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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

The Merging Of VISIONS

Separation NOT Integration - - Lawfully SHUTTING DOWN The NAZIS’ / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan’s / Jews’ / Zionists’ INTEGRATION Racketeering Schemes / War Crimes / Crimes Against Humanity


BLACK Indians’ / Native Nations’ Lands, Territories and Properties . . .


1963 Berkley Interview


Malcolm X Addresses WHY Separation and NOT Integration

ZIONISTS / ZIONISMHOW The White Supremacists Took Their TERRORISM To Middle Asia and CREATED Israel (Using United States Of America As A BLUEPRINT)


NEGROES / BLACKS Are NOT Citizens Under The United States Constitution

Addresses BOARD OF EDUCATION Schemes 

USA’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Jews / Zionists SELECT Black Leaders They Want To Profile

BUILDING “BLACK NATION” Within Lands PRESENTLY Known As The United States Of America



As of 05/19/2023, Cut and Pasted From:


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17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE



The UNFINISHED Work Of Malcolm X


February 19, 2015 at 6:37 p.m. EST

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El-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (also known as Malcolm X)

After a life filled with transformation, Malcolm X found himself in February 1965 in the throes of yet another.

He had been a fringe figure, known mostly to a small circle of black Muslims and big-city sophisticates, but now he was branching out — seeking allies at home and abroad to help him become a part of the Southern civil rights movement. He had plans to take the cause to the United Nations, charging the U.S. government with failure to protect its black citizens from racist white terrorism.

He was fashioning himself as an internationalist. A political player.

It was a transformation thwarted. History ended up casting Malcolm X as radical foil to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., the nonviolent martyr. He was boiled down to his aphorisms: “By any means necessary.” “The ballot or the bullet.”

But 50 years after he was gunned down by an assassin in Harlem’s Audubon Ballroom, Malcolm X is getting another look. His issues — particularly those that occupied the last year of his life — and his tactics speak to the current conversation.

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On June 28, 1964 Malcolm X spoke at the founding rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity in New York. He called for freedom, justice, and equality “by any means necessary.”

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The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X smile for photographers in Washington on March 26, 1964.


So now scholars are holding forums on Malcolm’s legacy. His associates are drawing attention to the work he left unfinished. The Oscar-nominated film “Selma” features a cameo from Malcolm, dramatizing his efforts to reach out.

“He was on a committed campaign to internationalize the movement,” recalled Peter Bailey, who worked for the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), the political group that Malcolm founded less than a year before his death. Malcolm changed the conversation about the civil rights movement — and the way activists think of themselves — in ways that resonate today

“We called ourselves a human rights organization, not a civil rights organization,” Bailey added, “because human rights is an international term.”


Putting differences aside

Today’s civil rights movement has struggled with public rifts — younger protesters chafing against older activists over tactics. You can imagine Malcolm shaking his head and sighing.

Once the rebel, toward the end of his life he was seeking allies.

He had differences with King and other black leaders, but he wanted those differences to remain “in the closet,” Malcolm said in 1964. “When we come out in front, let us not have anything to argue about until we get finished arguing with the man.”

It was a dramatic shift. Malcolm had more than once implied that nonviolence was cowardly. He suggested that the peaceful Southern protesters should meet the violence of white lawmen with self-defense. But he respected the grass-roots sentiment there — and over time, his respect for King increased.

They’ve been compared so often, but the men met only once, a grip-and-grin for cameras as they passed in a Capitol Hill hallway in March 1964 after observing a filibuster over the proposed Civil Rights Act.

"Malcolm was pushed out awkwardly by an associate from behind a pillar," said Garrett Felber, a researcher who worked with the scholar Manning Marable on his Pulitzer Prize-winning Malcolm X biography. "Standing in front of King, whom he had described as an 'Uncle Tom,' Malcolm shook hands with King before the press."

In later years, their commonalities were clear.

Malcolm “wanted to be an inspirational force offering a different perspective than King,” said Clayborne Carson, a Stanford University historian who was selected by Coretta Scott King to edit her husband’s papers. “Both of them were internationalists. Both agreed that the African American struggle had to join ties with the struggle against colonialism and that they both saw the civil rights struggle as the struggle for human rights.”

Malcolm saw reason for them to work together. He wrote letters to King. He began to invite members of the Student-Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to Harlem to speak to his followers. Fannie Lou Hamer, the Mississippi voting rights activist, came, too.

Three weeks before he was killed, students at the Tuskegee Institute invited him to speak there, and he went to Selma, Ala., a couple of days later.

“It was an overture,” said Peniel Joseph, professor of history at Tufts University and the author of “Waiting ’Til the Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power.” “He gave a speech and he told the press that Dr. King is right. He was presenting himself as an alternative and trying to help the movement.”

Local authorities wouldn’t allow Malcolm to meet with King, who was in jail, but Malcolm did have a conversation that afternoon with Coretta Scott King.

She was nervous, not knowing what to expect.

"He leaned over and said to me, 'Mrs. King, I want you to tell your husband that I had planned to visit him in jail here in Selma but I won't be able to do it now. . . . I didn't come to Selma to make his job more difficult, but I thought that if the white people understood what the alternative was that they would be more inclined to listen to your husband,' " she recalled in the "Eyes on the Prize" documentary series.

She thanked him, she said — and later wondered how much he could have achieved had he lived. 

Police brutality? Malcolm would have been on point amid the protests in Ferguson, Mo., and Staten Island. "Whenever something happens, 20 police cars swarm on one neighborhood," Malcolm told an interviewer during his crusade against anti-crime bills. "This force . . . creates a spirit of resentment in every Negro. They think they are living in a police state and they become hostile toward the policeman."

Voting rights? Once again in the spotlight, as activists challenge photo ID laws that they say hinder minority voters, and definitely a preoccupation for Malcolm. “When white people are evenly divided, and black people have a bloc of votes of their own, it is left up to them to determine who’s going to sit in the White House and who’s going to be in the doghouse,” he said in 1964.

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In 1959, journalist Mike Wallace hosted a series called "The Hate That Hate Produced," featuring a young Nation of Islam minister named Malcolm X. Here are two powerful clips.




By late February 1965, Malcolm was back in Harlem. He was planning for the future and thought he could do that by building up his organization.

“He was an organizer,” Bailey said. “He believed in structure.”

Malcolm was under threat after leaving the Nation of Islam and being surveilled by law enforcement, but he was determined to keep working, his nephew Rodnell Collins said.

“He did not want his children to see their father not fighting for a cause,” said Collins, who was 20 when his uncle was killed. He believed in “dying with your boots on, fighting for a cause.”

In a meeting with followers, Malcolm put to a vote whether he should speak at an upcoming event, recalled Lez Edmond, a friend who urged him to stay in the background for a while.

“The other side prevailed,” said Edmond, an associate professor at St. John’s University. “He put his arm around me and said, ‘Brother, you seem to be very upset.’ I said, ‘I am.’ But I didn’t see any fear in his eyes.”




On Feb. 21, Bailey was among the four or five people backstage to talk with Malcolm before he took the stage of the Audubon Ballroom.

“He told us he was going down to Jackson, Mississippi, to speak,” Bailey recalled. “Then he was going to spend six months building up OAAU.”

As Malcolm took the stage, someone in the audience called out, “Get your hand out of my pocket!” Before Malcolm’s bodyguards could calm the crowd, a man charged forward and shot him in the chest with a sawed-off shotgun. Two other men ran to the stage firing handguns. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m. at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. . . .

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Malcolm X addresses a crowd of about 1,000 at an outdoor rally in upper Manhattan on Aug. 10, 1963.


Many are not aware of Malcolm X having a vision for a “NATION” within what is presently known as United States of America / United States (as CTN seeks to LAWFULLY change) – i.e. Lands / Territories that have been LABELED as STATES known as: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina.

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In November 2017, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Officials (through its Utica International Embassy) reached out to the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) Officials to advise of the War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities being carried out against the Native Nations and their People who have been LABELED as “BLACK Indians” and “PAPER Genocide” to LABELS as: Colored, Niggers, Negroes, BLACKS and / or AFRICAN Americans!

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On or about March 25, 2019, the United States of America’s / United States’ Officials – i.e. with their President Donald John Trump, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and their CO-Conspirators, etc. CONSPIRED to have the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome KIDNAPPED and attempts were made to have her ASSASSINATED!Creation (for preservation purposes) of NOTIFICATIONS using Social Media Forum(s) to expose "HOW" the USA's NAZIS / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists were going about carrying out said CONSPIRACIES - i.e. Bringing in BLACK Ku Klux Klan AGENTS!

Prime Minister Newsome being held HOSTAGE

FROM March 25, 2019July 12, 2019!

032519 TWEET USA Government Agents Cloteal Turner

032519 TWEET USA Government Agents Joe Annette Harvellia


On or about April 4, 2019, the International Criminal Court’s Mark P. Dillon (Head of the Information & Evidence Unit – Office Of The Prosecutor) advised Utica International Embassy Officials that, “. . .if you wish to pursue this matter further, you may consider raising it with appropriate . . . INTERNATIONAL Authorities.”

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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Information has been preserved / retained to support that the United States of America / United States is NOT a Country; however, is merely “a PRIVATELY held Company!”

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials, etc. can LAWFULLY challenge “STATE” status claims of the United States of America / United States before the “appropriate INTERNATIONAL Authorities and / or through the appropriate International MILITARY Tribunal(s), etc.!

PRESERVING EVIDENCE that the USA NOT being a Country / STATE; however, it and its so-called STATES (as Mississippi, etc.) merely being “PRIVATELY held Companies!”

EVIDENCE that the United States of America’s Officials, etc. have had removed in hopes of OBSTRUCTING / DESTROYING said evidence!


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Quotes By Malcolm X:

     "We declare our right on this earth. . .to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary."

     "Our objective is complete freedom, justice and equality by any means necessary."

     "The day that the black man takes an uncompromising step and realizes that he's within his rights, when his own freedom is being jeopardized, to use any means necessary to bring about his freedom or put a halt to that injustice, I don't think he'll be by himself."

     "If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country."

     "Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change."

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QUESTION: What's one of the BIGGEST "CORPORATIONS" in America? Don't say Microsoft.

ANSWER: The FEDERAL Government.


Completing MalcolmX Unfinished Work 08


There is recorded evidence (a PAPER Trail) that the United States of America’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists used BLACK Codes / Jim Crow Laws / DRED Scott Decision . . . “SLAVERY” Schemes on the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome during their KIDNAPPINGS and ASSASSINATION attempts on her LIFE!


For those who may not be familiar with the Supreme Court of the United States Decision in Dred Scott vs. Sanford, the Court found that the United States CONSTITUTION is NOT applicable to those of “AFRICAN” Descent! Moreover, that NEGROES [alleging to be of AFRICAN Descent] are NOT Citizens of the United States of America!

Completing MalcolmX Unfinished Work 09

Therefore, Criminal CONSPIRACIES –

i.e. involving Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities involving “SLAVERY” Schemes, etc. for purposes of STRIPPING those LABELED as “BLACK Indians” of their NATIONALITY (as Cherokee / Chickasaw / Choctaw / Creek / Seminole . . .)

were launched through what has become known as “PAPER Genocide;” wherein, the United States of America’s NAZIS / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists continue to CONSPIRE in FRAUDULENT / FRIVOLOUS “PAPER” Schemesdisguised as so-called LEGISLATION - to reduce those labeled as “BLACK Indians” TO NEGROES . . . for purposes of reducing them to SLAVES and proceeding to STEAL their Lands / Territories and Properties, etc.!

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WHERE IT ALL WENT WRONG? The United States Of America’s / United States’ Officials. . .with their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and CO-Conspirators were TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADEQUATELY notified of documentation provided alleging “CITIZENSHIP” Status given to Vogel Denise Newsome:


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Furthermore, providing EVIDENCE of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials, Supporters and other Native People, etc. REJECTING such RACKETEERING / SLAVERY Schemes and DENOUNCING same through the applicable documentation, etc.!


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WHY IS THE UTICA INTERNATIONAL EMBASSY IDENTIFICATION CARD IMPORTANT? It supports EVIDENCE of the INFORMATION provided to the United States of America’s STATE OF MISSISSIPPI / Town Of Utica, Mississippi Officials . . . during an UNLAWFUL Ku Klux Klan TRAFFIC STOP that was RECORDED! 

There is record evidence to support in 2015, Town of Utica Official(s) being advised of CRIMINAL Acts / Crimes Against Humanity, etc. being carried out by the United States of America's WHITE Supremacists, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz with the assistance of Town of Utica Officials, etc. AGAINST the Native People – i.e. Town of Utica, Mississippi Officials being TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADEQUATELY notified that FAILURE TO ACT to correct the wrongs / injustices reported, “WILL” result in INTERNATIONAL Intervention!

October 27, 2015 Agenda For Meeting With Utica Mayor Kenneth Broome . . .




­­­­­Through Television Interview with "REAL NEWS," - then Community Activist Vogel Denise Newsome - advising of consequences should attacks be launched against her and / or Native Nations!



2016 Florida AM University SPORTS HALL OF FAME Interview

During the 2016 Florida A&M University Sports Hall Of Fame Interview, then Community Activist Vogel Denise Newsome NOTIFYING of Criminals Acts leveled against her by the United States of America's Officials. . .and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz - i.e. Moreover, her MISSION being to bring about the USA's FALL . . .!

NOTE:  Video may appear to be blank / have a white screen.  Select "play" button to view:



There is record evidence to support that on or about July 3, 2018, Town of Utica Officials (which included their Mayor Kenneth Broome, Chief of Police Timothy Myles and Municipal Court Prosecutor Mel Breeden, etc.) that use of UNLAWFUL Road Blocks for purposes of raising monies ARE PROHIBITED. . .! To no avail.

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UNLAWFUL ROAD BLOCKS… that the Supreme Court Of The United States’ Justices found (in United States vs. Herbert Guest) VIOLATED the protected rights of BLACK Indians and / or those who have been LABELED as: Colored, Niggers, NEGROES, Blacks and / or African Americans, etc. as well as their “RIGHT OF TRAVEL!”

Completing MalcolmX Unfinished Work 014

An UNLAWFUL Traffic Stop / Road Block resulting in August 28, 2018 and March 25, 2019, KIDNAPPINGS as well as ASSASSINATION attempts on Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome’s LIFE!

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Utica International Embassy Official(s) CONTESTING unlawful Traffic Stops – i.e. CREATING a “PAPER Trail” in support of TIMELY OBJECTIONS, etc. and applicable CORPORATIONS’ / COMPANIES’” - IMPERSONATING a Government – Officials as well as their Attorneys / Lawyers Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz being NOTIFIED . . .!

 UIE PAPER Trail Prime Minister Newsome and Julian Assange KIDNAPPIG

In 2017 – Approximately, TWO (2) years PRIOR, United States of America’s STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Officials passing House Bill 1033 “PROHIBITING” incarceration for allege “nonpayment of a fine” (Citations / Tickets) . . .”





As of 07/22/2022:


Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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