Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

Julian Assange EcuadorEmbassy



04/11/2019 - United States' NAZIS / Zionists Orchestrate Kidnapping Of Journalist Julian Assange

          Summary Of Events Leading To The April 11, 2019, United States’ NAZIS’ / Zionists’ Planning, Orchestrating, and Carrying Out The Kidnapping Of Julian Assange With INTENT To ASSASSINATE / MURDER…

On or about November 20, 2017, the International

Criminal Court's Prosecutor requested authorization of an investigation regarding the Situation in Afghanistan

About August 20, 2018, International Criminal Court Communication

Criminal Court Acknowledge Receipt Of Utica International Embassy’s Communications


082018 International Criminal Court Communication

About August 24, 2018 Filing With Utica Municipal Court

August 24, 2018, Notice Of Non-Attendance At September 11, 2018 Court Action; RESPONSE DEMANDED BY Friday, September 7, 2018; and NOTICE Of Process Begun Seeking INTERNATIONAL Judicial Prosecution Through The Applicable INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNALS



November 7, 2018 - STATE OF EMERGENCY - - - OFFICIAL Request For MILITARY...FOREIGN Assistance...








On January 7, 2019, Is International Criminal

Court’s Prosecutor and United States Department of Justice Officials . . . Are Notified Of Approximately 65 Counts To Support Criminal Compaint - - Prima Facie Evidence to further support the MOTIVES behind the CONSPIRACIES To Assassinate our Prime Minister and Matriarch Pearl Leo Newsome



On February 25, 2019, Utica International Embassy Notify Of Pursuing INTERNATIONAL Recourse

Embassy’s Prime Minister NOTIFIES State of Mississippi’s Town of Utica Officials and Hinds County Officials Of Pursuing INTERNATIONAL Recourse For August 28, 2018 Kidnapping. 





About February 28, 2019, UIE’s Matriarch

Pearl Leo Newsome Requires Medical Attention.

          This vulnerable situation was used by the United States of America’s President Donald John Trump, their Congressional Members and Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz to have BOTH UIE Officials ASSASSINATED for purposes of fulfilling their “NEW” World Order Agenda.Click Here To Read More

On April 4, 2019 International Criminal Court Communication NOTIFYING

April 4, 2019 International Criminal Court Communication NOTIFYING Utica International Embassy Officials Of INTERNATIONAL Options Available  - IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  Believe ICC Communication Sent With KNOWLEDGE That Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome Having Been KIDNAPPED With Intent To ASSASSINATE Her - - - Communication Prime Minister Was NEVER Supposed To Have Received - i.e. Due To CONSPIRACIES Of SUCCESSFUL Assassination Attempts On Her Life [Which FAILED] - - - - Approximately SEVEN (7) Days Later Being The KIDNAPPING Of Julian Assange From The Ecuador Embassy In London, England

040419 ICC Letter To UIE

On April 4, 2019, the United States President

Donald John Trump On April 4, 2019, the United States President Donald John Trump, Congressional Members and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson, etc. CONSPIRE With International Criminal Court’s Mark P. Dillon.

          Advising Dillon that the Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome and Matriarch Pearl Leo Newsome will NO LONGER be a problem and the Conspiracies that have been INITIATED to have them both ASSASSINATED! Having 04/04/2019, Letter drafted to address the September 7, 2018, correspondence (EMPHASIS ADDED] that received a RETALIATORY Backlash upon seeing excerpts of the Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE (i.e. Born in NAZI Germany) and CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP (i.e. Issued from the United States of America). Letter was PREMATURELY issued thinking, that with the ASSASSINATION of our Prime Minister, Utica International Embassy Officials would NEVER see being NOTIFIED of their International Options to bring the United States Officials, and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Attorneys to JUSTICE!

040419 ICC Letter To UIE

Prima Facie EVIDENCE Of "HOW" The NAZIS' / Jews' / Zionists' United States Of America's Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Engage In "CORRUPT / MANIPULATIVE / CRIMINAL. . ." Acts During Congressional Hearings Related To WAR Crimes, Torture, and Murder, etc.

United States TERRORIST Invasions

          For those who may not know, the United States of America is a Corporation – as well as Israel. Both are serving as what is known as NAZI Germany’s “Beer Hall Putsch” Empires! The “Beer Hall Putsch” is when NAZI Leader Adolf Hitler and his associates from 22 to 29 October 1923, planned to use Munich as a base for a march against Germany's Weimar Republic government. It is reported to have been the move the United States President Donald John Trump attempted on January 6, 2021!

          The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome – as early as August 2019 – memorialized EVIDENCE to support that this IS the direction in which NAZI Germany / United Kingdom Officials are moving with their United States Corporation President Donald John Trump in effort to PRESERVE the pursuit of their “NEW” World Order Agendas for “GLOBAL” White Supremacy!

          WARS are being used as a FRONT to gain access and bring Germany’s NAZIS / Jews / Zionists to Native Nations’ Lands / Territories as that done here in what is presently known as the United States of America! Now here we are in the 21st Century and the United States of America and Israel are being used as NAZI Germany’s, the United Kingdom’s and their Allies’ “Beer Hall Putsch;” wherein, the G8’s covert United States Terrorist Paramilitary has been militarily involved in 191 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations! This is an astounding 98 Percent!

          All such NAZI / Jewish / Zionist TERRORIST Operations being, PLANNED, ORCHESTRATED, and LAUNCHED from the Lands / Territories presently known as the United States of America that have been INVADED by Germany’s / United Kingdom’s NAZIS, Jews, and Zionists that were brought to our Native Lands / Territories DISGUISED as Refugees and / or Immigrants! According to an 1870 Census, Germany and the United Kingdom had planted / rooted their NAZI Members throughout their United States of America DESPOTISM Empire! So clearly, the EVIDENCE supports that World War II was merely a “HOAX” for purposes of LAUNCHING more SINISTER Conspiracies against Native Nations and their People!

          Germany and United Kingdom Officials brought to Native Nations around the World “CHRISTIANITY” and did so under the Slogan: By any means necessary! From the recent TERRORIST Attacks launched against the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials, the NAZIS / Jews / Zionists turned to their CHRISTIAN Agents to AID and ABET them in the Kidnapping and Assassination attempts on our Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome and the ASSASSINATION of our Matriarch Pearl Leo Newsome on September 21, 2019!

This image for Image Layouts addon

          The United States of America’s Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz is a NAZI / Jewish / Zionist CONTROLLED and RUN Law Firm that is in TOTAL Control of this DESPOTISM Terrorist Corporation Empire’s EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE and JUDICIAL Branches! This Law Firm likes to remain BEHIND – The – SCENES and call the shots – i.e. Plan, Orchestrate and Carry Out DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL Terrorist Attacks on Native Nations, their Leaders / Officials and People! Such control is shared in Bios posted by Baker Donelson’s Attorneys as Sara M. Turner!

          Upon seeing our Prime Minister’s ability to find such CRUCIAL information, Baker Donelson had such information REMOVED from credible websites as LexisNexis! However, our Prime Minister took the time to PRESERVE such evidence because she KNOWS, that upon going PUBLIC, efforts would be made by the NAZIS / Jews / Zionists to HIDE this information from the Public / World!

More About Sara

The OBJECT Of The “NEW” World Order Conspiracies:


Native Nations’ Lands / Territories, Their People and RESOURCES!


BERLIN Conference

          World War II was used by NAZI Germany / United Kingdom to launch a COVERT Berlin Conference – Styled UNLAWFUL INVASION into the Middle East [as that done on the Continent of Africa] using the SAME WAR Crimes . . . Terrorist Paramilitary Tactics used in their CREATION of the United States of America DESPOTISM CORPORATION Empire!

          There is RECORDED EVIDENCE to support that World War II was used by the United Kingdom to send NAZI Germany’s Jews / ZIONISTS into Israel on “DESTROY” and CONQUER Missions! Moreover, for purposes of laying the groundwork for “RELIGIOUS Wars” disguised as “WAR On Terrorism” with KNOWLEDGE of Prophesy that their DEFEAT will come at the hands of the PROPHESIED “HOLY Wars” that Islamic Nations know as “GIHAD!” In other words, in efforts to EVADE the inevitable DESTRUCTION of the G8’s NAZIS’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ “NEW” World Order Agenda and the FALL of the United States of America and ISRAEL, those G8 Nations CONSPIRED to engage in the so-called September 11, 2001, DOMESTIC Terrorist Attacks on their ZIONISTS’ World Trade Center Towers and FRAME Islamic / Muslim Nations with the WHITE Man’s SAVAGE / Terrorist Acts and turn to their so-called Article 5 of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Treaty - in FRIVOLOUS efforts to use as grounds for JUSTIFYING bringing in the G8 Members to AID and ABET in such CONSPIRACIES in their quests to accomplish “NEW” World Order Agendas for GLOBAL White Supremacy OVER “ALL” Native Nations, their Leaders and People!

Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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Native Nations Economics

United States
Politics and Religion
Business and Finance
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Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

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