Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

United States Of America vs. Karl Brandt, et al.

("The DOCTORS' Trial")



United States Of America STATE Of Mississippi vs Chickasaw Tribal Nation Utica International Embassy Vogel Denise Newsome


“But as for you, ye thought evil against me;butGod meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it isthis day, to save much people alive.” - -Genesis 50:20

          WHEN USA President Donald John Trump, his Legal Counsel Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz PC Lawyers / Attorneys and CO-Conspirators CONSPIRED with Siblings of Vogel Denise Newsome to have her KIDNAPPED and MURDERED / ASSASSINATED, God stepped in and “FLIPPED The SCRIPT” – i.e. providing her with a TESTIMONY that exposes the WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities the USA’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists . . .have launched against the “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations and their Citizens / People here within what is presently known as the United States Of America as well as ABROAD!


         Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome being a VICTIM of the Human Experiments / INHUMANE practices, etc. that are being carried out against “BLACK Indians” / NATIVE People that are being held on “FALSE Charges” / “14th Amendment SCAMS,” etc.! Furthermore, the physical / sexual abuse . . . HOSTAGES are being subjected to! Thus, the ability to relate to the Testimonies of VICTIMS / Witnesses from other SOVEREIGN / NATIVE Nations as to what the USA’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists . . . are subjecting their Citizens / NATIVE People to through “a PRIVATELY held Company” known as the United States Of America, its Officials, their TERRORISTS Paramilitary War Crimes Enforcers, their Legal Counsel and CO-Conspirators!


CTN IPM BirthCertificate CertificateOfCitizenship

             There are recorded Reports that allege Nazi Germany's Leader Adolf Hitler used / patterned his WAR Crimes / Crimes Against Humanity, etc. off of the NAZI / WHITE Supremacist / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionist . . . LAWYERS in the United States Of America!  If that is true, then case law as the following United States of America vs. Karl Brandt, et al. is CRUCIAL and is being used as a guide to pursue LAWFUL Investigations and / or Prosecutions, etc. of and against the United States of America (a PRIVATELY held Company), it Officials / Employees / Representatives / Agents and Legal Counsel, etc. 


        IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  Prior to pursuing relief through the “APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITIES,” the PUBLIC Records of / in the USA will support "NUMEROUS" Lawsuits / Complaints from Vogel Denise Newsome (i.e. who thought she was a Citizen of the United States of America based on documents provided; however, IS NOTJust to find out that the USA’s Officials issued her FRAUDULENT documents which were NOT honored and Rights alleged to be given to Citizens of the USA through its so-called Constitution, etc. were repeatedly DEPRIVED . . .)

"NUMEROUS" Lawsuits / Complaints submitted to the USA's EXECUTIVE Branch, LEGISLATIVE Branch and JUDICIAL Branch!  To NO Avail Furthermore, there is RECORDED evidence to support that the USA's Presidents (Barack Hussein Obama II, Donald John Trump and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.) were TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADEQUATLY "NOTIFIED" of the International options to be pursued for "FAILURES TO ACT. . .!"


As of 02/03/2024, Cut and Pasted From: 

17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE

 NOTE:  Pictures / Notations added for emphasis

NMT Case 1

United States Of America vs. Karl Brandt, et al. ("The DOCTORS' Trial")


The Medical Case, U.S.A. vs. Karl Brandt, et al. (also known as the Doctors' Trial), was prosecuted in 1946-47 against twenty-three doctors and administrators accused of organizing and participating in war crimes and crimes against humanity in the form of medical experiments and medical procedures inflicted on prisoners and civilians.


NAZI ZIONISTNurembergStudy TuskegeeStudy211



Karl Brandt, the lead defendant, was the senior medical official of the German government during World War II; other defendants included senior doctors and administrators in the armed forces and SS. They were indicted on four counts: 1. conspiracy to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity; 2. war crimes (i.e., crimes against persons protected by the laws of war, such as prisoners of war);


Hillary Clinton and United States STINGERS41


HIllary CLINTON Stinger02


Hillary CLINTON Stinger04


Hillary CLINTON Stinger03



Hillary CLINTON Stinger06


3. crimes against humanity (including persons not protected by the laws of war);


Hillary CLINTON Stinger Afghan Shooter BALES




Hillary CLINTON Deal With The STINGERS



and 4. membership in a criminal organization (the SS).

UNITED States PRIVATELY Held Company


The specific crimes charged included more than twelve series of medical experiments concerning the effects of and treatments for high altitude conditions, freezing, malaria, poison gas, sulfanilamide, bone, muscle, and nerve regeneration, bone transplantation, saltwater consumption, epidemic jaundice, sterilization, typhus, poisons, and incendiary bombs.

These experiments were conducted on concentration camp inmates. Other crimes involved the killing of Jews for anatomical research, the killing of tubercular Poles, and the euthanasia of sick and disabled civilians in Germany and occupied territories. The defendants were charged with ordering, supervising, or coordinating criminal activities, as well as participating in them directly. The fourth count concerned membership in the SS (Schuttzstaffeln) of the Nazi regime.


United States Of America A PRIVATELY Held Company MEMBERSHIP




Karl Brandt and six other defendants were convicted, sentenced to death, and executed; nine defendants were convicted and sentenced to terms in prison; and seven defendants were acquitted.

The material presented in this project includes case file documents (the briefs and document books created and used in the course of the trial), evidence file documents (the evidentiary documents from which the prosecution, and occasionally the defendants, derived their exhibits), and the trial transcript.

The trial documents and evidence file documents related to Case 1 amount to approximately 2800 documents and 13,000 pages of material.


(25 Oct. 1946)

Four counts:

  1. Conspiracy to commit war crimes against humanity: The ordering, planning, and organization of the war crimes and crimes against humanity charged in counts two and three. Charged against all of the defendants . . .


  1. War crimes: Charged against all defendants. 15 guilty, 8 acquitted.

  2. Crimes against humanity: Charged against all defendants. 15 guilty, 8 acquitted.

  3. Membership in a criminal organization:  Membership in the SS. Charged against K. Brandt, Genzken, Gebhardt, R. Brandt, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Sievers, Brack, Hoven, and Fischer. All found guilty.

Experiments and other "medical" crimes itemized in counts 2 and 3:



  1. High-altitude experiments. March - August 1942. Conducted for the German air force to investigate the effect of high-altitude flying; experiments were conducted at the Dachau camp using a low-pressure chamber. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Romberg, Ruff, Schroeder, Sievers, and Weltz. Charges against K. Brandt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, and Poppendick were withdrawn. R. Brandt and Sievers were convicted.

  2. Freezing experiments. August 1942 - May 1943. Conducted primarily for the German air force to investigate treatments for persons who had been severely chilled, using prisoners at the Dachau camp. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Schroeder, Sievers, and Weltz. Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, Gebhardt, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, and Weltz were acquitted; R. Brandt, Handloser, Schroeder, and Sievers were convicted.

  3. Malaria experiments. February 1942 - April 1945. Conducted to test immunization for and treatment of malaria; experiments were conducted on more than 1000 prisoners at Dachau. Charged against Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rostock, and Sievers. (Evidence was also presented against Rose, but no judgment was reached.) No judgment was made concerning Mrugowsky. Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Poppendick, and Rostock were acquitted; Sievers was convicted.

  4. Mustard ("lost") gas experiments. September 1939 - April 1945. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to investigate treatment of injuries caused by Lost (mustard) gas; experiments were conducted at Sachsenhausen, Natzweiler, and other camps. Charged against Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Rostock, and Sievers. Blome, Gebhardt, Handloser, and Rostock were acquitted; K. Brandt, R. Brandt, and Sievers were convicted.

  5. Sulfanilamide experiments. July 1942 - September 1943. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to test the effectiveness of sulfanilamide and other drugs as treatments for infected wounds; experiments were conducted at Ravensbrueck. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, Blome, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Fischer, Gebhardt, Genzken, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Oberheuser, Poppendick, Rostock, and Schroeder. Charges against Becker-Freyseng, Blome, and Schroeder were withdrawn. No judgment was reached concerning R. Brandt. Genzken, Poppendick, and Rostock were acquitted; K. Brandt, Fischer, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, and Oberheuser were convicted.

  6. Bone, muscle, and nerve regeneration, and bone transplant experiments. September 1942 - December 1943. Conducted for benefit of German armed forces, using Polish inmates at the Ravensbrueck camp. Charged against K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Fischer, Gebhardt, Handloser, Oberheuser, and Rostock. Charge against R. Brandt withdrawn. K. Brandt, Handloser, and Rostock were acquitted; Fischer, Gebhardt, and Oberheuser were convicted.

  7. Seawater experiments. July - September 1944. Conducted for the German air force and navy to test methods of making seawater drinkable; experiments were conducted at Dachau. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, Beiglboeck, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rostock, Schaefer, Schroeder, and Sievers. The charge against Mrugowsky was withdrawn. K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Handloser, Poppendick, Rostock, and Schaefer were acquitted; Becker-Freyseng, Beiglboeck, Gebhardt, Schroeder, and Sievers were convicted.

  8. Epidemic jaundice experiments. June 1943 - January 1945. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to investigate causes of and inoculations against epidemic jaundice; experiments were conducted on Polish prisoners at Sachsenhausen and Natzweiler camps. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rose, Rostock, Schroeder, and Sievers. Charges against Becker-Freyseng, Rose, and Sievers were withdrawn. R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Handloser, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rostock, and Schroeder were acquitted; K. Brandt was convicted.

  9. Typhus ("spotted fever") and other vaccine experiments. December 1941 - February 1945. Conducted for the benefit of the German armed forces to test the effectiveness of vaccines against typhus, smallpox, cholera, and other diseases; experiments were conducted at Buchenwald and Natzweiler. Charged against Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Genzken, Handloser, Hoven, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Rose, Rostock, Schroeder, and Sievers. Becker-Freyseng, K. Brandt, Gebhardt, Poppendick, and Rostock were acquitted; R. Brandt, Genzken, Handloser, Hoven, Mrugowsky, Rose, Schroeder, and Sievers were convicted.

  10. Poison experiments. December 1943 and September - October 1944. Conducted to investigate the effect of various poisons, including poison in food and poisoned bullets; experiments were conducted at Buchenwald (food) and Sachsenhausen (bullets). Charged against Gebhardt, Genzken, Mrugowsky, and Poppendick. Gebhardt, Genzken, and Poppendick were acquitted; Mrugowsky was convicted.

  11. Incendiary bomb experiments. November 1943 - January 1944. Conducted to test pharmaceutical treatments for phosphorus burns; experiments were conducted at Buchenwald, involving the infliction of burns by materials from incendiary bombs. Charged against Gebhardt, Genzken, Mrugowsky, and Poppendick. All were acquitted.

  12. Sterilization experiments. March 1941 - January 1945. Conducted to develop methods of rapid, large scale sterilization in order to ensure the eventual elimination of "enemy" populations while keeping captive workers as a labor force during the war. Experiments were planned and/or conducted at Auschwitz, Ravensbrueck, and elsewhere employing drugs, x-rays, and surgery. Charged against Brack, K. Brandt, R. Brandt, Gebhardt, Mrugowsky, Oberheuser, Pokorny, and Poppendick. The charges against Mrugowsky and Oberheuser were withdrawn. K. Brandt, Pokorny, and Poppendick were acquitted; Brack, R. Brandt, and Gebhardt were convicted.








  1. Skeleton collection. June 1943 - September 1944. Conducted to complete a skeleton collection for an anatomical research project at the Reich University of Strasbourg; one hundred twelve Jews at Auschwitz were killed for the purpose. Charged against R. Brandt and Sievers; both were convicted.

  2. Tubercular Polish nationals. May 1942 - January 1944. Polish nationals alleged to have incurable tuberculosis were imprisoned or killed on the pretext of protecting the health of Germans in Poland. Charged against Blome and R. Brandt; both were acquitted.

  3. Euthanasia. September 1939 - April 1945. Involved the secret killing of the aged, insane, incurably ill, deformed children, and others, beginning at asylums in Germany and later in the camps and occupied territories. Charged against Blome, Brack, K. Brandt, and Hoven. Blome was acquitted; Brack, K. Brandt, and Hoven were convicted.

032519 TWEET USA Government Agents Cloteal Turner


IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  In March 2019, it was Cloteal Newsome Turner (employed with the United States Department of Justice) who advised Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome of the United States Of America's Officials’ CONSPIRACIES against the ELDERLY!


Upon engaging in the CONSPIRACIES to have Prime Minister Newsome KIDNAPPED (with plans of ASSASSINATION) on March 25, 2019, USA Officials and CO-Conspirators (which included Siblings of Vogel Denise Newsome) fulfilled one of the OBJECTS of said conspiracies – i.e. On September 21, 2019, the Murder / Death / Assassination . . . of Matriarch Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome while at Clinton Healthcare, LLC!

PEARL NEWSOME 032219 Clinton Healtcare LLC FAX2


 032519 TWEET USA Government Agents Joe Annette Harvellia


Other charges:

  1. Phenol (gas oedema) experiments. 1942 - 1944. Conducted to investigate whether levels of phenol in gas oedema serum caused fatalities among wounded soldiers; experiments were conducted on prisoners at Buchenwald. Charged against Handloser, Hoven, and Mrugowsky. Handloser was acquitted; Hoven and Mrugowsky were convicted.

  2. Phlegmon experiments. 1942. Conducted to test treatments for sepsis and related diseases, in coordination with sulfanilamide experiments at Ravensbrueck; experiments were conducted at Dachau and Auschwitz. Charged against Fischer, Oberheuser, and Poppendick; all were acquitted.

  3. Polygal experiments
    . 1943 - 1944. Conducted to test the effectiveness of polygal, a blood coagulant, for the treatment of wounds. Charged against Blome, Handloser, Poppendick, and Sievers. Blome, Handloser, and Poppendick were acquitted; Sievers was convicted.

  4. Planning, organization, and administration
    (of 1-15 above)

  5. Conspiracy:
    Count 1.

  6. Membership:
    Count 4.

List of 1-15 taken from Indictment in Trials of War Criminals; 16-18 charged during trial although not specified in indictment.

Chronology of the Medical Case

25 Oct 1946 Indictment filed
5 Nov 1946 Indictment served
21 Nov 1946 Arraignment
5 Dec 1946 Defense motion for continuance (Transcript begins)
9 Dec 1946 Defense pleas; court procedures
9 Dec 1946 Prosecution opening statement
10 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Documents, defendants, and organizations
10 Dec 1946 Prosecution: High altitude experiments
11 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Freezing experiments
13 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Malaria experiments
16 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Seawater experiments
16 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Sterilization experiments
18 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Jewish skeletons collection
19 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Jaundice experiments
19 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Tubercular Poles program
19 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Sulfanilamide and bone/muscle experiments
2 Jan 1947 Prosecution: Polygal and phlegmon experiments
2 Jan 1947 Prosecution: Lost (mustard) gas experiments
3 Jan 1947 Prosecution: Typhus and other vaccine experiments
10 Jan 1947 Prosecution: Biological warfare experiments
10 Jan 1947 Prosecution: Euthanasia program
28 Jan 1947 Prosecution: Criminal organization
29 Jan 1947 Defense opening statements
3 Feb 1947 Defense: Karl Brandt
11 Feb 1947 Defense: Siegfried Handloser
20 Feb 1947 Defense: Paul Rostock
25 Feb 1947 Defense: Oskar Schroeder
28 Feb 1947 Defense: Karl Genzken
4 Mar 1947 Defense: Karl Gebhardt
10 Mar 1947 Defense: Fritz Fischer
12 Mar 1947 Defense: Kurt Blome
21 Mar 1947 Defense: Rudolf Brandt
26 Mar 1947 Defense: Joachim Mrugowsky
3 Apr 1947 Defense: Herta Oberheuser
8 Apr 1947 Defense: Helmut Poppendick
9 Apr 1947 Defense: Wolfram Sievers
16 Apr 1947 Defense: Gerhard Rose
25 Apr 1947 Defense: Siegfried Ruff
1 May 1947 Defense: Hans Romberg
6 May 1947 Defense: Georg Weltz
8 May 1947 Defense: Viktor Brack
19 May 1947 Defense: Hermann Becker-Freyseng
2 June 1947 Defense: Konrad Schaefer
6 June 1947 Defense: Wilhelm Beiglboeck
21 June 1947 Defense: Waldemar Hoven
25 June 1947 Defense: Adolf Pokorny
26 June 1947 Defense: additional documents
28 June 1947 Prosecution: rebuttal evidence
30 June 1947 Defense: additional documents
1 July 1947 Prosecution: rebuttal evidence
2 July 1947 Defense: additional documents
3 July 1947 Prosecution: rebuttal evidence
14 July 1947 Tribunal ruling on Count One of indictment
14 July 1947 Prosecution closing statement
14 July 1947 Defense closing statements
19 July 1947 Defendants’ personal statements
19 Aug 1947 Tribunal judgment
20 Aug 1947 Sentences (transcript ends)
22 Nov 1947 Appeals denied by Military Governor of U.S. Zone (Lucius Clay)
16 Feb 1948 Appeals denied by U.S. Supreme Court (333 U.S. Reports 836)
2 June 1948 Execution of seven defendants sentenced to death

Persons Involved in the Medical Case


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: During the United States Of America’s Officials, their President Donald John Trump, Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz PC and CO-Conspirators’ March 25, 2019 – July 12, 2019, KIDNAPPING of Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome and the ASSASSINATION attempts on her LIFE, efforts were made to further EMBELLISH the Osama Bin Laden LIES! However, upon Prime Minister Newsome being able to obtain her FREEDOM, USA President Trump came out with a SCRIPTED LIE that Osama Bin Laden’s son (had been killed!




On or about FRIDAY, April 22, 2011, United States KENTUCKY Senator Rand Paul’s Administration called Vogel Denise Newsome regarding her January 30, 2011 Email.


NOTE:  Video May Show "White" Screen.  Select "Play" Button To View. 



The following weekend of April 29, 2011, United States President Barack Obama came out with a SCRIPTED LIE that Osama Bin Laden had been KILLED!









(With counts charged and verdicts.)

Becker-Freyseng, Hermann (Medical Inspectorate, Luftwaffe; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, 20 year prison term)
Beiglboeck, Wilhelm (Dr., Luftwaffe Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, 15 year prison tem)
Blome, Kurt (Dr., Office for Public Health; Reich Research Council; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)
Brack, Viktor (Oberdienstleiter, Chancellery; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)
Brandt, Karl (Dr., Commissioner for Public Health; Waffen-SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)
Brandt, Rudolf (SS Obersturmbannfuehrer, Himmler’s personal staff; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)
Fischer, Fritz (Dr., assistant to Karl Gebhardt; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, life in prison)
Gebhardt, Karl (Prof. Dr.; officer in SS and Waffen-SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)
Genzken, Karl (Dr. surgeon-general, Waffen SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, life in prison)
Handloser, Siegfried (Prof. Dr., Chief of Armed Forces Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, life in prison)
Hoven, Waldemar (Dr., physician at Buchenwald; Waffen SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)
Mrugowsky, Joachim (Dr., Chief of Hygiene Institute, Waffen SS; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)
Oberheuser, Herta (Dr., assistant to Karl Gebhardt; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, 20 year prison term)
Pokorny, Adolf (Dr.; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)
Poppendick, Helmut (Dr., Race and Settlement Office; SS officer; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, 10 year prison term)
Romberg, Hans (Dr., Institute for Aviation Medicine at DVL; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)
Rose, Gerhard (Prof. Dr., Robert Koch Institute; Luftwaffe Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, life in prison)
Rostock, Paul (Prof., Office for Medical Science and Research; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)
Ruff, Siegfried (Dr., Institute for Aviation Medicine at DVL; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)
Schaefer, Konrad (Dr., Schering AG; Institute for Aviation Medicine; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)
Schroeder, Oskar (Dr., Luftwaffe Medical Service; counts 1, 2, 3; guilty, life in prison)
Sievers, Wolfram Wolfram (Ahnenerbe Society; Reich Research Council; counts 1, 2, 3, 4; guilty, executed 1948)
Weltz, Georg (Dr., Institute for Aviation Medicine; counts 1, 2, 3; acquitted)

Defense Counsel

Bergler, Dr. Erich (for Sievers)
Boehm, Dr. Georg (for Poppendick)
Brenner, Dr. Alfred (for Genzken)
Dehner, Dr. Walter (for Becker-Freyseng and Schroeder)
Duerr, Dr. Helmut (for Poppendick)
Flemming, Dr. Fritz (for Mrugowsky)
Fritz, Dr. Hans (for Rose)
Froeschmann, Dr. Georg (for Brack)
Gawlik, Dr. Hans (for Hoven)
Gierl, Dr. Georg (for Fischer, Gebhardt, and Oberheuser)
Hoffmann, Dr. Karl (for Pokorny)
Kauffmann, Dr. Kurt (for R. Brandt)
Klinnert, Dr. Gerhard (for Hoven)
Marx, Dr. Hans (for Becker-Freyseng and Schroeder)
Merkel, Dr. Rudolf (for Genzken)
Nelte, Dr. Otto (for Handloser)
Pelckmann, Dr. Horst (for Schaefer)
Pribilla, Dr. Hans (for Rostock)
Sauter, Dr. Fritz (for Blome and Ruff)
Schmidt, Dr. Rudolf (for K. Brandt)
Seidl, Dr. Alfred (for Fischer, Gebhardt, and Oberheuser)
Seraphim, Dr. H. (for Pokorny)
Servatius, Dr. Robert (for K. Brandt)
Steinbauer, Dr. Gustav (for Beiglboeck)
Vorwerk, Dr. Bernd (for Romberg)
Weissgerber, Dr. Josef (for Sievers)
Wille, Dr. Siegfried (for Weltz)

Prosecution Counsel

Taylor, Telford (Chief of Counsel for War Crimes for all NMT trials)
McHaney, James (Chief Prosecutor for Case 1)
Hardy, Alexander (Associate Counsel)
Horlik-Hochwald, Arnost (Associate Counsel)
Brown, Glen (Assistant Counsel)
Johnson, Esther (Assistant Counsel)
Robbins, Jack (Assistant Counsel)
Shiller, Daniel (Assistant Counsel)


Beals, Walter, Presiding Judge (Chief Justice of Supreme Court of State of Washington)
Crawford, Johnson, Member (former District Court Judge, Oklahoma)
Sebring, Harold, Member (Associate Justice of Supreme Court of Florida)
Swearingen, Victor, Alternate Member (former Special Assistant to U.S. Attorney General)


Other Persons and Organizations Often Mentioned in the Trial


Gluecks, Richard: SS administrator in charge of concentration camp system.

BAKER Donelson RUSTY Fortenberry




Grawitz, Dr. Ernst: Chief physician of the SS.
Himmler, Heinrich: Chief of the SS; ultimate sponsor of the medical experiments.
Rascher, Dr. Sigmund: Conducted high-altitude experiments at Dachau.

Ahnenerbe ("ancestral heritage") Society: Office in SS, conducted quasi-scientific studies.
SS (Schutzstaffel): Security force in Nazi party; then police and security authority in Germany; controlled concentration camps and other coercive programs.

 BAKER Donelson Joe D Whitley HOMELAND Security


COMBATING USA StateOfMississippi TERRORISM 06 2021 UN General Assembly Report1


USA STATE Of Mississippi PRIVATELY Held Company Hinds County Detention Center DEBACLE

 TRENT WALKER Racketeering Schemes1


Eighty-four witnesses testified at the trial. They are listed, with dates and trial transcript references, in the table of contents of the transcript portion of this project and in the published trial report, Trials of War Criminals, vol. 2, pp. 332-35.


Detailed Chronology

Date Proceedings (Code for witnesses: D = defense; P = prosecution; T = tribunal) Pages
21 Nov 1946 Arraignment and indictment 01-025
5 Dec 1946 Defense motion for continuance 026-039
9 Dec 1946 Defense pleas 1-8
9 Dec 1946 Court procedures 9-12
9 Dec 1946 Prosecution opening statement 12-74
10 Dec 1946 Prosecution: documents, defendants, and organizations 75-153
10 Dec 1946 Prosecution: high altitude experiments 153-230
11 Dec 1946 Prosecution: freezing experiments 230-390
12 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Wolfgang Lutz 266-308
13 Dec 1946 Prosecution: malaria experiments 390-468
13-16 Dec 1946 Witness (P): August H. Vieweg 418-468
16 Dec 1946 Prosecution: saltwater experiments 469-506
16 Dec 1946 Prosecution: sterilization experiments 507-573
16 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Chaim Balitzki 539-544
17 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Robert Levy 550-561
17 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Heinrich W. Stoehr 574-594
17-18 Dec 1946 Witness (T): Walter Neff 595-695
18 Dec 1946 Prosecution: Jewish skeleton collection 695-733
18 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Henri Henri-Pierre 708-722
19 Dec 1946 Prosecution: jaundice experiments 733-745
19 Dec 1946 Prosecution: tubercular Poles program 745-760
19 Dec 1946 Prosecution: sulfanilamide and bone/muscle/nerve experiments 762-949
19-20 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Maria Broel-Plater 785-804
20 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Leo Alexander 805-814, 832-838, 848-855, 864-869
20 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Vladislava Karolewska 815-832
20 Dec 1947 Witness (P): Jadwiga Dzido 838-848
20 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Maria Kusmierczuk 856-864
21 Dec 1946 Witness (P): Leo Michalowski 871-886
2 Jan 1947 Prosecution: polygal and phlegmon experiments 949-995
2 Jan 1947 Prosecution: lost (mustard) gas experiments 996-1076
3 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Ferdinand Hall 1048-1073
3 Jan 1947 Prosecution: typhus and other vaccine experiments 1076-1476
6 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Henri-Jean Grandjean 1099-1105, 1119-1120
6-8 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Eugen Kogon 1150-1290
8 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Georg Hirtz 1291-1300
8-9 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Fritz Kirchheimer 1321-1348
9 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Edith Schmidt 1364-1383
10 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Sofia Maczka 1430--1462
10 Jan 1947 Prosecution: biological warfare experiments 1477-1503
10 Jan 1947 Prosecution: euthanasia program 1503-1956
14 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Ferdinand Roemhild 1627-1664
15 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Olga Eyer 1755-1779
16 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Walter E. Schmidt 1816-1863
16-17 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Fritz Mennecke 1866-1946
27 Jan 1947 Witness (P): Werner Leibrandt 1961-2028
28 Jan 1947 Prosecution: criminal organization 2076-2091
29 Jan 1947 Defense opening statements 2104-2285
3 Feb 1947 Defense: Karl Brandt 2300-2803
3-7 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Karl Brandt 2301-2661
7 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Hans H. Lammers 2661-2692
7-10 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Kurt Gutzeit 2692-2764
11 Feb 1947 Defense: Siegfried Handloser 2810-3258
11-18 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Siegfried Handloser 2816-3104
18-19 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Paul Wuerfler 3106-3144
19 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Bernhard Schmidt 3144-3188
19 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Hans Hartlenben 3189-3231
20 Feb 1947 Defense: Paul Rostock 3258-3468
20-24 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Paul Rostock 3258-3430
24 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Heinz Christensen 3430-3454
25 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Maria Karlstetter 3455-3461
25 Feb 1947 Defense: Oskar Schroeder 3468-3773
25[-27] Feb 1947 Witness (D): Oskar Schroeder 3469-3582; 3602-3700
26 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Werner Jentsch 3582-3602
27-28 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Herbert Augustinick 3701-3737
28 Feb 1947 Witness (D): Fritz Witt 3740-3753
28 Feb 1947 Defense: Karl Genzken 3773-3912
28 Feb, 3 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Karl Genzken 3773-3891
4 Mar 1947 Defense: Karl Gebhardt 3912-4265
4-10 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Karl Gebhardt 3931-4256
10 Mar 1947 Defense: Fritz Fischer 4266-4385
10-12 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Fritz Fischer 4266-4384
12 Mar 1947 Defense: Kurt Blome 4385-4826
12 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Herbert Kosmehl 4387-4446
13-21 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Kurt Blome 4450-4811
20 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Henry Pieck 4722-4755
21 Mar 1947 Defense: Rudolf Brandt 4828-4998
21-24 Mar 1947 Witness (D): August Meine 4831-4867
24-26 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Rudolf Brandt 4869-4994
26 Mar 1947 Defense: Joachim Mrugowsky 4999-5475
26-31 Mar 1947 Witness (D): Joachim Mrugowsky 5000-5244
31 Mar-1 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Videslaw Horn 5245-5333
1-3 Apr 1947 Witness (D): J. Mrugowsky 5334-5464
3 Apr 1947 Defense: Herta Oberheuser 5476-5530
3, 8 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Herta Oberheuser 5478-5528
8 Apr 1947 Defense: Helmut Poppendick 5530-5656
8-9 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Helmut Poppendick 5530-5651
9 Apr 1947 Defense: Wolfram Sievers 5656-6001
9-14 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Wolfram Sievers 5656-5869
14 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Eduard May 5869-5889
14-15 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Franz Borkenau 5890-5908
15 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Erwin Topf 5908-5924
15-16 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Friedrich Hielscher 5926-5994
16 Apr 1947 Defense: Gerhard Rose 6001-6488
16-17 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Marie L. Block 6002-6031
17 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Felix Hoering 6031-6078
18-25 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Gerhard Rose 6081-6484
25 Apr 1947 Defense: Siegfried Ruff 6489-6762
25-30 Apr 1947 Witness (D): Siegfried Ruff 6490-6739
1 May 1947 Defense: Hans Romberg 6763-7033
1-6 May 1947 Witness (D): Hans Romberg 6764-7032a
6 May 1947 Defense: Georg Weltz 7033-7260
6-8 May 1947 Witness (D): Georg Weltz 7035-7254
8 May 1947 Defense: Viktor Brack 7261-7774
8-9 May 1947 Witness (D): Karl H. Hederich 7262-7291
9, 12 May 1947 Witness (D): Hermann Pfannmueller 7291-7412
12-19 May 1947 Witness (D): Viktor Brack 7413-7772
19 May 1947 Defense: Hermann Becker-Freyseng 7774-8327
19-27 May 1947 Witness (D): Hermann Becker-Freyseng 7774-8243
28 May 1947 Witness (D): Rolf Jaeger 8244-8255
28-29 May 1947 Witness (D): Hermann Becker-Freyseng 8255-8292
2 June 1947 Defense: Konrad Schaefer 8327-8572
2 June 1947 Witness (D): Konrad Schaefer 8349-8399
3 June 1947 Witness (D): Franz Vollhardt 8400-8490
4 June 1947 Witness (D): Konrad Schaefer 8494-8571
5-6 June 1947 Witness (D): Paul F. Dorn 8574-8665
6 June 1947 Defense: Wilhelm Beiglboeck 8665-9761
6-12 June 1947 Witness (D): Wilhelm Beiglboeck 8666-9028
12-16 June 1947 Witness (P): Andrew C. Ivy 9029-9324
17 June 1947 Witness (D): Wilhelm Beiglboeck 9326-9328
17 June 1947 Witness (P): Joseph Tschofenig 9329-9363
17 June 1947 Witness (P): Joseph Vorlicek 9383-9407
17-20 June 1947 Witness (D): Eugen Haagen 9408-9712
21 June 1947 Witness (D): Ernst Mettbach 9714-9757
21 June 1947 Defense: Waldemar Hoven 9761-10005
21-24 June 1947 Witness (D): Waldemar Hoven 9761-10004
25 June 1947 Defense: Adolf Pokorny 10006-10155
25-26 June 1947 Witness (D): Adolf Pokorny 10007-10109
26 June 1947 Witness (D): Rudolf Trux 10110-10120
26 June 1947 Witness (D): Ernst Koch 10120-10144
26 June 1947 Witness (D): Friedrich Jung 10148-10154
26 June 1947 Defense: additional documents 10155-10356
27 June 1947 Witness (P): Josef Laubinger 10198-10229
27 June 1947 Witness (P): Karl Hoellenrainer 10229-10234
28 June 1947 Prosecution: rebuttal evidence 10356-10471
30 June 1947 Witness (P): Constantyn J. Broers 10386-10406
30 June 1947 Witness (P): Gerrid H. Nales 10409-10471
30 June 1947 Defense: additional documents 10471-10551
1 July 1947 Witness (P): Karl Hoellenrainer 10508-10544
1 July 1947 Prosecution: rebuttal evidence 10552-10594
2 July 1947 Defense: additional documents 10601-10694
3 July 1947 Prosecution: rebuttal evidence 10695-10716
14 July 1947 Tribunal ruling on Count One of indictment 10717-10718
14 July 1947 Prosecution closing statement 10718-10796
14 July 1947 Defense closing statements 10797-11309
19 July 1947 Defendants' personal statements 11310-11358
19 Aug 1947 Tribunal judgment 11359-11531
20 Aug 1947 Sentences 11532-11538

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