Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6


United States of America’s / Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’


March 2, 2023                                                                    Chickasaw Tribal Nation INTERNATIONAL News                               Volume 1, Issue1

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Tennessee State being the FIRST to score.  Furthermore, holding Jackson State to ONLY 16 Points!



IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Commentators / Sportscasters projected that Tennessee was NOT supposed to be as good as FAMU; therefore, predicting another so-call BLOWOUT game; however, were DISAPPOINTED!  Even JSU’s Coach Deion Sanders could NOT explain what happened; however, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome (“Prime Minister Newsome”) “KNEW” what CHECKPOINTS were put in place to determine whether “PLAYBOOK Schemes” were being used to provide Deion Sanders with a FALSE IMAGE of being a good Coach (when he is NOT)! Moreover, that JSU would NOT have a “DOMINATE” Script AFTER the Tennessee State Game – i.e. no matter HOW Deion tried pushing it! Some may have seen the EMBARRASSMENT on Deion’s face in the Postgame Interview!  Instead, Deion Sander’s EXCUSE being, “We didn’t play our best game. . .” [with it just being their SECOND game in 2022]! Deion going on to say,



Not the SAME Team we played last year

Held to Field Goals. . .

Expected to DOMINATE . . . Even opposing Teams are expecting them to be DOMINANT




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Prime Minister Newsome continued to watch and “PAY ATTENTION” – i.e. in that it appeared such “DOMINATE” slogan was “ONLY” occurring [EMPHASIS] in competition with SWAC” Colleges / Universities; however, NOT with NON-Conference Colleges / Universities! Thus, a reasonable mind may conclude that SWAC Coaches and / or Coaching STAFF Members of SWAC Members may be in on the CONSPIRACIES to make it appear that Deion “PRIME Time” Sanders’ COACHING and the Jackson State University FOOTBALL TEAM were MORE DOMINANT and / or BETTER than their Opponents – when they WERE NOT!



Furthermore, paying attention to what appears to be a PATTERNestablished to aid and abet in such CONSPIRACY / RACKETEERING “DOMINATE / BLOWOUT” Schemes for purposes of obtaining the “OBJECT” of said Conspiracies – i.e. The BREAKUP of the SWAC Conference and INTEGRATION with “Predominantly WHITE Institutions!” In other words, make it appear that Jackson State is MORE SUPERIOR (when NOT) than its SWAC Opponents and the URGENCY to INTEGRATE with PWI’s to allegedly get BETTER  COMPETITION and to be RECOGNIZED as having a Football Program at the so-called Level of what is known as “POWER 5” . . .!




Grambling State University and Mississippi Valley State University





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Important To Note: For those who have “TRAINED Eyes” for football, take a good look at these two games. To Prime Minister Newsome, they appeared to be “STAGED” Games! Moreover, Prime Minister Newsome sharing with others, JSU’s STAR Recruit (Travis Hunter) was NOT hurt; however, was being prepared to be ELIGIBLE to TRANSFER OUT! Yes, this early in JSU’s season, Prime Minister made it known (to others) of concerns that Coach “PRIME Time” was putting on a show and, that, he is preparing to LEAVE and to TAKE Travis Hunter with him – i.e. as a possible “BARGAINING Tool” for his NEXT Collegiate Job!


In determining what may be necessary (FINANCIALLY, etc.) for Mississippi Valley State University to REBUILD and be PRODUCTIVE . . . in the LIVES of Native People and their Communities, Prime Minister Newsome reached out to MVSU Staff (about September 29, 2022) for some input as well as to introduce herself. Furthermore, taking the time to share her concerns about attacks against MVSU and that, from her observation and research, MVSU’s Football Team does NOT appear to be as bad as they are being portrayed as in the SWAC! Also, sharing concerns / reservations regarding the JSU game.




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Therefore, it was NO SURPRISE when the News broke of Deion Sanders bringing Vincent Dancy with him to a PWI (PREDOMINANTLY White Institution) – University of Colorado! It appears “TERM(S)of Agreement to “THROW-The-GAME” – i.e. in exchange, promising Dancy a job with the PWI that he coaches at!


For instance, for those who saw the game (or may not have), please go back and watch. Believe a reasonable mind will see that it was a “POORLY” scripted “BLOWOUT” Game – i.e. a THROWN Football Gameat the expense of Native Children and “SELLOUT / BOULE” Coaches fulfilling their role(s) in CONSPIRACIES of United States of America’s NAZI / White Supremacist / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionist Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and their CO-Conspirators to INFILTRATE and DESTROY / BREAKUP the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC).  Thus, in keeping with their SYSTEMIC Racist / Discriminatory attacks on HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) - - - i.e. WAR Crimes and Human Rights Violations under INTERNATIONAL Laws governing said matters! Furthermore, PROHIBITED under so-called United States Laws!



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Prima Facie Requirement: A PLAN Infiltration For Purpose Of Breakup Of SWAC / HBCUs

. . .In a recent interview with “Earn Your Leisure,” Sanders was asked if he could see Jackson State moving up to the Power Five level.


“I would like to see that when we’re ready. You gotta be ready,” Deion Sanders told the podcast crew. “When you start jumping conferences, and I don’t want to just jump to no baby college. If I’m going to jump, let’s bungee jump. I wanna do the doggone thing.” . . .


When asked again, Sanders admitted that he would like to see Jackson State make a move. But to where? Sanders didn’t name any conference, but he did expound on what he would like that move to look like. . . .



Sanders took over the program just two years ago, and he’s changed the face of not only Jackson State football but also the SWAC, HBCU and FCS football. One of the clauses in his contract stated he would get paid a bonus if Jackson State went to a new conference. Sanders said things are getting to where they need to be to make such a move, which is far from what he says he saw when he arrived in late 2020. . . . – As of 12/25/2022:



For those who may not know, Jackson State University’s VICE PRESIDENT Debra Mays-Jackson was RUN OUT of Utica Mississippi! She is EXPOSED for CONSPIRING with United States’ NAZIS / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists to turn an HBCU (Utica Junior College) – that is PRESENTLY under SIEGE by Hinds Community College (a PREDOMINANTLY White Institution) - into a “PRIVATELY Held Prison!” - - In the 1980’s talks were circulating CONSPIRACIES about using Mississippi Valley State University’s Lands / Territories FOR A PRISON!

YES, such Conspiracies / RACKETEERING schemes CAN BE prosecuted through INTERNATIONAL Tribunals as WAR Crimes, etc.


The United States of America’s Officials and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and CO-CONSPIRATORS need the City of Jackson and Jackson State University [MISSISSIPPI] – i.e. as they are KEY MAJOR Native STRONGHOLDS vital in the COLLAPSE of the Nazis / Ku Klux Klan / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists NEW World Order Agenda for GLOBAL / WORLDWIDE White Supremacy OVER “ALL” Native Nations and their People!

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As of 12/27/2022:



For purposes of AVOIDING detection, it appears, United Kingdom / Germany Officials engaged their United States CO-Conspirators / Counterparts (as the Ku Klux Klan, etc.) to “REBRAND” and “RECRUIT” Blacks, Hispanics, Gays [HOMOSEXUALS] and Jews! Said disguises (using BLACKS…), allow for the NAZIs / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists, etc. to COVERUP and / or SHIELD their War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, War of Aggression and other Atrocities . . . from their VICTIMS – i.e. Those who have been have LABELED AS:  Indians, Niggers, Colored, Negroes, Blacks and AFRICAN Americans! Using such RECRUITS to aid and abet in CRIMINAL / RACKETEERING . . . Conspiracies for purposes of obtaining “The OBJECT” [INTEGRATION / DESTRUCTION . . . of HBCUs] through said Conspiracies!





As of 12/27/2022:



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(A Predominantly White University) IN 2022 HOMECOMING


It appears that the reason that JSU chose to play a PWI (Campbell University) in their 2022 Homecoming Game being for DECEPTIVE purposes and in furtherance of the ROLE(s) Coach Deion “PRIME” Time Sanders being played in the CONSPIRACIES (of Nazis / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists, etc.) to BREAKUP the SWAC as well as in furtherance of the INFILTRATION / DESTRUCTION of HBCUs!


Therefore, it being IMPORTANT to make it appear that JSU was playing at what has been labeled as POWER 5 / PWI” Level (when they were NOT)! From research, it appears that in 2021, the ONLY game JSU played against a PWI was the Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks; wherein, losing 7 – 12!


Louisiana-Monroe being coached by Terry Wilson Bowden (WHITE) – i.e. A Descendant of the “Bobby Bowden” KLAN! Therefore, most likely would NOT be willing to lose to a HBCU – more or less, what is labeled as a BLACK Coach and BLACK Team!




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NOW, looking at Campbell University (a PWI) that appears to be coached by Michael Christopher Minter (labeled as BLACK) and most likely “BOULE” (a Black [Secret Society Member] that shares the Goals, Interests and Beliefs, etc. of NAZIs / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists for WHITE SUPREMACY and to aid and abet in GLOBAL White Supremacy Agendas over Native Nations and their People) Member, a reasonable mind may conclude Campbell University’s role(s) in CONSPIRACIES to BREAKUP the SWAC . . . – i.e. To make it appear that JSU was playing at an ELITE “Power 5” Level against INFERIOR competition (when JSU was NOT)!





THE PLAN: NAZIS / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists…

INFILTRATION and DESTRUCTION… Of Historically Black Colleges and Universities


I Timothy 1:8 - But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully. . .


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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome having over 30 years of COMBINED Experience working throughout the United Kingdom’s / Germany’s United States CORPORATION / ILLegal EMPIRE!


      Thus, using these years to OBSERVE, STUDY and DOCUMENT… the unlawful Racist and Discriminatory WAYS / PRACTICES of the White Man’s NAZIS / White Supremacists / Jews / Zionists . . . AGAINST the Native People that they have LABELED AS: Indians, Niggers, Colored, Negroes, Blacks and AFRICAN Americans – i.e. “NOW Back To BLACK for purposes of serving in the White Man’s SLAVERY Agendas as well as other WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, War of Aggression and other Atrocities, etc. against these “PROTECTED” Class of Native People!




The below images of Campbell University’s Football Schedules are provided to provide the following FACTS:


2019 – The ONLY HBCU on Campbell’s Football Schedule is Hampton University (formerly in the MEAC [Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference])


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The laws require providing the ethnicity / racial makeup of the Lawmakers / Decisionmakers – i.e. Wherein, in the United States, that being the MAJORITY of so-called White People (which include NAZIs, White Supremacists, Ku Klux Klan Members, Jews and Zionists, etc.) that draft the so-called Legislation / Laws (such as BLACK CODES / JIM CROW Laws). Thus, can be LAWFULLY challenged through the applicable INTERNATIONAL Tribunals; in that there is record evidence to support that the United States is NOT a Country – i.e. but merely “a PRIVATELY Held Company!” Therefore, their CORPORATION / COMPANY Officials are NOT Legally / Lawfully in a position to draft Laws, etc. and may be PROSECUTED for perpetrating as a Sovereign Nation (when it is NOT) and are engaging in TERRORIST Acts, WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, violation(s) of Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), Ethnic Cleansing, violation(s) of Chemical Weapons Convention (1997), as well as other Atrocities / serious violations of international laws . . .!



Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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United States
Politics and Religion
Business and Finance
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Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)
