased on the Hollywood Freeway and NOTHING reported in the Papers about it - i.e. although KNOWN



At 18:25 - -



Ability to move and do what is NOT expected




At 19:05 - -


SHIFTED attacks from Nation of Islam to ROCKWELL and Ku Klux Klan

Sent FAX to Rockwell if anything happened to BLACK People in Alabama, he would be given MAXIMUM Retaliation

Federal Government aware; however, NOT the Public






At 20:10 - -


Went to Alabama to see what was going on



021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 08 

Martin Luther King, Jr. was in jail

Was not there to interfere with King’s Program

Spoke at Tuskegee – Students asked Malcolm X to go to Selma with them




At 21:14 - -


Ku Klux Klan attended meeting in Alabama

Cops / Police are the Ku Klux Klan




At 21:32 - -


Reminded of Lydon B. Johnson

Said IF elected, would pull sheets off of the Ku Klux Klan




At 22:03 - -


Malcolm X while in Selma, Alabama while in the face of Ku Klux Klan Members DEMANDED “Organization of Afro American Unity”




At 22:48 - -


Demanded the CRIMINALIZATION of the Ku Klux Klan

IF FAILURE to pull the sheets off by the United States President Lydon B. Johnson, the BLACK People WILL pull them off


ONLY way the Ku Klux Klan is STOPPED, WHEN Blacks ORGANIZE and do it themselves


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At 24:00 - -


Calls Elijah Muhammad IMMORAL

Nine (9) TEENAGE Women SEDUCED and then claims of practice being MORAL


IMPREGNATED Teens and then had them CHARGED with ADULTERY

Elijah Muhammad HIDING his criminal activities - - LESS Than A MAN


Elijah Muhammad wanting Malcolm X’ DEATH because he knew as soon as Malcolm X “WOKE UP” he would tell the PUBLIC / WORLD the TRUTH


Mentions Nine (9) Teenagers – i.e. that DID NOT include the TWO (2) SUING Elijah Muhammad


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The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) being in on the COVERUP

Chicago Law Enforcement Knows

Press / Media Knows

However, WILL NOT expose Elijah Muhammad




At 25:27 - -


USA CREATED Nation of Islam in such a way to ATTRACT the:

MOST Militant



YOUNGEST of the BLACK People who did NOT mind DYING / making a SACRIFICE

- - ALL they were interested in: FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY and would do anything to ACCOMPLISH this


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For approximately 12 Years, these MINDSETS (Ultra Militants) were held “IN CHECK” in an “ORGANIZATION” (not a NATION) but merely a BUSINESS / COMPANY / ORGANIZATION that does NOT take an “ACTIVE” part in anything and, therefore, CANNOT be a THREAT!




At 26:27 - -


NOTING: WAY the BOMB was thrown in Malcolm X’ house, WHY did the Nation Of Islam NOT do this to the Ku Klux Klan - - i.e. ONLY Brave Against BLACK People and CONDONE the MISSIONS of the Ku Klux Klan


IF there was “ACTION,” it appears this was ONLY because of the ACTIVISM of Malcolm X





At 26:39 - -


In 12/1960 Meeting with the Ku Klux Klan in Minister’s (Jeremiah Pugh) home in Georgia

Sitting at a table


Trying to NEGOTIATE with Elijah Muhammad to make available to him a LARGE AREA of land in Georgia or South Carolina

DECEPTIVE PURPOSES: Having very responsible people in the Government attending the meeting that were willing to go along with it schemes

Make it available to Elijah Muhammad so that his “PROGRAM Of SEPARATION” would “SOUND” more feasible to NEGRO and LESSEN the pressure INTEGRATIONIST were putting on the WHITE Man


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Malcolm X acknowledges being part
of NEGOTIATIONS and going back to report to Elijah Muhammad

“CODE” name Jeremiah used for the Klan Leader being 666 – i.e. referred as “OLD 6”

Ku Klux Klan reporting to Jeremiah of what was being done

Malcolm X acknowledges
those present at meeting:

Jeremiah and his Wife

Himself (Malcolm X)

Ku Klux Klan Members

From thereon,
NEVER interfered with work of Black Muslim MOVEMENT in the South


Jeremiah attended Ku Klux Klan meeting - - Most likely sitting on the FRONT Row - - Federal Government NEVER bothered him






At 29:25 - -


Elijah Muhammad and George Lincoln ROCKWELL Deal!


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Elijah Muhammad RELATIONSHIP With George Lincoln Rockwell (Ku Klux Klan)



Rockwell / NAZIS attend Nation of Islam Rally because Elijah Muhammad APPROVED!


CONSPIRACY across USA to SUPPRESS News that would “OPEN THE EYES” of Muslims to the USA / Elijah Muhammad SCAMS - - i.e. To make it appear as though he (Muhammad) was getting his messages from God / Allah (when NOT) and being UNTOUCHABLE, etc.

Knowing IF the EYES of Muslim Brothers were to become “OPEN,” there would be CHANGE

Played into the ROLE(S) of the SUPPRESSION of BLACKS!


VIOLENCE of Muslims COAST-To-COAST – i.e. NOTING: Amongst BLACKS; however, NONE against the Ku Klux Klan - - PART of “ORGANIZED” Criminal Activities



Muslims are capable, qualified and equipped to address attacks . . .

They know “HOW” to do it; however, will ONLY do it to another Brother





Come to ALABAMA and ORGANIZE the BLACK People and PULL THE SHEETS OFF of the Klan ourselves. We CAN do it!


FEDERAL Government WILL NOT do it


ONLY way the Klan is going to be STOPPED - - THROUGH Blacks ORGANIZING and STOPPING it themselves - - That WILL STOP it

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At 30:00 - -

Incident happened in Monroe, Louisiana [State vs. Cade] (Troy Bland Cade) - - Elijah Muhammad brought in Ku Klux Klan Lawyer (James R. Venable) to represent Black Muslim Movement / Cade

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At 31:01 - -

Until 1960 - - BEFORE Elijah Muhammad Going to the EAST

MUSLIM Movement


Made whole struggle of BLACK Man pick up MOMENTUM because of

The Unity




021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 017 

ALL of these “IMAGES” created by the Muslim Movement giving weight to the struggle of the Black Man AGAINST OPPRESSION



At 31:23 - -

12/1959 – 1960 - - Elijah Muhammad Took Trip Abroad

AFTER this trip, Elijah Muhammad’s DIRECTION for the Nation of Islam CHANGED

Began in the direction of Merchantry

Interests in Money / Wealth

Noticed MORE interested in GIRLS


At 31:57 - -

FINANCIAL support comes from a RICH Man in Texas - - With Headquarters in Dallas

His money is in Dallas

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) knows

United States President John F. Kennedy (JFK) ASSASSINATED in Dallas

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Appears United States President John F. Kennedy LURED to Dallas, Texas for purpose of ASSASSINATION – i.e. Earlier that year [June 26, 1963], JFK traveled to BERLIN (Germany – NAZI Headquarters) and made a Speech there and a few months later, JFK is ASSASSINATED [November 22, 1963]!

021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 018 

Reports allege that JFK publicly announced finding out about CONSPIRACIES of ENSLAVEMENT and his intent to EXPOSURE of such WAR Crimes / CRIMES Against Humanity PRIOR to leaving his position as President of the United States of America. However, approximately SEVEN (7) days AFTER making allege statement, he was ASSASSINATED!


Elijah Muhammad More AFRAID AFTER JFK Assassination

Almost cracked up behind it


At 33:09 - -

WHY the USA need the APPEARANCE of the Nation of Islam:




BLACK People in it


anything happened to Elijah Muhammad USA FEAR of those BLACK Militants would immediately become involved in the Civil Rights struggles - - Bringing ENERGY and MOMENTUM from the Muslim Movement


At 34:16 - -

In on CONSPIRACIES with Zionist Press News sources to CONTROL information and paint “FALSE” POWER CONTROL narrative to keep Followers’ EYES “CLOSED” to the TRUTH

021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 019 

Make it APPEAR Elijah Muhammad getting his messages from God

Want to keep Elijah Muhammad at the HEAD for DECEPTION purposes to HINDER progress and merely ENTERTAIN


At 35:04 - -

Notes the VIOLENCE of the Nation of Islam Members from COAST-To-COAST but NO such violence against the Ku Klux Klan

Nation of Islam IS:




KNOW “HOW” to do it

However, WILL
ONLY do it AGAINST another BLACK – i.e. in keeping with CONSPIRACIES with USA Officials / FBI . . .


At 35:49 - -


USA - - Living at a time with a REVOLUTION is going on - - WORLDwide Revolution

Going BEYOND:     




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WORLDwide Revolution – In TWO (2) Phases:

FIRST - - What is it REVOLTING Against?

The POWER Structure

NOT the American Power Structure

NOT the French Power Structure

NOT the English Power Structure


AGAINST an “INTERNATIONAL” Western Power Structure

Consisting of American INTERESTS

Consisting of EUROPEAN Interests

021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 0020 


The COUNTRIES with COLONIZATION Interests in the DARK-SKINNED Nations have ORGANIZED into a GIANT International Combine



021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 0021 

    New Order (Nazism)          

The New Order (German: Neuordnung), or the New Order of Europe (German: Neuordnung Europas), was the political order which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion. The establishment of the New Order had already begun long before the start of World War II, but was publicly proclaimed by Adolf Hitler in 1941:


The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order.[1]

Among other things, it entailed the creation of a pan-German racial state structured according to Nazi ideology to ensure the supremacy of an Aryan-Nordic master race, massive territorial expansion into Central and Eastern Europe through its colonization with German settlers, the physical annihilation of . . . others considered to be "unworthy of life" and the extermination, expulsion or enslavement of most of the . . . peoples and others regarded as "racially inferior".[2] Nazi Germany's desire for aggressive territorial expansionism was one of the most important causes of World War II.

are still divided as to its ultimate goals, some believing that it was to be limited to Nazi German domination of Europe, while others maintain that it was a springboard for eventual world conquest and the establishment of a world government under German control.

- - As of 02/13/19 this is an excerpt of an Article that may be found at the following LINK: - Pursuant 17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE

that has RULED the World up until NOW. In recent times, REVOLUTIONS are taking place that are NIPPING away at the CORE Foundation of this INTERNATIONAL WESTERN Power Structure.




At 38:27 - -

AFRICAN / AFRIKAN Nations becoming INDEPENDENT providing a “POSITIVE” IMAGE versus that provided by the WHITE Man

IMAGE of a Man and NOT a BOY

Bringing PRIDE to appreciate the COLOR of your SKIN

Spreading into the BLACKS in the United States of America and ABROAD

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So WHEN Revolution began on the Continent of Africa / Afrika:

Got the attention of the WHITE Man in the USA of WHAT is coming

FEAR of the BLACK eyes “OPENING” and “WAKING UP”


At 39:13 - -

PRIOR to the REVOLUTIONS, the WHITE Man had implemented “DIVISION” schemes throughout DARK-Skinned Nations:

Lack of PRIDE

Lack of RACIAL Identity

Lack of CULTURAL Roots


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AFRICAN / AFRIKAN Nations receiving their INDEPENDENCE “CHANGED” image:



At 39:56 - -

EASIER to UNITE Black People; wherein, BEFORE, they did NOT want to come TOGETHER - - Wanting to ONLY TRUST the White Man for SOLUTIONS

NOW Blacks are beginning to UNITE and come TOGETHER - - Just needed someone to “START The Ball Rolling”


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As The African / Afrikan Continent LEADS The Way:

AFRO American Community in FRANCE “UNITING” with the AFRIKAN Community

France then sees NEW problem with this AWAKENING

WEST INDIAN Community in England begins to UNITE and then UNITE with the Afrikan Community in England and reach out and get the ASIAN Community - - This is TROUBLE for the Europeans


At 41:23 - -



At 41:39 - -

WHEN Marcus Garvey did it, he was FRAMED and put in JAIL

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At 42:35 - -

WHEN Malcolm X Finds Out That The Nation Of Islam Is A FRAUD:

purpose is to AUTHENTICATE his Faith / Belief was to go to MECCA and update of the problems Muslims are facing in America

Organization Of Afro American Unity

UNIFIED with Muslims in Asia / Afrika and all over the Earth

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ONCE successful with UNIFICATION process, places BLACKS in America in the MAJORITY and not a MINORITY where they are REPEATEDLY being subjected to abuses - - WAR Crimes / Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities

Providing them
with INTERNATIONAL Recourses to reach out to Sisters / Brothers abroad for assistance with getting the “DEVIL Off Of Their BACKS”

At 44:15 - -

HOW The United States Of America Used NAZIS / Ku Klux Klan . . . To CONSPIRE With Nation Of Islam:

Malcolm X
house bombed by the BLACK Muslim Movement upon the ORDER of Elijah Muhammad

Hate the FACT that the White Man’s scheme of pitting BLACKS-Against-BLACKS is at play and being EXPOSED

At 45:17 - -

Elijah Muhammad does NOT love BLACK People

Establishing a PATTERN across the Country – The man has gone insane

CANNOT be 70 years old, then SURROUND yourself with CHILDREN / GIRLS at the age of 16, 17, 18 and keep your right mind

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BLACK Muslim Movement in the hands of a SENILE person surrounded by his children who want NOTHING but LUXURY . . . Will do ANYTHING to safeguard SELF Interests


At 46:50 - -

Malcolm X acknowledges feeling responsible for having played a MAJOR Role in the success of the Nation of Islam ORGANIZATION that appeared to be SPIRITUAL; however, succumbed to CRIMINALIZATION - -

WHEN Spiritual Power was in Movement, it gave MORAL strength


At 47:36 - -

Once the FAITH of the People was DESTROYED, the Nation Of Islam was converted to an “ORGANIZED Criminal Movement” - - - Subjecting followers to be MANIPULATED and engage in the:




of other People


At 48:55 - -

Rather than continue to entertain the DISTRACTIONS / ATTACKS from the Nation Of Islam, Malcolm X focused his attention on the ORGANIZING of the People and interests in CONSTRUCTIVE positive building and NOT allowing RELIGION to divide in Missions to bring about the BETTERMENT of the Communities “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY”

CONTROL and CLEAN UP Our OWN Communities

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At 54:13- -

CONSPIRACIES Involving Elijah Muhammad / Nation of Islam and George Lincoln Rockwell /Ku Klux Klan


At 54:36 - -

1960 Ku Klux Klan working on DEAL with Nation of Islam

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At 55:47 - -

CONSPIRACIES against Malcolm X because he “KNOWS TOO MUCH” and “SPEAKS His Mind”


At 57:28 - -

Malcolm X needs to be ASSASSINATED and his “TONGUE” sent back to Chicago, Illinois

The Assassin (Joseph) selected was DEMOTED for NOT carrying out ORDER


At 58:06 - -

NOTHING is being done. Waiting for something to happen BEFORE stepping in


At 59:33 - -

NO one can CLEAN UP our home but the BLACK People

NO one to CONTROL our Communities but the BLACK People

At 1:01.10 - -

NOT ALLOW City Officials To INFLUENCE Progress

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At 1:01.48 - -


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At 1:01.35 - -

HIGHER Ranked Officials In The Nation Of Islam “LIVING OFF THE FATTED CALF”

Nation Of Islam Is A FRAUD


At 1:03.00 - -

Could Have UNITED With MUSLIM World By Teaching TRUTH Right Religion Of Islam; However, STAYED With NAZI / Zionist CREATION Version

Elijah Muhammad CAN NEVER go into the Muslim World CLAIMING he is the PROPHET or that ALLAH came over to the USA in the FLESH. If he did that, his HEAD would be CUT OFF. Information known to Elijah Muhammad


At 1:07.00 - -

Nation Of Islam FULLY INFILTRATED by the PoliceReason For Law Enforcement KNOWING EVERYTHING Going On In BLACK Communities – i.e. Serving As EYES and EARS For White Man / Ku Klux Klan

NOTHING was formed within the Nation Of Islam WITHOUT an AGENT involved

Nation Of Islam FULL of Agents / Informants - - NOTHING goes down WITHOUT knowledge


EX Official Tells WHY The Black Muslims Are A FRAUD

021565 MalcolmX EMPOWERMENT Speech 0032 

EXPOSINGLet The Chips Fall Where They May


At 1:10.30 - -

Nation Of Islam Has The SAME “PAY MASTER” Of The Ku Klux Klan That BOMBED Church In Birmingham

At 1:11.00 - -

PLANS To UNVAIL Programs To Be IMPLEMENTED To Benefit The BLACK People


As long as OUTSIDERS are running HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS and EVERYTHING else, they WILL run BLACKS out of EXISTANCE

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ADDRESSES BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME - - Orchestrated By The Ku Klux Klan


CHILD Tells Of Abuse Rendered WHILE In Police Custody

Government TOO CORRUPT TOO BUSY In The Affairs Of FOREIGN Nations


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BLACK People Are Just Waiting On GUIDANCE – They Are:

TOO Easy

TOO Forgiving

TOO Loving

TOO Forgetful

TOO Compromising

TOO Peaceful

Malcolm X SPEAKING On Islam and DENOUNCING Elijah Muhammad and Nation Of Islam As A FRAUD

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NOTE:  Screen may appear white.  Select "PLAY" button to view video.




Do NOT Need The BLACK Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan Is THREAT To Black People


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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)
