Bringing Global Awareness
And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6
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Providing Lawful SOLUTIONSFor The White Man’s FAILURES: Pulling Off The Sheets On
NAZI Germany’s And The West’s / Europeans’ WORLD WAR 2 HOAX To COVER UP Their
NEW World Order Agendas
Germany During its Peak
Germany started expanding its territory by invading and annexing Poland in the fall of 1939, however this is hardly where the countries expansion stopped, at the peak of German power the Germans ruled almost all of continental Europe. The above map is an example of the territory Germany ruled at the height of its power. - - As of 12/28/2021, cut and pasted from:
Germany’s Unlawful Invasion Of Lands / Territories Known As United States of America
Germany with its European Allies had already unlawfully invaded the Lands / Territories that have been labeled as the United States of America “PRIOR” to World War 2. Germany’s / Europe’s Nazis and Jews / Zionists were able to avoid detection because they came to the Natives’ Lands under the DISGUISE of Immigrants / Refugees.
Managing to build up an IMMIGRANT Empire on STOLEN Native Lands / Territories! Giving the FALSE impression / illusion the Immigrants have a Country presently known as the United States of America (when they do NOT) and that these Nazis and / or Zionists have authority to give Citizenship, Nationality and Native Lands / Territories to other Immigrants (when they do NOT)!.
Napoleon Bonaparte - Military / Political Leader (France / Italy...) - "History is a set of lies agreed upon." According to the White Man's History, it is alleged that Christopher Columbus discovered America when the Lands / Territories were already occupied and inhabited by Native Nations and their People!
When It Is NOT
What has become more disturbing for the White Man / Europeans and their children is the FACT that they are NOT in lawful possession and / or ownership of the Native Lands / Territories that they have labeled as, "United States of America!" Moreover, seeing the escalated number of suicides in their children as such TRUTH continue to emerge that the "PRIVILEGE LIES" are all a part of the HOAXES, Scams and / or Schemes that have been masterminded by NAZI Germany and European...Allies!
Germany’s NAZIS and Jews / Zionists use approximately THREE (3) things through their Mainstream Media to devise / implement division: (a) Politics, (b) Religion, and (c) Race.
At the hype of their Covid-19 Biochemical Warfare, the Mainstream Media was used to enforce and use the White Man’s / Europeans’ “BRAINWASHING” Black-Codes tactics – i.e. shifting away FROM “AFRICAN” American (because AFRICAN ties the People to a NATIONALITY and Continent / Lands) TO just BLACK (a RACE… which does NOT tie People to Lands / Territories)!
NAZI Germany’s Jews / Zionists using their control of Media Forums to attempt to reduce those who may be of AFRICAN descent to JUST “Black!” Using such methods to brainwash and DUMB DOWN their victims and prevent victims from seeing his / her Nationality, WEALTH and ties / connection to the Lands, Territories and Resources the White Man seek to maintain CONTROL OVER! There is record evidence to support NAZI Germany’s occupation of Native Lands / Territories that have been labeled, “United States of America” PRIOR to World War 2! Through the acknowledgement, use and implementation of the TREATIES, it is reported that the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Utica International Embassy Officials, are stepping up and leading the way to have “ALL” Lands / Territories alleged to have been ceded by the Chickasaws “RETURNED” to its Native Nation and People.
Germany’s NAZIS and Jews / Zionists use approximately THREE (3) things through their Mainstream Media to devise / implement division: (a) Politics, (b) Religion, and (c) Race.
At the hype of Nazi Germany’s and its Allies (as United States, United Kingdom and Israel, etc.) Covid-19 Biochemical Warfare, the Mainstream Media was used to enforce and use the White Man’s / Europeans’ “BRAINWASHING” Black-Codes tactics – i.e. shifting away FROM “AFRICAN” American (because AFRICAN ties the People to a NATIONALITY and Continent / Lands) TO just BLACK (an alleged RACE…) only!
NAZI Germany’s Jews / Zionists using their control of Media Forums to attempt to reduce those who may be of AFRICAN descent to JUST “Black!” Using such methods to brainwash and DUMB DOWN their victims and prevent victims from seeing his / her Nationality, WEALTH and ties / connection to the Lands, Territories and Resources the White Man seek to maintain CONTROL OVER! There is record evidence to support NAZI Germany’s occupation of Native Lands / Territories that have been labeled, “United States of America” PRIOR to World War 2! Through the acknowledgement, use and implementation of the TREATIES, it is reported that the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Utica International Embassy Officials, are stepping up and leading the way to have “ALL” Lands / Territories alleged to have been ceded by the Chickasaws “RETURNED” to its Native Nation and People.
The “NEW” World Order Culprits’
Prima Facie Requirements:
(1) OBJECT Of Conspiracies: Germany’s NAZIS, Jews / Zionists with their European . . . Allies are seeking / pursuing Global White Supremacy OVER “ALL” Native Nations (also known as Nations of Color).
(2) PLAN: To use the World War 2 Blueprint / Scheme (as Germany’s unlawful invasion of Poland as well as other European Nations) as a guide for the World War 3 HOAX / Scheme (Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine. . .) to launch GLOBAL Wars to use as a front to steal Lands / Territories and Resources of Native Nations (i.e. of REMAINING Native Nations [over 500 Federally-Recognized Tribes] within what is presently known as the United States of America as well as other Native Nations in Latin America, the Middle East and North Korea, etc.)
Using the World War 3 HOAX / Scheme to unlawfully OVERTHROW Native Nations that are refusing to be enslaved and / or surrender to Germany’s NAZIS, Jews / Zionists and their European. . . Allies!
For instance, in the United States of America, it is being reported by Military Generals… of conspiracies of the NAZIS and Jews / Zionists conspiring to use such hoax as front for a so-called Civil War and / or Insurrection for fraudulent 2024 Election Schemes for purposes of obtaining the OBJECT of such conspiracies and unlawfully invading the United States of America for purposes of covering up Russia and China attempting to steal the Lands / Territories and Resources of Native Nations and their People to satisfy the monies LOST through NAZI Germany’s and Allies' United States Corporation Empire Racketeering Scams / Schemes!
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Russia and China are major investors in the “United States Corporation Empire” Racketeering Scams / Schemes!
When the Jews / Zionists use their Mainstream Media to report fake News of the “HACKING” of United States Systems, etc., such schemes are being used to cover-up what is known as a “Corporation TAKEOVER!” In other words, Russia and China Officials wanting to cash in on their investments and seize CONTROL of the NAZI Germany’s United States of America for the Corporation’s inability to pay its DEBTS…!
In Latin America, for purposes of gaining control of Sovereign Native Nations’ (as Venezuela) Governments, Lands / Territories and Resources.
In the Middle East, for purposes of covering up the “ISRAEL” Deal-Of-The-Century DEBACLE – i.e. wherein, Germany’s NAZIS, Jews / Zionists and their European . . . Allies FAILED to gain control of Native Nations (as Iran, Afghanistan and Syria, etc.) and suffered a HUGE disgrace / embarrassment in Afghanistan! The White Man’s / USA’s WAR ON TERRORISM Hoax was designed to shield the NAZIS’ and Jews’ / Zionists HOLY Wars launched against Muslim / Islamic Nations!
In Asia, seeking to unlawfully invade North Korea!
In Africa, seeking to unlawfully invade and OVERTHROWING Native Nations (as Ethiopia) who refuse to be colonized!
(3) AGREEMENTS Between Two Or More:
WORLD WAR 2 Synopsis:
September 3, 1939 - September 2, 1945
Axis powers Canada China Cuba Free French Germany Italy Mexico Soviet Union Allied powers
Major Events:
Holocaust Normandy Invasion North Africa campaigns Pacific War Cowra breakout
Key People:
Winston Churchill Adolf Hitler Alessandro Pertini Franklin D. Roosevelt Joseph Stalin
As of 01/05/2022, cut and pasted from:
World War II began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. Great Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3. The war between the U.S.S.R. and Germany began on June 22, 1941, with Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union. The war in the Pacific began on December 7/8, 1941, when Japan attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor and other American, Dutch, and British military installations throughout Asia.
To be determined. Conspiracies are being launched to implement.
Axis powers Canada China France Germany Italy Mexico Russian Ukraine Federation United Kingdom Japan Allied powers
Major Events:
Holocaust Targeting Native Nations Latin America Invasion Africa-Berlin Conference Campaigns Pacific War Middle East Invasion
Key People:
Angela Merkel Olaf Scholz Frank-Walter Steinmeier Elizabeth II The Monarch Of The United Kingdom Boris Johnson Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Joseph Robinette Biden Jr Donald John Trump Nancy Patricia Pelosi Addison Mitchell McConnell III Charles Ellis Schumer Vatican City Jorge Mario Bergoglio (a/k/a Pope Francis) Sergio Mattarella Xi Jinping Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin olodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron Andrés Manuel López Obrador Tsugu Akihito Hironomiya Naruhito Shinzo Abe Fumio Kishida António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres United Nations Senior Management Group
A few examples / FACTS of the WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts, and other Atrocities, etc. carried out by the the White Man and / or Germany's NAZIS, Jews / Zionists and their European Allies to obtain the OBJECT of such CONSPIRACIES are as follows (i.e. however, not limited to this listing alone):
First the White Man came with diseases and small pox blankets, etc. which severely and adversely impacted Native Nations and their People (i.e. as a direct and proximate result of such genocide and extermination… practices designed to steal… their lands / territories and resources! War Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities the White Man / Europeans resorted to for purposes of obtaining the OBJECT (global white supremacy…) of such CONSPIRACIES! Seeing that the lands / territories of the so-called United States of America were ALREADY inhabited and occupied by Native Nations, the White Man devised fraudulent scams / schemes
designed to steal the lands / territories and resources as well as cause about the division / breakup of Native Tribal Nations and allowed the unlawful invasion of the White Man / Caucasian and other War Crimes that followed in their quests for World dominance!
Second, the White Man realized what they believed to be problems – i.e. such as the Treaty of 1866; wherein, Native Nations (also known as Indian Nations) were mandatorily required (over many of the Tribal Nations’ objections) to provide “CITIZENSHIP” and “NATIONALITY” to Slaves and / or those known as “Freedmen” because under the United States Constitution, the Slaves and / or Freedmen (i.e. those also known as Niggers, Blacks, Negroes, Coloreds and African American) could NOT be Citizens of the United States of America!
For instance, the purposes for the WAR Crimes leveled against the Native Nations through the USE of Biochemical Warfare is to obtain possession of their Lands / Territories and Resources! However, upon requiring Native Nations and their People to provide “CITIZENSHIP / NATIONALITY” to Slaves and / or Freedmen, such relationships brought about MARRIAGES and the CONTINUED EXPANSION (Population Growth) of Native Nations and their People through such UNIONS! In other words, Native Nations and their People (and NATIVE Blood…) continued to MULTIPLY!
10 Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land. - - Exodus 1:10 (King James Version)
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Not “ALL” Native Nations’ People chose to be placed on PLANTATIONS (disguised as Reservations) and chose to continue to be free and pursue LAWFUL recourses from the “OUTSIDE!” Through such SCAMS / SCHEMES as the Dawes Act, etc., HEAD of Native (Indian) Households, etc. were given Lands / Territories (approximately 160 Acres or more), etc.!
Great Britain’s / Germany’s NAZIS, Jews / Zionists with their European . . . Allies running Racketeering. . . Schemes – After – Schemes and Scams – After – Scams! Managing to build a fraudulent DESPOTISM Corporation Empire alleging to be a government (when it is NOT)! Taking advantage of Native Nations and their People’s ILLITERACY and IGNORANCE of English . . . Language, Laws, and Documents (i.e. contents of so – called Treaties, etc.) used!
READ MORE: Dawes Act
In the meantime, please feel free to return as well as view the following video, by Lee Brown, "Native American Prophecies 1 & 2"
Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!
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Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
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