Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6



03/22/2019 Clinton Healthcare Matter - RETALIATORY Actions / FALSE Accusations Made By Cloteal Newsome Turner [U.S. Department of Justice] and Harvellia Newsome Thomas [U.S. Department of Defense] Against Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome [Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica INTERNATIONAL Embassy] Regarding Decison Made In Granting Matriarch Pearl Leo Newsome's Request

VDN Birth Certificate Certificate Of Citizenship


        There is “PUBLIC” Record “EVIDENCE” of so-called United States of America Citizen Vogel Denise Newsome filing NUMEROUS Complaints and / or Lawsuits addressing the “SYSTEMATIC” Racism / Discriminatory practices within the United States’ so-called Government System and / or DESPOTISM. . . Corporation Empire that IS controlled and run by NAZIS and Jews / Zionists!

          Furthermore, evidence to support that the United States operates under a “SLAVERY” System / Empire in which its Officials, Employees, Representatives and / or Legal Counsel (as Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz), etc. attempt to shield / hide such WAR Crimes and / or Criminal Acts through the unlawful creation of so-called Legislation / Laws known as “BLACK CODES” and / or “JIM CROW LAWS,” etc. Nevertheless, regardless of “HOW” the United States so-called Lawmakers may attempt to shield / hide such WAR Crimes and / or Criminal Acts, SLAVERY and / or ENSLAVEMENT are “PROHIBITED!”

        On this webpage, we also provide “EVIDENCE” of “HOW” the Jews / Zionists Monopolization of the MAINSTREAM Media and SOCIAL Media Forums ARE being used to “PUSH” as well as “IMPLEMENT” Slavery Practices that specifically target NATIVE People through the use of “BLACK CODES . . .!”

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Slavery under any other name and/ or disguised under any other name – i.e. as “BLACK CODES” and / or “JIM CROW Laws,” etc. – IS STILL SLAVERY and IS PROHIBITED!


According to the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”) in their Dred Scott Decision it found, those “Persons of African descent cannot be, nor were ever intended to be, citizens under the United States Constitution.” (Emphasis Added) Moreover:

Taney -- a staunch supporter of slavery and intent on protecting southerners from northern aggression -- wrote in the Court's majority opinion that, because Scott was black, he was not a citizen and therefore had no right to sue. The framers of the Constitution, he wrote, believed that blacks "had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever profit could be made by it." - - As of 03/26/2022:

US Dred Scott Decision Baker Donelson Nazis Zionists

IMAGINE “HOW” UNRAVELED The United States President Donald John Trump and Other Officials as well as Their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson BECAME Upon SEEING The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome’s so-called “CITIZENSHIP” and “BIRTH” DOCUMENTATION!


The following are "UNCONTESTED" documents
and / or Court filings / submittals, etc.:

On or about November 20, 2017, the International

Criminal Court's Prosecutor requested authorization of an investigation regarding the Situation in Afghanistan


WHY is the above information so important? Because the United States Officials’, etc. have a well-established record of DESTROYING Evidence” and “COVERING UP” their WAR Crimes and / or Criminal Acts! Furthermore, have sufficient EVIDENCE in their records to sustain that the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s People ARE of “NATIVE” Nationality / Descent – i.e. as Chickasaw!

     The Utica International Embassy’s September 7, 2018, submittal was met with “PUBLIC” Retaliatory “THREATS” against the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) by United States President Donald John Trump and his National Security Advisor John Bolton!

          IMPORTANT TO NOTE: On March 25, 2019, the United States’ President Donald John Trump / Officials / Employees… and Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz CONSPIRED to have the Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome KIDNAPPED and proceeded to seek ways to have her ASSASSINATED in efforts of obstructing JUSTICE and / or the JUDICIAL process in PROSECUTION … for WAR Crimes…

John Bolton:  The International Criminal Court Is Dead To The United States

For DECADES, Native Nations and their People have REPEATEDLY voiced their CONTEMPT as well as OBJECTIONS, etc. to the United States of America’s Officials … HYPOCRISY and placing themselves above the laws as though they are invincible – i.e. when they are NOT! Projecting themselves as a so-called / self-proclaimed World Super Power while engaging and covering up their WAR Crimes and other Criminal Acts / Atrocities, etc. As the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials and People share, “It matters NOT ‘HOW’ long the Wars; however, the World / People want to know ‘WHO WON!’


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: United States so-called Lawmakers / Officials engage in deceptive practices to intentionally give those who have been “LABELED” as being Niggers / Negroes / Blacks / African-Americans to THINK / BELIEVE they are Citizens of the United States of America - i.e. when they are NOT – under the:

Thirteenth (13th) [merely abolishing slavery…; however, not providing Citizenship],


Fourteenth (14th) [alleging, All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”i.e. failing to acknowledge that this does NOT apply to those they have LABELED as Niggers / Negroes / Blacks / African-Americans and CANNOT be Citizens under the United States Constitution; therefore, “NATIVE” Nations (as the Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, and Seminoles – known as the FIVE Civilized Tribes) were required to give them NATIONALITY / CITIZENSHIP through the 1866 TREATY], and / or


Fifteenth (15th) [merely focusing on alleged “voter’s” rights / issuesThe right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Nevertheless, over 150 Years later the United States’ SLAVES – i.e. allege BLACKS . . . – are still protesting and fighting for rights to which they are NOT entitled because they are NOT seen as Citizens under the White Man’s United States Constitution and do NOT have rights (according to the Supreme Court of the United States in Dred Scott) the White Man is bound to respect…] Amendments of the United States Constitution.


For those who may not know, Native People and their Descendants (i.e. the White Man labeled as “INDIANS”) who chose NOT to be imprisoned on RESERVATIONS – i.e. also known as the White Man’s Native Plantations . . . – were promised Citizenship and 160 Acres under the “DAWES Act,” etc.


IMAGINE THE SHOCK “WHEN” the United States Officials, their President Donald John Trump and Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators saw that the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister possesses EVIDENCE of so-called “CITIZENSHIP” precluding and prohibiting any such claims of her being “BLACK” as well as subjecting their Native Nation and People to “SLAVERY” practices under their “BLACK CODES” and “JIM CROW LAWS,” etc.! Moreover, REJECTION of “American Citizenship” and the American’s “RACIAL” and DEROGATORY Labels given and RETURNING to their NATIONALITY (Chickasaw) and NATIVE Culture, Faith, and Traditions, etc.


As many know, NAZI Germany’s United States’
WARS are brought for purposes of STEALING / THEFT of Native Nations’ Lands / Territories and Resources as well as the ENSLAVEMENT of their People!

Legal Conclusions

WHEN the United States’ Officials - with their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and CO-Conspirators - launched Operation Pearl’s MurderGate, it was for purposes of STEALING / THEFT of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Lands / Territories and Resources “by any means necessary” – i.e. which included Kidnappings and Murders / Assassinations! In efforts of avoiding detection and hiding their WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities, etc. launched against the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials and / or People, United States Officials with their President Donald John Trump, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators turned to siblings (Selina Ann Newsome, Edward Earl Newsome, Cloteal Jolquita Newsome Turner, Harvellia Lupene Newsome Thomas, Joe Lee [and his wife Annette] Newsome, Geneva Rene Newsome Mosley [now Roach], and Maureen Arlene Newsome Williams) to aid and abet . . . them in CONSPIRACIES to have the CTN Officials / People ASSASSINATED, etc.!

          In Pearl’s MurderGate, United States Officials . . . need the DEATHS of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Officials / People and their Lands / Territories and Resources. In March 20
19, Cloteal Newsome Turner (employed with the United States Department of Justice) advised CTN Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome of United States conspiracies against the “Elderly!” Nevertheless, did NOTHING to protect the Parents (Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome and Joseph Newsome) of our Prime Minister and / or Elders of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation. Through Operation Pearl’s MurderGate, the United States Officials . . ., their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators needed the DEATHS / MURDERS / ASSASSINATIONS of “ALL” the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Officials / People!


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: On or about February 25, 2019, the Town of Utica Mississippi Officials and Hinds County Mississippi Board of Supervisors Officials . . . were TIMELY, PROPERLY, and ADEQUATELY NOTIFIED of Legal / Lawful actions to be brought through the applicable Tribunal(s) for the August 28, 2018, KIDNAPPING, etc. of the UIE’s Prime Minister – i.e. a BRUTAL Assault, etc. that the CTN’s / UIE’s Matriarch Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome WITNESSED . . .! Wherein the Town of Utica, Mississippi’s Chief of Police Timothy Myles advised, “WE got something for you . . . THEY’RE going to do it right this time!” Utica Officials videotaping the horrific ordeal on their Cellphones . . .!

The MARCH 25, 2019, Kidnapping and Assassination attempts on the CTN / UIE Prime Minister’s LIFE were done in hopes / efforts of keeping the Public / World from getting this information as well as the TRUTH for the Downfall / Doom of the United States of America, etc.!

          In September 2019, succeeded in the Death / Murder / Assassination of the CTN’s Matriarch Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome – i.e. Approximately SIX (6) months from the March 25, 2019, Kidnapping and Assassination attempts on the CTN’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome.

Recording evidence that CTN Matriarch verbally advised as well as put in writing for Medical . . . Staff that her daughter (Denise Newsome) is authorized to handle directives regarding her medical care.  It is a good thing, concerns were put in writing and EVIDENCE of conspiracies to have her MURDERED / ASSASSINATED documented, etc. 

The CTN’s / UIE’s Matriarch being a strong advocate for keeping notes / a diary – i.e. advising the Prime Minister that, “the White Man does not think we have good sense.” Therefore, document and record our own history! Words of Wisdom proving to be FATAL for the USA’s continued existence!

 IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  NOT one time during the March 25, 2019 through July 12, 2019, was CTN / UIE Prime Minister advised / consulted NOR updated on her Mother's condition, etc.

DECISIONS regarding Pearl’s care were obtained through criminal acts and undue coercions, etc. which proved to be FATAL and appears resulted in her ASSASSINATION / DEATH!

          About August 2021, the United States sent in one of their Top Operatives (Cloteal) with the United States Department of Justice to oversee aiding and abetting in the Death / Murder / Assassination of one of the CTN’s Elders (Joseph Newsome)! Approximately SIX (6) months later (February 2022), the United States Officials . . . succeeded in bringing about the Death / Murder / Assassination of Joseph – i.e. in keeping with Cloteal’s in March 2019, advising CTN / UIE Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome of the United States Officials’, etc. CONSPIRACIES against the Elderly / Senior Citizens . . .!

          With the Deaths / Murders / Assassinations of CTN Elders (Pearl and Joseph), the United States then began moving forward
in the hopes of STEALING / THEFT of the CTN’s Lands / Territories of Pearl and Joseph – i.e. under the guise of “HEIRSHIP!” Little did they know the CTN’s / UIE’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome will be challenging / contesting “ALL” allege claims her siblings may attempt to assert.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The CTN / UIE Prime Minister’s living siblings (six [6] of them) thought they would “SELL” their “PORTIONS” of Lands / Territories, etc. they thought they would inherit; however, have been advised that, in accordance with so-called Mississippi Laws and / or Statutes / Laws governing such matters – i.e. as the “SLAYER Rule,” etc. – they are “PROHIBITED” . . . from any inheritance they may allege they are entitled to! Moreover, that their Criminal Acts and / or ROLES in the “CONSPIRACIES To MURDER” . . . are well documented! About March 13, 2022, Cloteal Turner advised the CTN’s / UIE’s Prime Minister of siblings plans to sell her Parents house and Lands / Territories, etc. they seek to inherit through the Will left! Cloteal being advised that such claims will be contested!

 Mississippi Code §91-5-33:

Person Who Kills Another Not To Take Under His Will

If any person shall wilfully cause or procure the death of another in any manner, he shall not take the property, or any part thereof, real or personal, of such other under any will, testament, or codicil. Any devise to such person shall be void and, as to the property so devised, the decedent shall be deemed to have died intestate.


03/10/2022, “The Lead With Jake Tapper” video is being shared in that we believe that it may provide additional facts to support the “MOTIVES” for the United States Officials', Employees', Representatives', their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz', and their CO-Conspirators’ “CONSPIRACIES TO MURDER” as well as WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities, etc. carried out against the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials and / or People. For instance, in the adjacent video excerpt, we direct your attention to the following FACTS:

1 Word – Play Games

Standard of Proof Prima Facie Requirements

OBJECT Of Conspiracies . . .

PLAN(S) On How To Accomplish Object

AGREEMENT(S) Between Two or More

3 Duty and / or Obligation To:



Notify Public

Notify / Report War Crimes, Criminal Acts and Atrocities, etc.

4 War Crimes and / or War of Aggression . . . In The Use Of BOMBINGS For Purposes Of:

Gentrification / Urban Renewal . . . Schemes Used For Stealing / Theft of Lands, Territories and Resources

5 Use of INTERNATIONAL Military Tribunals and / or Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court In Matters Involving Member States Who Allege They Are NOT Members Of The International Criminal Court (As The United States and Russia, etc.)

INTERNATIONAL Options Available “WHEN” States and / or So-Called States FAIL To Act On:

Complaint(s) Submitted / Filed

Investigation(s) Requested / Demanded

Prosecution(s) Of War Crimes, Criminal Acts and Atrocities Reported, etc.

6 Preservation Of Evidence In PUBLIC Records – i.e. To Counter United States Officials’ . . . Well – Established History Of DESTROYING Evidence In Effort(s) Of Avoiding PROSECUTION(S) and Covering Up WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts, and Atrocities, etc.

7 Recorded Evidence That United States Officials . . . Were Timely, Properly, and Adequately NOTIFIED That “INTERNATIONAL MILITARY INTERVENTION MAY BE NECESSARY.” Furthermore, Evidence To Support Timely Notification That CTN / UIE To Request “SPECIAL MILITARY TRIBUNALS” As That Used In The “Nuremberg Trials,” etc.

HOW Bad Is It For The United States Officials / Employees . . . Former President Donald John Trump, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Attorneys / Lawyers and CO-Conspirators (as Town of Utica, Mississippi Officials, Hinds County Mississippi Officials, Siblings of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome), etc.?


On March 25, 2019, conspiracies CONTINUED to be launched against the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials and / or People to have them Kidnapped and / or Assassinated “by any means necessary!” Specifically, targeting Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome BECAUSE of her knowledge of the Laws governing such matters and NOTIFYING the applicable “INTERNATIONAL” Tribunals, United States Officials / Legal Counsel, and Foreign Nations / Officials of LAWFUL actions being brought to bring United States Officials, Employees, Representatives, their Legal Counsel and CO-Conspirators TO JUSTICE!


1       Do not send any money until you have contacted the Court.

2       Send all payments to the proper Court. Do NOT send any money to the Law Enforcement Agency whose Officer WROTE the ticket.

3       If you fail to appear OR RESPOND to this ticket within the time noted on the front side of this ticket, a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

Record evidence will support the Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome’s TIMELY responses to the FRIVOLOUS Attacks and / or CONSPIRACIES launched against her and / or their Nation and People, etc.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Allege Court date set on “SEPTEMBER 11, 2018” Anniversary Date of the United States Officials’ / Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’ DOMESTIC Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001!


USA Operation Destroy UIE Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome


Baker Donelson 032519 Kidnapping Of UIE Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome


Having KNOWLEDGE of the International Criminal Court’s JURISDICTION over WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities being reported by the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Officials and / or their People – i.e. moreover, NOTIFICATION of the Criminal Charges being brought against United States President Donald John Trump with his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Attorneys, etc. – Trump with Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators (Town of Utica, Mississippi Officials, Hinds County Mississippi Officials, and Prime Minister Newsome’s SIBLINGS, etc.), PLANNED, ORCHESTRATED, and CARRIED OUT “another” KIDNAPPING on March 25, 2019, with intent to ASSASSINATE Prime Minister Newsome “by any means necessary!”

PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY Utica Mississippi Police Department Chief Timothy Myles


Orders were issued by the United States’ President Donald John Trump and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Lawyers to have the Town of Utica, Mississippi / Hinds County, Mississippi Officials to work with the United States Department of Defense Employees (Joe Lee Newsome / Annette Newsome / Harvellia Lupene Newsome Thomas . . . ), United States Department of Justice Employees (Cloteal Newsome Turner . . .), and other CO-Conspirators to aid and abet in CONSPIRACIES / WAR Crimes . . . in the KIDNAPPING of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome 

and hold her HOSTAGE at the Hinds County Detention Center in Raymond, Mississippi as well as in downtown Jackson, Mississippi location!

 NO HOSTAGE Policy Hinds County Detention Center

Sure enough, approximately TEN (10) days laterabout April 4, 2019 – the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) notified UIE Official(s) of the “INTERNATIONAL” Options available to them. Moreover, News Reports of the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor / Official(s) coming to the United States regarding matters involving investigation(s) into WAR Crimes, etc. were released. The April 4, 2019, ICC Correspondence the CTN / UIE was not supposed to have received had the United States’ Officials . . . and CO-Conspirators been successful in the ASSASSINATION of Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome! Therefore, a reasonable mind may conclude that the United States Officials’ / Legal Counsel Baker Donelson’s and their CO-Conspirators’ attacks on the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials and / or People were done for purposes of OBSTRUCTING The Administration of Justice,” “TAMPERING With Witnesses” and MUCH . . . MUCH. . .MUCH. . . MORE!

040419 ICC Letter To UIE 040519 Revoking Of ICC Visa 

040519 Revoking Of ICC Visa



060106 Letter From United States Mississippi SENATOR Thad Cochran



For those who may not be familiar with “INTERNATIONAL” Laws / Statutes, because the United States (a Privately Held Company) has been impersonating as a so – called State and allegedly recognized as State (when it is NOT) in International matters, evidence must be shown / proven that Criminal / Civil Complaints . . . have been filed and / or Investigation(s) / Prosecution(s) sought, etc.; however, United States Officials . . . “FAILED TO ACT” prior to handling legal / lawful matters through the applicable “INTERNATIONAL” Judicial / Military TRIBUNALS, etc.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: There is record evidence that the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials and / or People are PROHIBITED from bringing matters before United States Courts / Federal Agencies . . . and are NOT deemed to be Citizens under the United States Constitution, etc. – i.e. although provisions in so-called TREATIES state otherwise! Therefore, Native People (i.e. which have been LABELED by the White Man as being: Niggers, Negroes, Colored, Blacks and / or African American, etc.) ARE being subjected to WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities, etc. under “SLAVERY Laws” as: “BLACK Codes,” “Jim Crow Laws,” “Ku Klux Klan Act,” and MUCH . . . MUCH . . . MUCH . . . MORE!

Furthermore, Native Nations and their People / Descendants allegedly given “United States of America CITIZENSHIP” being subjected to “SYSTEMATIC” Discriminatory / SLAVERY Practices as well as other WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts, and other Atrocities, etc. that are PROHIBITED under Native Nations’ Laws and / or INTERNATIONAL Laws governing such matters!

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials and / or People have documented as well as preserved EVIDENCE of reporting of SYSTEMATIC Discriminatory Practices to United States Officials, Employees, Representatives, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz as well as their CO-Conspirators, etc. Moreover, timely, properly, and adequately reporting and / or filing the applicable Complaint(s) / Request(s) for Investigation(s) / Prosecution(s), etc. TO NO AVAIL!


The Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy is in the process of providing some copies of documents submitted to the following United States Branches and Departments / Agencies that went “UNCONTESTED” . . . in accordance with the Statutes / Laws governing such matters!  Upon completion, we hope to allow for you "to click on" each individual Branch / Agency and few some of the documents being shared through this News Forum:

USA Executive Office1

USA Legislative Branch CONGRESS1

Supreme Court Of The United States1

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission1

United States Department Of Justice1


Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Documents That Will NOT Be Found In United States Presidential / Congressional Libraries . . .!


FROM ObamaFraudGate

TO DirtyJoeGate





ObamaFraudGate 021612 Email Excerpt

PLEASE BE ADVISED:  This webpage is still under construction. More critical and damaging information will be shared!

Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


Coming News Sections:

Native Nations Economics

United States
Politics and Religion
Business and Finance
Science and Technology
The Legal Corner

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Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)
