Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE







110824 Fax Confirmation To Iran and Palestine USA DISTRACTION News On Allege Trump Assassination Attempt 001



FAX - - FAX - - FAX



FAX No. (202) XXX-XX73

For Delivery To: Iranian Permanent Mission in New York

Ambassador / Majid Takht Ravanchi


FAX No. (212) XXX-XX77

Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine
ATTN: Ambassador / Riyad H. Mansour



Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome



Situation In The United States of America / State of Mississippi – Chickasaw Tribal Nation Matter


Situation In The State of Palestine – Israel At War Matter



8 November 2024




We come to each of you in Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice!


We pray and ask that each of you read and hear what is being shared in this communication as well as in our various forums and move with the MOST URGENCY to protect not only each of your Native Nations but those around the World who are echoing the cries / voices of the State of Palestine (Palestine) and the Palestinian People!


We believe that the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) is in the position to rise up and lead Native Nations through a “flipping-the-script” Global Reset; however, must caution, this flip must be done using “WISDOM” and strategic planning – i.e. otherwise, all that “The Resistance” has worked to accomplish will be for naught / nothing!


The United States of America (USA) think that they are going to be successful in putting Donald John Trump BACK in Office on 20 January 2025, as the FACE of the Nazis / Jews / Zionists. From our research, Iran has a Military Force. However, the question to ask is, “Can Iran withstand direct attacks from the Nazis / Jews / Zionists Multi-AXIS which comprise of


European Union


Saudi Arabia



United Arab Emirates



The United Kingdom



The United States

as well as the HIDDEN FACES

China and Russia

for purposes of AVOIDING DETECTION




Yes, China and Russia – i.e. the HIDDEN Enemies that have been playing “DUAL” roles in conspiracies and deceiving many Native Nations into thinking they are their Allies (when NOT)! Remember when the Jews / Zionists were going to unlawfully invade Venezuela? Where was China and Russia? Nether China NOR Russia did anything – i.e. was going to allow the USA to unlawfully invade Venezuela. The Chickasaw Tribal Nation kept the World informed as to what was really going on. Iran stepped up to help Venezuela. On 25 March 2019, because the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome was keeping the World informed on the CONSPIRACIES against Iran, Venezuela and other Native Nations, the USA conspired to have her KIDNAPPED and proceeded to find ways to have her ASSASSINATED in hopes of silencing her voice. As seen today, Prime Minister Newsome survived the 110 days of being held HOSTAGE and TORTURED!


NOTE how China and Russia position themselves to LEARN the ins and outs of operating systems of Native Nations – i.e. of how Native Nations’ computer, electricity and defense systems etc. work. That being for purposes of causing MASS OUTAGES (as done in Venezuela when the USA’s Nazis / Jews / Zionists wanted to invade).


Again, it was Iran that is reported to have stepped up to help Venezuela. Iran who has been painted / projected to the World as being evil and wicked by the Nazis / Jews / Zionists!


China and Russia (who it appears) from reports, have deceived Iran into thinking they would actually replace the USA’s Donald John Trump with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei – i.e. while behind the scenes laughing and making a mockery that such DECEPTION is believed!


China and Russia are TOO WELL invested in “The New Middle East” schemes that the Nazis / Jews / Zionists had hoped to accomplish through their World War III / World War 3 HOAX!


Please think about this: Three (3) NUCLEAR Arsenals (USA, Israel and Russia) against Iran!


Let alone Three (3) NUCLEAR Arsenals (USA, Israel and Russia) against NORTH Korea!


We urge Iran to please rise up and URGENTLY use its POWERFUL position to push DIPLOMACY to protect not only Islamic Nations from what happened to the BLACK Indians and the Nazis / Jews / Zionists creation of the United States of America; however, working to put an end to the conspiracies for a “United States of Middle East” / “The New Middle East” schemes of the Nazis / Jews Zionists as well as their NEW Order / World War III HOAX for purposes of attacking “ALL” Native Nations and the STEALING / THEFT of their Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources, etc.!


Urging the use of DIPLOMACY and using War “only” as a last resort. We know that the reason Israel launched attacks against Iran is to make it appear they are at War while CONTINUING to carry out MASS Exterminations, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and other War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities against the State of Palestine and the Palestinian People!



What is the Chickasaw Tribal Nation asking / requesting of Iran’s and Palestine’s Leaders as well as their People:


a)        To know that the Chickasaw Tribal Nation (CTN) is not an enemy of either Iran nor Palestine and seek to work with them and other United Nations Member States to bring an end to the “Israel at War” as well as the United States of America Empire and its PROXY (State of Israel) operations for the SECURITY, PEACE and SAFETY . . . of the World!


b)    We stand with Native Nations that are firm and committed to the “RESISTANCE” Revolution and the right of Native Nations to self-govern themselves.


c)   For assistance with the DECOLONIZATION / DENAZIFICATION here within what is presently known as the United States of America, on the Continent of Afrika / Africa and Middle Asia (known to the Nazis / Jews / Zionists as the Middle East).


On or about 2 June 2024, a few of the Member States of the United Nations were notified of the Emergency Petitions sought through the “appropriate international authorities” as advised in the International Criminal Court’s communication of 4 April 2019.


On 22 June 2024, we were successful in getting our Emergency Petitions submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner.


- - These POWER Moves have caught the Nazis / Jews / Zionists off guard because they have presented the BLACK Indians to the World as being dumb (finding out they are SMART) and the reasons WHY they did not want the BLACK Indians to learn how to read!


- - The BLACK Indians inhabiting / living / dwelling within the Lands / Territories presently known as the United States of America PRIOR to the unlawful invasion of European Nations – i.e. and NOW the same script used in the creation of the United States of America is NOW being used in The New Middle East script.


- - NOW the Europeans’ Nazis / Jews / Zionists want Middle Asia – i.e. having placed their ANCHORS within the State of Palestine’s Lands known as State of Israel and within Iraq – i.e. wherein, the United States of America has set up shop in Baghdad!


On 5 November 2024, in keeping with World War III / World War 3 HOAX, Donald John Trump (Trump) was reported as winning the United States Presidential Elections. There are PLANS to put Trump BACK in office on 20 January 2025, with THREATS being issued on “Day 1” to begin implementing “PROJECT 2025” – i.e. the Nazis’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ NEW Order for GLOBAL White Supremacy over “ALL” Native Nations. Again, reminding, China and Russia are PARTIES in these conspiracies of the Nazis / Jews / Zionists!


The FOUR (4) Fronts that held back and PUBLICLY RESISTED the forces of evil are: Chickasaw Tribal Nation, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela.


PREMATURELY thinking that the EVIL AXIS has won against “The RESISTANCE,” Russia’s Putin has come out PUBLICLY congratulating Trump! Again, playing Iran for being dumb and disrespecting them as not being able to see through BRICS distraction schemes! Carrying out and being a part of MASS SLAUGHTERINGS because (as with the BLACK Indians) the Nazis / Jews / Zionists do NOT see Iran, Palestine and other Native Nations as HUMANS – i.e. however, see them as Animals and Monkeys, etc.!


7 November 2024 ABC Evening News





China and Russia are fulfilling role(s) to deceive Iran into thinking they are Allies while awaiting the RETURN of Trump to office – i.e. knowing that the USA’s Presidents are NOT running anything and merely serve as a FACE for the Nazis / Jews / Zionists! During the previous Trump Administration from 2016 – 2020, was the USA and its Legal Counsel (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz) Allies with Iran? NO! Insulting them PUBLICLY, calling them Monkeys / Animals and much more – i.e. as well as STEALING Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources!


From our knowledge, “The RESISTANCE,” is a threat to the Nazis / Jews / Zionists because of “all-around” skillset to operate through DIPLOMACY and / or Military operations. With that being said, this is what the Chickasaw Tribal Nation is asking / requesting - - That the Iran and Palestine UNITE and work through the United Nations using Resolution 377(v) “UNITING FOR PEACE” and call Emergency Special Session(s) pursuant to TO:


(a)    Obtain information regarding the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s 22 June 2024, Submission REFERENCE NO. “hhpo8pa7” to the United Nations Human Rights Office Of The High Commissioner, HOW handled and the STATUS – i.e. determining whether the United States of America has responded / provided an ANSWER (in writing) to each averment. NOTING well over 90 days is sufficient for said Commissioner to have received a response.




(b)      REFORM the United Nations Security Council. Due to the disputes raised by the Chickasaw Tribal Nation involving the FIVE (5) Permanent Members (United States, United Kingdom, France, China, Russia), said permanent members are NOT allowed to use their Veto power. Furthermore, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 76/262 MANDATES that permanent members of the United Nations Security Council MUST provide justification within 10 days if they use their Veto Power (EMPHASIS) – i.e. which effectively pushes for limitations on the use / abuse of the veto and prompts discussions around such talks of reform!


(c)   Acknowledging and implementation of the provisional measures presented. This is being brought to each of your attention that provisional measures are being sought from the Chickasaw Tribal Nation presently within what is known as the United States of America.


- - Timely request for Multinational Coalitions to assist REMOVAL of State of Israel from State of Palestine Lands / Territories . . .and assist with REMOVAL of the USA / State of Mississippi from Chickasaw Tribal Nation Lands / Territories . . . – i.e. sending in a Council established to assess situations and report back within 10 days due to the URGENT / DIRE situations present from Nazis / Jews / Zionists UNLAWFUL invasions and occupations.


(d)      Determine what is needed (if anything) to set up URGENT / EMERGENCY Ad Hoc Chambers to assist the Chickasaw Tribal Nation and State of Palestine with Investigations and Prosecutions – if violation(s) found – as well as the issuance and execution of Arrest Warrants within 14 days and / or not later than 25 November 2024 due to the URGENT / DIRE situations present from Nazis / Jews / Zionists UNLAWFUL invasions and occupations.


- - Determine what is needed (if anything) in setting up Pretrial Detention Facilities regarding the:


Situation In The United States of America / State of Mississippi – Chickasaw Tribal Nation Matter


Situation In The State of Palestine – Israel At War Matter


Please keep in mind that the Native Nations MUST BEGIN somewhere and the World has echoed its anger and outrage with what is not only going on in Palestine; however, the Nazis / Jews / Zionists having covert Paramilitary TERRORISTS operations all across Middle Asia, Continent of Afrika / Africa, Latin America / South America and the United States of America – i.e. NOTE none of this is going on within the WEST Nations / European Nations!


NOW the Chinese and Russians with their EUROPEAN / USA Counterparts think they have pulled off the biggest BLINDSIDE against Iran and “The RESISTANCE;” however, has NOT! The EUROPEANS’ FEAR has always been the “RISE” of Native Nations and a call for “HOLINESS” as well as fear of the BLACK Indians reemerging, assisting Middle Asia / Native Nations and RETURNING to THEOCRACY – i.e. Spiritual Guidance! Clearly BABYLON (United States of America / Israel) is NOT the face of Holiness. Look what they have done through their UNLAWFUL invasions within what is presently known as the United States of America. Look at what goes on within the Lands / Territories presently known as the State of Israel. Bringing such EVILS among Islamic / Muslim Nations and NOW want to expand their EVILS throughout Middle Asia – i.e. through the Nazis’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ CHRISTIANITY Packages!


As the World looks for guidance in CHANGE as well as the FALL of the Nazis’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ United States of America Empire and PROXY (State of Israel) and bringing their Leaders, Lawyers, Paramilitary TERRORISTS operatives, etc. to JUSTICE, we are hoping that Iran and Palestine can UNIFY Member States at the United Nations and RISE UP and lawfully implement and enforce CHANGE / REFORM through diplomacy and allow for the HEALING and RESTORATION . . . to begin.


In closing, we pray that neither Iran nor Palestine is prejudice towards the Chickasaw Tribal Nation because Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome is a woman. For approximately 110 days (25 March 2019 – 12 July 2019) as the United States of America’s Nazis / Jews / Zionists and their CO-Conspirators sought ways to have her ASSASSINATED (going as far as providing her with a DEATH Pill; had it been ingested would have brought about Prime Minister Newsome’s untimely death), God / Allah extended grace and mercy for such a time as this and to see the RISE of “The RESISTANCE” and restoration of Native Nations! We believe that had the USA’s Nazis / Jews / Zionists been successful in Prime Minister Newsome’s death, their MASSIVE New Order schemes would have been launched against Iran; moreover, the BRUTAL murder of their Leaders and ASSASSINATION of People – i.e. REPLACING them with EUROPEANS, CHINESE and RUSSIANS and creating LIES (as done with the USA) that Christopher Columbus also DISCOVERED the Middle East in his journeys / voyages! Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar being set up to be SLAUGHTERED as they have been deceived to think that the WHITE Man loves them; however, the White Man is merely awaiting their World War III / World War 3 HOAX to brutally murder their Leaders and TAKEOVER – i.e. having created a EUROPEAN system and indoctrinated / brainwashed them to think they are EQUAL with the White Man (when NOT in the White Man’s mind)!


We look forward to sharing this communication in our Social Forums should it become necessary to share with the World and Public our duty and / or obligation to keep them informed.


Thank each of you for your time and consideration! We here at the Chickasaw Tribal Nation pray that this information is fruitful to the missions of “The RESISTANCE!” Should either of you have further questions and / or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by BOTH Phone: (833) 733-0003 / (601) 885-3324 and Email: ( ) – in that a two-step process is being used for purposes of assuring receipt due to the USA’s attack on our Tribal Nation as well as Prime Minister Newsome.

Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


Coming News Sections:

Native Nations Economics

United States
Politics and Religion
Business and Finance
Science and Technology
The Legal Corner

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Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)
