Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6


James C. Duff
A NAZI / Zionist Washington JUDICIAL Operative
DIRECTOR Administrative Office of the United States Courts

 Operation FOOLPROOF – Are the FAILED attempts of the United States’ NAZIS / Jews / Zionists to FOOLPROOF their Judicial / Justice . . . System against the filings of Vogel Denise Newsome in efforts of avoiding prosecution for Criminal / Civil / Human Rights / War Crimes . . . VIOLATIONS!

     On February 14, 2006, the United States Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz had Newsome Kidnapped in efforts to SILENCE her voice in the reporting of Criminal / Civil . . .wrongdoings!

     July 2006, Baker Donelson placed one of their Attorneys (James C. Duff) in as the DIRECTOR for Administrative Office of the United States Courts to act as the “FOX Guarding The Henhouse” – i.e. To REPORT and OBSTRUCT “ALL” Judicial proceedings…!



          It appears the United States of America / United States is a “SHADOW Government” and has spent DECADES building an ANTI-Vogel Denise Newsome System while she spent the time addressing and PRESERVING EVIDENCE of the West’s / Europeans’ CONSPIRACIES to enslave the “BLACK Indians,” their Nations and People. Furthermore, using Newsome’s legal proceedings and documents to teach Law School Students on methods Newsome used; however, time-and-time again were left BAFFLED because “EACH” action brought by Newsome centered on different EVIDENCE, comprised of DIFFERENT scenarios and used various Case Laws / Legal Conclusions to support SYSTEMIC Racism / Discrimination that proved DIFFICULT for Baker Donelson)!

         NOW with the TOTAL COLLAPSE of Germany’s / United Kingdom’s and their European Allies’ United States of America COMPANY / CORPORATION Empire, Native Nations continue to EMERGE – i.e. RISE UP and RESUME their rightful place as LEADERS of the World!

INVESTIGATIONS, Research and EVIDENCE will support the United States of America’s Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and CO-Conspirators spent DECADES drafting so-called Legislation / Laws to COVERUP their



(1)   WAR Crimes

(2)   Crimes Against Humanity,

(3)   WAR Of Aggression,

(4)  Violation(s) of Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the (5) Crime of Genocide (1948),

(5)   Ethnic Cleansing,

(6)   Violation(s) of Chemical Weapons Convention (1997), and

(7)   Other Atrocities, etc.

- i.e. in serious violations of international laws governing said matters in the NAZIS’ / WHITE Supremacists’ / Ku Klux Klan’s / Jews’ / Zionists’ QUESTS to ENSLAVE the “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations and their People!

     ENSLAVEMENT CONSPIRACY / DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY schemes spanning over FIVE (5) CENTURIES (over 500+ Years) and the creation of a FRAUDULENT Country (known as the United States of America), with a FRAUDULENT Flag, FRAUDULENT Government claiming STOLEN Lands / Territories and Properties, etc.!



David vs Goliath BATTLE


Truly, this is a DAVID versus GOLIATH Testimony as the World is witnessing “HOW” the smallest Nation (Chickasaw Tribal Nation) - - out of what has been LABELED as the Five-Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole) - - is being used by God to BRING DOWN one of the World’s so-called SUPER POWERS (The United States of America)!



Creating a “SLAVE SYSTEM” Tracking Number (“SSTN”) System disguised as a “SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER” (“SSN”) and a “LABOR” Empire for purposes of building and propping up Germany’s / United Kingdom’s and their EUROPEAN Allies’ United States of America “SHADOW” Government – i.e. with PLANS for a 2025 United States of “EUROPE!”


2025 United States Of Europe 



It is through said SSTN / SSN that the USA’s Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators STALKED / TRACKED Prime Minister Newsome and REPEATEDLY subjected her to “BLACK Codes” / Jim Crow. . . Practices and REPEATEDLY conspiring to abruptly having her EMPLOYMENT Terminated! Then, when she pursued JUSTICE (as Malcolm X shared) through the USA’s so-called LEGAL System, “ALL” avenues were OBSTRUCTED and CLOSED to her! Also known as “BLACKLISTING . . .,” said Stalking / Tracking is PROHIBITED through the United States of America’s so-called Laws:

Hundley v. Louisville & N.R. Co., 48 S.W. 429 (Ky.) - A conspiracy between defendant railroad company and other . . .companies to prevent discharged employees from obtaining employment, if unlawful, does not give an employee who has been discharged by defendant a right of action, unless the conspiracy has been carried out by the refusal to give him

employment. . .


. . .that while engaged in the discharge of his duties he was wrongfully, unlawfully, and maliciously discharged by it; that it wrongfully, unlawfully, and maliciously blacklisted him; that he was blacklisted wrongfully, unlawfully, maliciously, and falsely by its placing upon its records a pretended cause of discharge, to wit, neglect of duty, with a view of injuring and preventing him from entering its employment or that of other . . .companies; that it had entered into a conspiracy and combination with other . . .companies by which its employés discharged for cause will not be given employment by other. . . companies; that, on account of its false and malicious acts and its conspiracy with other . . .companies, he has been deprived of the right to again engage in the employment of the defendant or other . . . companies; that the wrongful acts mentioned were committed for the purpose of making, and had made, it impossible for him to ever again get employment from the defendant on any of its lines, or from other . . .companies in the United States; . . .



It is the part of every man's civil rights to enter into any lawful business, and to assume business relations with any person who is capable of making a contract. It is likewise a part of such rights to refuse to enter into business relations, whether such refusal be the result of reason, or of whim, caprice, prejudice, or malice. If he is wrongfully deprived of these rights, he is entitled to redress. Every person sui juris is entitled to pursue any lawful trade, occupation, or calling. It is part of his civil rights to do so. He is as much entitled to pursue his trade, occupation, or calling, and be protected in it, as is the citizen in his life, liberty, and property. Whoever wrongfully prevents him from doing so inflicts an actionable injury. For every injury suffered by reason of a violent or malicious act done to a man's occupation, profession, or way of getting a livelihood, an action lies. Such an act is an invasion of legal rights. A man's trade, occupation, or profession may be injured to such an extent, by reason of a violent or malicious act, as would prevent him from making a livelihood. One who has followed a certain trade or calling for years may be almost unfitted for any other business. To deprive him of his trade or calling is to condemn, not only him, but perchance a wife and children, to penury and want. Public interests, humanity, and individual rights, alike, demand the redress of a wrong which is followed by such lamentable consequences. A . . company has the right to engage in its service whomsoever it pleases, and, as part of its right to conduct its business, is the right to discharge any one from its

service, unless to do so would be in violation of contractual relations with the employé. It is the duty of a . . .company to keep in its service persons who are capable of discharging their important duties in a careful and skillful manner. The public interest, as well as the vast property interests of the company, require that none other should be employed by it. Its duty in this regard and its right to discharge an employé does not imply the right to be guilty of a violent or malicious act, which results in the injury of the discharged employé's calling. The company has the right to keep a record of the causes for which it discharges an employé, but in the exercise of this right the duty is imposed to make a truthful statement of the cause of the discharge. If, by an arrangement among the . . .companies of the country, a record is to be kept by them of the causes of the discharge of their employés, and when they are discharged for certain causes the others will not employ them, it becomes important that the record kept should contain a true statement of the cause of an employé's discharge. A false entry on the record may utterly destroy and prevent him from making a livelihood at his chosen business. Such false entry must be regarded as intended to injure the discharged employé; therefore a malicious act. . . .“A tort may be dependent upon, or independent of, contract. If a contract imposes a legal duty upon a person, the neglect of that duty is a tort founded on contract; so that an action ex contractu for the breach of contract, or an action ex delicto for the breach of duty, may be brought, at the option of the plaintiff.” It was one of the purposes of the common law to protect every person against the wrongful acts of every other person, and it did not matter whether they were committed by one person or by a combination of persons, and under it an action was maintainable for injuries done by disturbing a person in the enjoyment of any right or privilege which he had. It is said in Cooley, Torts, 278: Thus, if one is prevented, by the wrongful act of a third party, from securing some employment he has sought, he suffers a legal wrong, provided he can show that the failure to employ him was the direct and natural consequences of the wrongful act.It is said in 1 Add. Torts, 14: “When a violent or malicious act is done to a man's occupation, profession, or way of getting a livelihood, there an action lies in all cases.” The plaintiff does not seek to recover because he was discharged in violation of a contract which he had with the defendant. He does not allege that he had a contract with it to perform services for it for a given length of time. He seeks to recover damages for its alleged wrongful act in making the false entry upon its record against him, to prevent him from pursuing his calling by rendering it impossible for him to get employment from other . . .companies. . .


The liability is damages for doing, not for conspiracy. The charge of conspiracy does not change the nature of the act. In an action for damages, there must be some overt act, consequent upon the agreement to do a wrong, to give the plaintiff a standing in a court of law. Jag. Torts, 638; Cooley, Torts, 279


    Newsome, NOTIFYING the PUBLIC, that such attacks have led to the United States of America’s DEMISE! 


NOTE:  Screen may appear white.  Select "PLAY" button to view.












biz man working hard at computer 1



     STALKING / TRACKING Vogel Denise Newsome / Prime Minister Newsome from Job-To-Job / Employer-To-Employer / State-To-State and engaging in Human Rights / Civil Rights Violations, WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities . . . ; ULTIMATELY with Newsome being BANNED from the United States Courts upon EXPOSING EMPLOYMENT VIOLATIONS of the Law Firm of Mitchell McNutt & Sams (“MMS”)!


Employers Wall Of Shame



   Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Attorneys CONSPIRING with Attorneys at the Law Firm of Mitchell McNutt & Sams to have Vogel Denise Newsome’s employment TERMINATED in RETALIATION of her exposing what she believed to be Wage and Hour violations!

There is record evidence of Newsome's WORK ETHICS as well as COMPUTER Skillset!

CLEARLY supporting Job QUALIFICATIONS and GOOD Relationship with Employers "PRIOR" to being contacted by the United States of America's Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and / or CO-Conspirators DEMANDING "TERMINATION" of Newsome's employment!


NEWSOME Letters of References

Vogel Denise Newsome COMPUTER Tests Scores




     Out of the abundance of concerns of CRIMINAL Acts and CIVIL Rights Violations, Newsome NOTIFIED the United States Department of Justice to request Assistance / INTERVENTION – i.e. To NO AVAIL! 





When Newsome sought to receive Unemployment Benefits, Baker Donelson CONSPIRED with Mitchell McNutt & Sams and MMS’ Legal Counsel Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens & Cannada / Paula Graves Ardelean to OBSTRUCT receipt of BENEFITS! It is during cross examination at the Unemployment Benefits Hearing, that Newsome used said Hearing to obtain and preserve TESTIMONY from MMS’ Employee James T. Allen (Chief Operations Officer) admitting that Newsome being subjected to a DISCRIMINATORY work environment and MMS Attorney Robert Gordon admitting to subjecting Newsome to a “HOSTILE” work environment! 


Judge Bobby DeLaughter JUDICIAL Corruption


Judge Bobby DeLaughter being the Judge involved in Mississippi Unemployment Benefits matter. A Judge who also is later INDICTED for CRIMINAL Activity and PLED “GUILTY” – i.e. United States Department of Justice appears granting him SPECIAL FAVORS in the handling of case! 




     When a lawsuit against Mitchell McNutt & Sams . . . was filed in FEDERAL Court, Baker Donelson CONSPIRED with Judges of OBSTRUCT Judicial proceedings as well as BAN Newsome from use of the United States Judicial System! The Court’s Judges FAILING to advise of the CONFLICT Of Interests present, CORRUPTION and other CRIMINAL Acts being carried out against Newsome in DEPRIVATION of protected rights / equal protection of the laws / due process, etc.

     IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Filing Fee Was PAID In Lawsuit and JURY TRIAL Demanded! Nevertheless, Newsome being DENIED Justice as well as a JURY Trial!

      Therefore, allowing for INVESTIGATIONS and PROSECUTION(S) – if VIOLATIONS found – through appropriate INTERNATIONAL authorities!  NOTE: 

Newsome DISQUALIFACTION Of Judge(s) Filing
GOOGLE Disqualification Filing
GOOGLE Black Indians TRIBAL People


- i.e. Wherein, Baker Donelson [Legal Counsel for the United States / Mississippi . . .] is being called out as well as Judge Henry Travillion Wingate (same Judge in the Mississippi House Bill 1020 . . . / Vogel Denise Newsome vs. Mitchell McNutt & Sams . . . matter - SAME Judge Baker Donelson had NOMINATED and APPOINTED to the Federal Bench)!

Judge Henry Travillion Wingate PUSHING Mississippi House Bill 1020






     In the MMS matter, the Court Officials / Judges allowing Lawyers / Attorneys basically to walk in off the street and ABUSE the judicial process and file pleadings / documents on BEHALF of Mitchell McNutt & Sams WITHOUT entering an appearance – i.e. said judicial abuses and Civil Rights VIOLATIONS being made known to Court Officials / Judges, etc.! TO NO AVAIL!



     Keep in mind, these are USA Law Firms’ Lawyers / Attorneys doing this – i.e. NOT Pro Se litigants! Had Newsome been a PURCHASED Lawyer / Attorney of the SYSTEM / MATRIX and WHITE, a reasonable mind may conclude, such UNLAWFUL practices would NOT have been able to proceed without making an APPEARANCE where such violations have been BRIEFED setting forth Case Laws / Legal Conclusions PROHIBITING such unlawful defense tactics!



Motion To Show Proof Of Legal Authority / Motion Challenging Authority To Appear (Jury Trial Demanded in this Action) – i.e. Requesting SANCTIONS and Other Relief!




Motion To Strike Motion To Dismiss, Memorandum In Support Of Motion To Dismiss; Motion To Strike Defendants' Motion To Stay All Proceedings Pending Ruling On Defendants' Motion To Dismiss, Defendants' Memorandum Of Authorities In Support Of Their Motion To Stay All Proceedings Pending Ruling On Defendants' Motion To Dismiss; Motion For Rule 11 Sanctions Of And Against Defendants; and Motion For Default Judgment (Jury Trial Demanded In This Action)



AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF: Motion To Strike Motion To Dismiss, Memorandum In Support Of Motion To Dismiss; Motion To Strike Defendants' Motion To Stay All Proceedings Pending Ruling On Defendants' Motion To Dismiss, Defendants' Memorandum Of Authorities In Support Of Their Motion To Stay All Proceedings Pending Ruling On Defendants' Motion To Dismiss; Motion For Rule 11 Sanctions Of And Against Defendants; and Motion For Default Judgment (Jury Trial Demanded In This Action) 



      Newsome vs. Mitchell McNutt & Sams . . . is the Lawsuit in which Ladye Margaret Townsend is being SUED! As a defense to the lawsuit, it appears Townsend files a BANKRUPTY action! Vogel Denise Newsome taking the time to advise the Court of Townsend’s “UNLAWFUL” BANKRUPTCY Filing naming Newsome as a CREDITOR – i.e. Bankruptcy action as a defense is PROHIBITED under the laws governing said matters!

NOTE - Defendant Townsend's Filing Of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Action; and Receipt of Waiver of Service of Summons 


Creditor's Opposition / Response To Notice Of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting Of Creditors & Deadlines; and Motion To Be Dismissed From Action 



SEPTEMBER 18, 2015






Chapter 7

Case No. 11-00167-ee









LUKE 12:

11 And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:

12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.





Judge Louis Guirola Jr



CONSPIRING With The United States of America's Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz To Keep The TRUTH From The Public / World - i.e. From A JURY!

9 11 Domestic Terrorism1




     For instance, in the Vogel Denise Newsome versus ENTERGY matter, the USA’s Legal Counsel Baker Donelson ALSO represents ENTERGY! It appears, upon seeing Newsome’s ability to present CLAIMS and EVIDENCE of “SYSTEMIC Racism / Discriminatory” Practices, said Legal Counsel ENGAGED in Criminal Activities / Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities for purposes of DESTROYING Newsome’s Life and DEPRIVING her of Liberties, Freedom, Justice, EQUAL Protections of the Laws, DUE PROCESS of Laws and much more! Depriving Newsome of protected rights allegedly secured through the United States’ so-called CONSTITUTION and so-called CITIZENSHIP!

     It appears seeing Newsome’s ability to get a FAVORABLE Ruling from the Fifth (5th) Circuit Court of Appeals, CONSPIRED with Judges to OBSTRUCT Justice and to grant Rulings in FAVOR of Baker Donelson’s CLIENTS (as Entergy)! In the Entergy matter, being sure that Judges Morey L. Sear and G. Thomas Porteous were assigned the Case – i.e. in that both appear on their LISTING of Judges / Justices!

VDN Certificate Of Citizenship



      Apparently doing so with KNOWLEDGE that Judge Porteous Jr. can be BOUGHT / PURCHASED and KNOWN to take Bribes and Kickbacks, etc. in EXCHANGE for favorable rulings. About September 17, 2004, the United States Officials were TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADEQUATELY notified of concerns of CRIMINAL Acts of Lawyers / Attorneys employed with Baker Donelson, Judge G. Thomas Porteous and others! To NO Avail!



Then about December 2010, almost SIX (6) Years later, Judge Porteous is IMPEACHED:

Newsome was NOT aware of these proceedings.  It was ONLY because of guidance from the Ancestors when researching, that this information was found:



INVESTIGATION(S) will yield that NOT all Chickasaws chose to be placed on PLANTATIONS – i.e. Disguised as RESERVATIONS! However, in accordance with so-called Treaties, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s People chose to remain FREE and it is alleged to have been given approximately 160 acres of lands, etc. in accordance to the White Man’s DAWES Act! Chickasaw Lands / Territories and Properties, etc. that have been STOLEN by the WHITE Man and many of the Chickasaws / “BLACK Indians” / Native People being ASSASSINATED / Murdered if they did not SELLi.e. as Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome’s Great Grandfather (Milligan Newsome)! There is record evidence to support the so-called WHITE Man in 1906, used similar criminal MURDER schemes to STEAL the 160 Acres, etc. provided to Milligan Newsome – i.e. the Great Grandfather of Vogel Denise Newsome / Prime Minister Newsome – through the DAWES Act


USA WHITE Supremacist ASSASSINATION Of Milligan Newsome 


As of 07/05/2022:


     INVESTIGATION(S) will yield that through the United States of America’s so-called Treaties with the Chickasaws, alleged CITIZENSHIP being promised as well as Jobs / Employment, access to Courts and much more – i.e. ALL of which being FRAUDULENT and LIES told to the Chickasaws / “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations and their People!



     Upon the United States of America’s Officials and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz learning of Chickasaws in Utica, Mississippi were RISING UP, CONSPIRACIES were launched to EXTERMINATE and put an end to such LAWFUL UPRISINGS!



Conspiracies have been launched in efforts to keep Vogel Denise Newsome / Prime Minister Newsome and the Chickasaw Tribal Nation from RECOVERING ALL Lands / Territories and Properties STOLEN, etc. from their Tribal Nation and / or Ancestors, etc.!

1906 ASSASSINATION Of Milligan Newsome 



UIE Version:

Bradley S. Clanton
A NAZI / WHITE Supremacist…


Bradley S. Clanton, of the law firm of Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC, has been appointed by the United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) to serve as Chairman of its Mississippi Advisory Committee.



     The Committee assists the USCCR with its fact-finding, investigative and information dissemination activities. The functions of the USCCR include investigating complaints alleging that citizens . . . studying and collecting information relating to discrimination or a denial of equal protection of the laws under the Constitution; appraising federal laws and policies with respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws . . . serving as a national clearinghouse for information in respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws; submitting reports, findings and recommendations to the President and Congress; and issuing public service announcements to discourage discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws.

Bradley Clanton Baker Donelson FOX GUARDING The Henhouse


Mr. Clanton, a shareholder in Baker Donelson's Jackson, Mississippi and Washington, D.C. offices, concentrates his practice in government litigation, securities and other fraud investigations, and litigation, election law and appeals. His appellate practice has included matters before the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Courts of Appeals . . . His internal investigations and government litigation practice has included matters related to Securities and Exchange Commission investigations, health care fraud investigations, federal campaign finance investigations, and state and federal securities fraud class action litigation and arbitration proceedings.




Previously, Mr. Clanton served as Chief Counsel to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, where his responsibilities included advising the Chairman and Republican Members of the Judiciary Committee on legislation and Congressional oversight implicating civil and constitutional rights, Congressional authority, separation of powers, proposed constitutional amendments and oversight of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.





 Honorable Noble Drew Ali 001



United States of America SHADOW / FAKE GOVERNMENT

I am going to leave the European here just long enough to teach you how to run a government. - - Honorable Noble Drew Ali



25 U.S. Code § 194
Trial Of Right Of Property;



GOOGLE BLACK Indians BLACK Wall Street 


In all trials about the right of property in which an Indian may be a party on one side, and a white person on the other, the burden of proof shall rest upon the white person, whenever the Indian shall make out a presumption of title in himself from the fact of previous possession or ownership.



CHILDREN, you are just plain RICH - - Honorable Noble Drew Ali



WHY is it IMPORTANT to Germany’s and United Kingdom’s NAZIS / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists to CONTROL what is TAUGHT to “BLACK Indians?”


Need to KEEP the LIES told to “BLACK Indians’” within the United States of America that they are DESCENDANTS of SLAVES brought from AFRICA (when they are NOT); wherein, withholding information of “BLACK Indians’” ANCESTRY and being the OWNERS / INHABITORS of the Lands / Territories and Properties, etc. that the WHITE Man is claiming to have DISCOVERED as their AMERICA through their “Doctrine of Discovery” Scams / Schemes – i.e. when NO such DISCOVERY is true!



The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people. / History is a set of LIES agreed upon. - - Napoleon Bonaparte



Using the WHITE Man’s Bible, such CONSPIRACIES (it appears) have been used in the PAST; wherein, TIME is used for purposes of BETRAYAL and ENSLAVEMENT Schemes!


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Through such LIES, the White Man has FAILED to DISASSOCIATE the “BLACK Indians’ Descendants from the Lands / Territories and Properties / RESOURCES therein. A reasonable mind may conclude that through Germany’s / United Kingdom’s and their West / European Allies, they hoped that OVER the Centuries of unlawful ILLEGAL Immigration and living among “BLACK Indians” they had MASTERMINDED and PERFECTED their WAR Crimes, War of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities to aid in the CONSPIRACIES to COVER UP the THEFT / STEALING of the “BLACK Indians’” Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources!

RECORD EVIDENCE supporting the RECRUITMENT of Investors (it appears) into the WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities, etc. as well as roles being played in CONSPIRACIES alleging claims to the “BLACK Indians’” / Native Nations’ Lands, Territories, Properties and Resources – i.e. To which said Investors and the WHITE Man are NOT entitled to through the applicable Statutes, Codes, Rules, Regulations and Laws governing said matters and, therefore, may be PROSECUTED for role(s) in such WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities being carried out the USA’s NAZI / White Supremacist / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionist Officials and their CO-Conspirators!

Noble Drew Ali Dont Throw Bibles Away



Don’t throw away your Bibles, because I am going to use them to condemn the government. - - Honorable Drew Ali



And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation.



And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.


FAKE Jews ILLEGAL Occupation Of Israel


Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.



And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:



10 Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.



11 Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.



NAZIS Beer Hall Putsch Operations


INTERVIEWER: . . . Many ZIONISTS could NEVER expect justice . . . in the Courts found in other countries . . . in Eastern Europe as so on and they decided it would be wise to establish a separate State in Israel.



MALCOLM X: And ALL the World Powers got together . . . the WHITE World Powers I should say, got together and HELPED ALL these WHITE JEWS to establish a separate State in the HEART of a DARK SKINNED People's Territory - - and IF White People can get together and let OTHER Whites help other Whites to ESTABLISH an INDEPENDENT Nation right in the midst of DARK SKINNED People . . .and we don't see where White People should be so much AGAINST . . . solution . . . of setting up an INDEPENDENT "DARK" Nation in a White People's Property . . . but asking the opportunity to set up an INDEPENDENT Nation in our OWN Continent . . . This is INTELLIGENT . . . ZIONISTS should NEVER criticize us! - - 1963 Berkeley Interview



12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.



13 And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour:


14 And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour.



15 And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah:



16 And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.




17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.



18 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive?



19 And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them.



20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty.



21 And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.



22 And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive. - - Exodus 1


CTN War On Terrorism WHITE Supremacy

     As early as Wednesday (06/14/2014) morning, Bringing Global Awareness News published information regarding the Donald John Trump Indictment Hoax at:


   Sharing this information through Social Forums (as Twitter . . .) releasing
DAMAGING information explaining the SLAVERY Schemes of Native Nations through such DISTRACTIONS as the United States of America’s Officials, with their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators CONSPIRE to ENSLAVE the “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations and their People for purposes of THEFT / STEALING of these protected Native Nation’s Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources!



     Sharing information on “HOW” the United States’ Officials with their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators are working BEHIND-The-Scenes to UNLAWFULLY return Donald John Trump to their White House BEFORE the November 2024 Elections! This being a reason for Trump and his Legal Counsel having a TREASURE TROVE of so-called Government documents!



     It appears that in RETALIATION to Bringing Global Awareness’ News Article featuring the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Herstorical

Achievements in bringing an END to WHITE Supremacy, it is reported that the NEXT day (06/15/2024), Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources came under attacks by WHITE Supremacists in furtherance of their UNLAWFUL INVASIONS, VANDALIZING and STEALING from our SACRED Lands / Territories.



     NOW that this has been released, the so-called WHITE Man may attempt to spin News another way – i.e. away from WHITE Supremacists; however, a reasonable mind concluding the TRUTH! This being WHY this video is recorded and published. The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Officials believe such WAR Crimes, War of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities WILL CONTINUE by the likes of the United States of America’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists . . .through their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’ TERRORISTS-For-HIRE PARAMILITARY Operations!



     Nevertheless, watch “HOW” this information is used to assist the Chickasaw Tribal Nation in receiving ASSISTANCE through the “appropriate INTERNATIONAL Authorities as the International Criminal Court advised of on April 4, 2019 (i.e. Communication received during the March 25, 2019 July 12, 2019 KIDNAPPING and ASSASSINATION attempts on Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome)!

040419 International Criminal Court Communication


USA’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionist WAR Crimes, War of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, Human EXPERMENTS, Extermination Practices and other Atrocities being DOCUMENTED by Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome – i.e. EVIDENCING “HOW” USA Covert Paramilitary TERRORISTS Operations are carried out using BLACKS for purposes of AVOIDING detection!

Who Is VDN1


The International Criminal Court’s April 4, 2019, Communication CONFIRMS “LAWFUL” International Options that CAN BE pursued and IS in KEEPING with the January 10, 2012, “Notification For Termination – Request For Impeachment Of President Barack Hussein Obama II – Response To The Attacks On Florida A&M University Regarding Alleged Hazing Incident – Request For INTERNATIONAL MILITARY INTERVENTION MAY BE NECESSARY ISSUED upon the United States of America’s President Barack Hussein Obama II, United States Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and United States Joint Chief of Staff Michael Mullen:

011012 PROOF Of Service




From this video, the Public / World will find EVIDENCE of the United States President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. ACKNOWLEDGING that “WHITE Supremacy” is “the MOST DANGEROUS TERRORIST Threat to. . .HOMELAND!” 

051323 USA President Joseph Biden CONFIRMS White Supremacy MOST Terrorist Threat


     WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Because of one of the World’s so-called SUPER Power Nations’ President Joseph Biden ACKNOWLEDGING “WHITE Supremacy” as “The MOST DANGEROUS Terrorist Threat to” the United States of America’s HOMELAND, in keeping with the USA’s so-called “WAR On Terrorism,” allows for the Chickasaw Tribal Nation to LAWFULLY seek INTERNATIONAL Assistance through the “appropriate INTERNATIONAL Authorities” the International CRIMINAL Court advised of!





In other words, LAWFULLY allowing the Chickasaw Tribal Nation “To BRING The Chickens HOME” and obtain assistance through the “appropriate INTERNATIONAL Authorities” in RESTORING / REBUILDING our Native Nation(s)!



With the PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s TAKEOVER of the STATE Of MISSISSIPPI as well as the CAPITAL City of JACKSON, Mississippi and reports of THREATS of the NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists LAUNCHING an ALL-OUT July 1, 2023, TERRORISTS Invasion of Jackson, Mississippi, as a matter of INTERNATIONAL Laws governing said matters, EMERGENCY International INTERVENTION “CAN” be LAWFULLY executed in that there is PROOF of a TOTAL COLLAPSE of a so-called Government System (known as the United States of America) that was THOUGHT to be AUTHENTIC (when it is NOT); however, appears to be a FRAUD – merely a PRIVATELY Held Company PERPETRATING as a “SHADOW Government” propped up most likely by Germany, the United Kingdom and PRIVATE INVESTORS!







This is a HUGE / MAJOR BLOW for Germany, the United Kingdom and their WEST / European Allies (which include China / Russia) as they WATCH their United States of America’s GREAT FALL!





IMPORTANT NOTES To Take Away From The June 15, 2023, Report With Robert Long (Curator – Desoto County Museum) Regarding Attacks On The Chickasaw’s Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources, Are The Following FACTS About “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations – As The Chickasaws:



(a) Being WHOLE [Well-Advanced] Civilizations existing LONG BEFORE the arrival of the so-called WHITE Man - - i.e. Disproving claims of the CATHOLIC Church’s / Europe’s claims of CHRISTOPHER Columbus . . . DISCOVERING America (i.e. Through their “DOCTRINE of DISCOVERY” Scams / Schemes);



(b)   Civilizations that were ELABORATE [Well-Advanced] - - Having their OWN Governments (Cities / Towns / Villages);



(c)    Having their OWN Customs;



(d)  Having their OWN Religious Practices - - NOT Christianity! Because “BLACK Indians’” Religion / Faith DIFFERED from the WHITE Man, the CATHOLIC Church’s “AGE of Discovery” FORCED Christianity upon the Native Nations and their Native People “By Any Means Necessary” was IMPLEMENTED!






     IMPORTANT TO NOTE: HOW the Reporter directs the Public / World to reach out to the WHITE Man’s $5.00 Indian VERSION propped up in Oklahoma; however, it is the Chickasaw Tribal Nation labeled as the “BLACK Indians” that is the Nation LEADING The WAY for the RETURN of our Chickasaw Native Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources!


     For those who may not know, the TRAIL OF TEARS recorded the WHITE Man’s version of the MASS Extermination of “BLACK Indians” FORCED off of their Lands / Territories and Properties through the so-called Legislation known as the “INDIAN Removal Act!” Said Mass EXTERMINATION allowed for the propping up of the WHITE / RAPED – Out [$5.00 Indians] Version to be set up in Oklahoma! PATTERNED off of the FAKE Government of the United States of America!

USA 5 Dollar Indian Schemes


Using the analogy of the “ANTS:” When one may mess up an Ant Mound, the Ants merely migrate to another location and REBUILD - - “BIGGER and BETTER!”



 CTN BLACK Wall Street


     This appears to be what happened to the “BLACK Indians” who survived the TRAIL Of Tears and made the Journey to the Oklahoma Territories out WEST! Being CIVILIZED and FAR MORE ADVANCED than the White Man, they REBUILT “Bigger and Better” and became known as one of the MANY “BLACK Wall Streets” within what is presently known as the United States of America! The BLACK Wall Street that is recorded as being BOMBED by in 1921, through the United States of America’s PARAMILITARY Terrorists Covert Operations – i.e. for purposes of OBSTRUCTING PROGRESS and ADVANCEMENT, etc. of the “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations and their People!



     As with Milligan Newsome (the Great Grandfather of Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome), the WHITE Man feared PROGRESS throughout the Communities of “BLACK Indians’” and those labeled as LEADERS! Therefore, as with Milligan Newsome, the WHITE Man sought to find out WHO the Leaders are in the Communities of the “BLACK Indians”/ Native People and then proceeded to carry out Covert PARAMILITARY Terrorist Operations and have these “BLACK Indians” / Native Leaders ASSASSINATED and then PROCEED in the THEFT / STEALING of their Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources!

USA WHITE Supremacist ASSASSINATION Of Milligan Newsome






Because here we are in the 21st Century!

The so-called WHITE Man has LIED, engaged in:


(A) WAR Crimes;


(B) War Of Aggression;


(C) Crimes Against Humanity;


(D) Genocide / Extermination;


(E) HUMAN Experiments;


(F) THEFT / STEALING of Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources;


(G) Other Atrocities, etc.; and



     NOW seek to UNLAWFULLY take MORE of the BLACK Indians’ / Native Nation’s and their People’s Lands / Territories, Properties and Resources through the United States of America’s / STATE Of Mississippi’s so-called Legislation DRAFTED by the likes NAZIS’ / WHITE Supremacists’ / Ku Klux Klan / Jews’ / Zionists’ Law Firm of Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and their CO-Conspirators through such “HOUSE BILL 1020Racketeering Scams / Schemes and FRAUDULENTSondergericht CourtScams / Schemes as that brought by Cloteal Jolquita NEWSOME Turner [through FRAUDULENT Probate Actions to STEAL and SELL Chickasaw Tribal Nation Lands / Territories . . .) in roles played in such CONSPIRACIES and WAR Crimes / War Of AGGRESSION / Crimes Against HUMANITY and other Atrocities, etc.!

USA FRIVOLOUS Probate Action Against Chickasaw Tribal Nation






HOW The United States Of America’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists USE “BLACKS” To Aid and Abet In CONSPIRACIES, etc. To STEAL “BLACK Indians” Lands . . .:

Political Assassinations1

MEDICAL APARTHEID Schemes To COVER UP Assassinations / MASS Exterminations, etc. Of “BLACK Indians” and Their Elders / Leaders, etc.:



NATIONALITY - The KEYS To "BLACK Indians" / Native Nations and Their People's SOVEREIGNTY, FREEDOM, INDEPENDANCE and SEPARATION. . . From The White Man / WHITE Supremacists / ILLEGAL Immigrants' WAR Crimes . . .: 




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