Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

 Boston Marathon Bombing 1



APRIL 2013


Understanding What Appears To Be The United States of America's FRAMING Of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev For Boston Marathon Bombing



What ANOTHER Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Coverup?


Did The FBI KNOW About Boston Marathon Bombing BEFOREHAND?


Please note, documents regarding events noted within this Calendar may be viewed by clicking on the links provided.  Otherwise, may be found below the Calendar for viewing . . .










Supreme Court of the United States Pleadings IN:


Stor-All Matter


Page Kruger & Holland Matter














Holocaust Remembrance Day
















Fax To United States President Barack Obama . ..



Boston Marathon Bombing






Ricin Plot







Report of Boston Bombers Captured














Canada Foiled Terrorist Train Plot






U.S. Hagel and Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu Meeting







Hagel Alleges Sarin Gas

Used In Syria





2nd Hacking Of Vogel Denise Newsome’s Adecco Account



















17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE

For those who may be interested in the White Man’s NAZIS / Jews / Zionists version, as of 04/17/2022, cut and pasted from:

The Boston Marathon bombing was a domestic terroristattack that took place during the annual Boston Marathonon April 15, 2013. Two terrorists, the brothers Dzhokhar TsarnaevandTamerlan Tsarnaev, planted two homemade pressure cooker bombs, which detonated 14 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49p.m., near the finish line of the race, killing three people and injuring hundreds of others, including 17 who lost limbs.[1][4][5] . . .







April 1, 2013 - Supreme Court Of The United States Pleadings

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This is the retaliatory lawsuit brought against Vogel Denise Newsome “AFTER” her December 2008, trip to Washington, D.C.; wherein, she requested to meet with Senator Patrick Leahy and Congressman John Conyers. Also, communicating – via facsimile – of her concerns to Senator / Vice President-Elect Joseph Biden . . . Upon learning of this trip, Wood & Lamping (a Nazi / Jewish / Zionist Law Firm) TERMINATED Employment – i.e. attempts were made to get Newsome to agree NOT to pursue legal / lawful recourse against the firm (which she REJECTED). . . Timely Complaint being filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as well as a Family and Medical Leave Act Complaint, etc. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: At a Court Hearing, David Meranus (Attorney bringing lawsuit) advised of being contacted and NOTIFIED of lawsuit in New Orleans, Louisiana - i.e. matter involving the Law Firm of Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz.
This is the pleading submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States in the Page Kruger and Holland (PK&H) matter; wherein, Vogel Denise Newsome request… the Court to advise of conflict – of – interests in the handling matter! Providing EVIDENCE of good – faith efforts “PRIOR” to resorting to “INTERNATIONAL” Options . . . and other “LAWFUL” options available to her. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: PK&H is the Law Firm Newsome was employed at during her 02/14/2006, Kidnapping! Employment TERMINATED upon Firm being contacted and NOTIFIED of Lawsuit. . .! The “BLACK” Woman (Pelicia Hall) was given job as Commissioner of the Mississippi Department of Corrections – i.e. serving at the time of the 03/25/19, Kidnapping and Assassination Attempts of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome!

04/14/2013, Communication For United States President Barack Obama

For those who are here in search of the TRUTH as to “WHY” the Chickasaw Tribal Nation and its Utica International Embassy Officials / People are “FEARED” by the United States’ NAZIS / Jews / Zionists - being brief - here are a few FACTS (however, not limited to this listing alone):

(1) Native Sovereign Nation – i.e. recognized amongst those LABELED as “FIVE Civilized Tribes.”

(2) Treaties – i.e. Supporting Nation / Government Status as well as set forth Chickasaw Lands / Territories UNLAWFULLY Seized / Stolen, etc. - - Through "RESTITUTION..." Relief, DEMANDING Return of "ALL" Lands / Territories The White Man Alleged Ceded (when NOT)

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04/15/2013, Boston Marathon Bombing

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Role In
1993 World Trade Center Bombings

NOW 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings


04/16/2013, FBI . . .Attempts To FRAME Paul Kevin Curtis In Ricin Plot Against United States President Barack Obama . . .



For those who may not know, Paul Kevin Curtis believed that he had uncovered an organ-harvesting scheme at North Mississippi Medical Center . . .; therefore, attempts to frame him in the Ricin Plot being done to silence his voice . . .

Read More

Interviews With Parents Of Tsarnaev Brothers


Prima Facie Requirements:

(1)   Object - Breaking Up The Middle East / United States of Middle East


(2)  Plan - War On Terrorism (United States September 11, 2001, Domestic Terrorist Attacks On World Trade Center Towers); and


(3)    Agreement between TWO or MORE - - Use Berlin Conference Scheme - NATO / United Nations Security Council Permanent Members [United States / United Kingdom / France / Russia / China). . .

04/22/2013, Canada Officials Allege "Train" Terrorist Plot (Click Image To Read More)
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04/23/2013, U.S. Hagel and Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu Meeting (Click Image To Read More)
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04/25/2013, United States Official(s) Allege Sarin Gas Used In Syria (Click On Image To Read More)



The World Will NOT FALL PREY To Another One Of Germany’s . . . NAZIS' / Jews' / Zionists' Schemes!


WHAT Did Adolf Hitler Know About NAZI Germany’s . . . Jews / Zionists?


PULLING OFF THE SHEETS ON JEWS / ZIONISTS Global Supremacy Schemes . . . To ACQUIRE Their OWN WORLD “By Any Means Necessary!”

While the United States’ Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz repeatedly tries to avoid the spotlight and distract / deflect from roles in conspiracies [by framing others and / or using Nazi / Jewish / Zionist - Controlled Media to report LIES, etc. to the Public / World], the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials / People are keeping this Terrorist Law Firm and its Lawyers / Attorneys at the FRONT of reporting by providing names and / or faces on the Evils / Wickedness playing out LIVE for the People / World to SEE for themselves!

For instance, it is NAZI Germany’s
United States / Israel Officials with their European Allies who planned, orchestrated, and carried out the September 11, 2001, Domestic Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center Towers as a PRETEXT for their “WAR ON TERRORISM” to cover up / hide the Religious / Holy Wars launched against Islamic / Muslim Nations in FAILED

efforts to avoid their PROPHETIC FATE / DEFEAT through what is known by the European / West Nations as “JIHAD!” 

Important To Note: In what is presently known as the United States of America, some report the White Man’s FEAR of the “Ghost Dance” of the Natives, resulted in the MASS EXTERMINATION / GENOCIDAL Attacks on the “Trail of Tears!” Wherein, Prophesy foretold that, The White Man will soon be NO more!”

Having knowledge of the Prophetic RISE of Native Nations and / or their People, – as depicted through movies as “Planet of the Apes” and “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” etc. – it appears Germany’s NAZIS / Jews / Zionists with their European Allies (which also include China, Russia, Japan, and India, etc.) have CONSPIRED to oppress Native Nations and their People, etc.

Please Note:  Click On Image To View
Additional Slides Are Being Added

Israel Defense Forces Member... Serves As "CHIEF OF STAFF" To United States President Barack Obama

EXCLUSIVE Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Documents The Public / World

Will NOT Find In The United States' Presidential Libraries. . . - -WHAT Really Happened That Led To Rahm Emanuel's ABRUPT Resignation

The CONSEQUENCES Of The United States’ Nazis / Jews / Zionists Launching Wars Against The WRONG Native Nations. . .

The following video was published about April 7, 2013, in; however, adverse changes (video options removed...) have been taken to keep the Public / World from viewing:

The following video is the 2016 Television "REAL NEWS" Interview with Vogel Denise Newsome.  At about 23 minutes and 45 seconds (23:45), she addresses, "Not playing patty-cake . . ." with President Barack Obama's Administration as well as his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel . . .

Rahm Emanuel On The Run

It appears the United States' Nazis / Jews / Zionists place their "BLACKS" - as President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris, etc. - in the White House and other High-Profile positions for DECEPTIVE purposes.  The Chickasaw Tribal Nation's / Utica International Embassy's Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome IS NOT deceived! (Matthew 24:24)


Barack and Michelle Obama with Joseph and Jill Biden

There is record evidence to support that on or about July 13, 2010, the United States President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, and others, were TIMELY, PROPERLY, and ADEQUATELY "WARNED" that the DOWNFALL / DOOM of the United States will be due to their obsessions with Vogel Denise Newsome as well as the Wars launched in the Middle East against Iraq / Iran Here we are almost 12 years later (2022) and the World is "WATCHING LIVE" the Downfall / Doom of the United States of America "UNDER" the "EXTENSION"  (Joseph Biden) of that Administration!



Can Dirty Joe


The Jews GOOD COP - Joseph Biden
UKRAINE and The Israeli-Palestinian Dispute Under Barack Obama Administration

Click Here To Read More

Meet United States President Joseph Biden's Rabbi   - 






SHUTTING DOWN Germany’s “Beer Hall Putsch Operations” – United States of America’s / Israel’s NAZI, Jewish and Zionist Empires

From November 8 to November 9, 1923, Adolf Hitler . . . and his followers staged the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, a failed takeover of the government in Bavaria, a state in southern Germany. - - As of 05/03/2022:

WAS Iraq and / or The Middle East

UNLAWFULLY Invaded Under The Guise / Pretext Of


To PROTECT Israel and Take CONTROL Of Middle East?

Joseph Biden: The Perfect Figurehead
Biden's Jewish Relatives
USA Jewish Empire
Joseph Biden's Cabinet
Iraq War Launched To Protect Israel
U.S. Troops To Remain In Middle East FOR Israel


When I become president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.- - Donald John Trump

Donald Trump's American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Speech ["Z"]


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The White Man’s Wars ARE Used To DISGUISE / HIDE The Nazis and Jews / Zionists INFILTRATION Of Governments and IMPLEMENTING Of Their New World Order and Quests For Global White Supremacy OVER “ALL” Native Nations!

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Clifford Mitchell Walker - DEMOCRAT - Governor of Georgia - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan Member

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Clarence Joseph Morley - REPUBLICAN - Governor of Colorado - Stock BrokerageSchemes - Ku Klux Klan Member

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Joseph Emerson Brown - REPUBLICAN / DEMOCRAT  - U.S. Senator Georgia - Chief Justice Supreme Court [GA]Ku Klux Klan Member

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Edward Douglass White - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Senator Louisiana - Chief Justice Supreme Court Of The United States - Ku Klux Klan Member

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John Brown Gordon - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Senator Georgia - Governor of Georgia - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan Member

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Theodore Gilmore Bilbo - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Senator Mississippi - Governor of Mississippi - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan Member

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Rice William Means - REPUBLICAN - U.S. Senator Colorado - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan Leader

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John Tyler Morgan - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Senator Alabama - Attorney / Lawyer - Allege Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan

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Hugo Lafayette Black - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Senator Alabama - Justice Supreme Court Of The United States - Ku Klux Klan Member

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George Washington Gordon - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Representative Tennessee - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan Member

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Edward L. Jackson - REPUBLICAN - Governor Of Indiana - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan Member

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Edmund Winston Pettus - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Senator Alabama - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan [Grand Dragon]

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David Bibb Graves - DEMOCRAT - Governor of Alabama - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan [Exalted Cyclops]

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Robert Carlyle Byrd - DEMOCRAT - U.S. Senate MAJORITY Leader [West Virginia] - Attorney / Lawyer - Ku Klux Klan Member

"We Jews, we are the DESTROYERS and WILL REMAIN the destroyers. NOTHING you can do will meet our demands and needs. We WILL FOREVER destroy because we want A WORLD of Our OWN!" - - Maurice Samuel (Taken from his book "You Gentiles" at Page 155)


The Israel You Do NOT Know!
















     Maurice Samuel

Click on image to read:  "You Gentile"

Zionism You Gentiles 1

Here are the 37 Jewish members of Congress

Chuck Schumer 37 Jewish Members In Congress

Chuck Schumer speaks at a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.


USA Cybersecurity HOAXES

Just as with "CORPORATION" Takeovers, it appears that the United States (a "PRIVATELY" Held Company) may now be OWNED by China / Russia along with Computers Systems / Services, etc. also.  So do NOT believe the hype / lies of so-called "HACKING!"

China "BOUGHT INTO" the United States' SCAMS and was "PLAYED!"


WHAT HAPPENED?  BRIEFLY PUT:  The Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Official(s) EXPOSING The Schemes / Hoaxes!  It was important for the Native Nations and their People to remain sleep and / or ignorant of their Sovereignty and their Nations' Lands / Territories!  WHEN the White Man came to our Lands / Territories, they brought numerous DISEASES that wiped out many Native Nations and their People.  Through Relationships established as a result of providing Nationality / Citizenship to Slaves and Freemen, etc. through Treaties (as that of 1866), Native Nations continued to grow and POPULATE!  Leading to the United States' Nazis / Jews bringing Adolf Hitler's SCIENTISTS over under "OPERATION PAPERCLIP" to aid and abet in CONSPIRACIES in the EXTERMINATION / GENOCIDE, etc. of Native Nations and their People - i.e. specifically targeting those who have been LABELED:  Niggers, Colored, Negroes, Blacks and / or African Americans!




Data Protection, Privacy and Cybersecurity

Baker Donelson Jewish NAZI Empire




Baker Donelson is a NAZI / Jewish / Zionist - Controlled Law Firm that is Legal Counsel for the United States of America and advises their clients (as United States Officials, etc.) on a full aray of legal, political and business, etc. issues associated with data protection, privacy and cybersecurity . . .

For those who may not be aware, the British with their European NAZIS and Jewish / Zionist Counterparts initially wanted to create a Jewish / Zionist Homeland in East Africa (also known as the Ugandan Scheme), PRIOR to going with their World War 2 HOAX / Scheme – i.e. wherein Wars were started for purposes of DISTRACTIONS and to TRANSPLANT their Jews / Zionists into the United States of America, Israel and GLOBALLY!

As of 05/16/2022: Video may be found at

Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


Coming News Sections:

Native Nations Economics

United States
Politics and Religion
Business and Finance
Science and Technology
The Legal Corner

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Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)
