Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6


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          The following is from the July 13, 2010, email to United States President Barack Obama, his Vice President Joseph Biden, his Administration, United States Congressional Members, United States Officials as well as Foreign Nations and / or their Leaders, etc.  The pictures/images/videos etc. have been added for emphasis and / or to provide additional insight.

PAGE 2 - Continued


U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: THE DOWNFALL / DOOM OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION – Corruption / Conspiracy / Cover-Up / Criminal Acts Made Public




It is important for the PUBLIC/WORLD to see that if the United States Government (i.e. doing the bidding of BAKER DONELSON and others to destroy Newsome’s life) cannot win the battles/wars leveled against Newsome (i.e. even after resorting to CRIMINAL acts to obtain an undue advantage), then why would its citizens and Foreign Leaders/Foreign Nations believe that the United States can win the wars in Afghanistan and Iran/Iraq. It is time to bring our troops home IMMEDIATELY!!




The Saints / Christians, family, friends and loved ones that know Newsome will also let you know that she is not a racist and / or terrorist. That in her family and / or amongst her relatives there is a diversity of races. However, it is a known fact, that Newsome is very happy / proud to be an African-American and has NEVER wanted to be any other race. In fact, a dark skinned African-American and proud and not ashamed!!! Furthermore, Newsome has no problems talking about RACIAL INJUSTICES, RACISM, PREJUDICES, DISCRIMINATION and other injustices that plague her and her people and / or people of color.



To help you better understand who Newsome is, she is an African-American female with a college degree from Florida A&M University – a TOP and ELITE African-American University in the United States (Tallahassee, Florida) and / or one of the Historical Black Colleges & Universities (“HBCU”). To answer many concerns as to Newsome’s CHARACTER and WORK ETHICS she attaches a File Folder entitled, “NEWSOME’S CREDENTIALS” which in it you will find her “Resume” revealing her job experiences as well as “Letters of References/Documentation” which reveals her PROFESSIONALISM and ABILITIES in the performance of her jobs held, and “COMPUTER SKILLS-DeniseNewsome– results taken from tests which support Newsome’s LITERACY and ABILITY to use Software Applications to aid in the performance of the job duties assigned her. As it relates to the Cincinnati, Ohio matter, Newsome also provides you with a copy of the BRIEF Only of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) Complaint and Family & Medical Leave Act Complaint filed against Wood & Lamping so that you and others can see for yourself the ties/relationships Wood & Lamping has to SPECIAL INTEREST Groups (LIBERTY MUTUAL and BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ and his Administration. You need to know that: 



(a) Newsome has been BLACKLISTED and the United States Government, Liberty Mutual and its attorneys/law firms and former employers of Newsome are CONSPIRING together to see that she does not receive employment elsewhere. UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL practices clearly PROHIBITED by the laws of the United States.


(b) Newsome is being stalked from State-to-State / Job-to-Job and her employers contacted and advised of her engagement in protected activities – i.e. the United States Government Agencies (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”), Wage & Hour Division (“W&H”), Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) and others such as Liberty Mutual and its attorneys/law firms that rely upon information obtained from their clients, etc. to track Newsome – for purposes of getting her employment terminated and / or for getting Newsome fired. UNLAWFUL / ILLEGAL practices clearly PROHIBITED by the laws of the United States.





(c) Newsome has filed the REQUIRED Complaints with the appropriate agencies reporting Civil/Criminal violations. However, in so doing, this information is circulated throughout the Government and RETALIATION occurs in furtherance of CONSPIRACY leveled against Newsome because she has challenged and EXPOSED the United States Government in the role it is playing in the DESTRUCTION of the lives of African-Americans and/or people of color. United States President Obama, United States Attorney General Eric Holder, United States Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and many other Government Officials in the Obama Administration and United States Legislature / Congress (i.e. Senate and House of Representatives) have been timely, properly and adequately advised of the CONSPIRACY and CRIMINAL ACTS leveled against Newsome; however, each are fulfilling their role in the COVER-UP of such criminal / civil wrongs and efforts of destroying the life of Newsome.
















































NOTE:  Video may appear to be blank / have a white screen.  Select "play" button to view:








111208 FAX To Barack Obama



IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  After Vogel Denise Newsome's trip to Washington, D.C. in December 2008, requesting meetings with United States Sentor Patrick Leahy and United States Congressman John Conyers - i.e. regarding July 2008 Congressional Complaint submitted - etc., in FURTHERANCE of the CONSPIRACIES launched against her, her employment with the Law Firm of Wood & Lamping LLP was ABRUPTLY TERMINATED without just cause!














PLEASE NOTE:  The following video / audio begins with a blank (white) screen.  Press the "play" button to view. 


REFUSING to be "BLACKMAILED / BRIBED," etc. from reporting to notify the applicable Government Agency of the Human / Civil Rights VIOLATIONS, Vogel Denise Newsome proceeded to preserve her claims for "INTERNATIONAL" recourse by "FIRST" filing the applicable Complaints with the United States Officials with the Department of Labor reporting Wood & Lamping LLP's [a Nazi / Jewish / Zionist Law Firm] Employment violations, etc.





































To also better understand the Wood & Lamping matter and United States President Barack Obama and his Administration’s ROLE in the CONSPIRACY of this matter, you need to know the following:


1) That Newsome on or about December 2008, flew to Washington, D.C. to check on a Complaint filed with the United States Legislature/Congress – i.e. submitted to the attention of: Senator Patrick Leahy, Congressman John Conyers, Senator John McCain (2008 Presidential Candidate), then Senator Barack Obama (2008 Presidential Candidate) and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Prior to her visit Newsome advised of her coming to Washington, D.C. to check on the status of Complaint filed. During her visit to Washington, D.C. Newsome requested a meeting with Senator Leahy and Congressman Conyers; however, both RAN and HID as well as had their Staff provide LIES to Newsome to avoid meeting with her. Then Senator Joseph Biden (now Vice President of the United States) was also advised of Newsome’s visit and reasons for coming to Washington, D.C. Newsome met with a man (who provided her with a FALSE name) in office of the Committee on the Judiciary of Congressman Conyers. To memorialize the actions of Senator Leahy, Congressman Conyers, Vice President Joseph Biden, Newsome attaches correspondence surrounding this matter entitled, “12-2008 DOCUMENTS-DC TRIP.” Newsome’s research later yielding the CONSPIRACY to COVER-UP the CRIMINAL/CIVIL wrongs addressed in the July 14, 2008 Emergency Complaint and Request for Legislature / Congress Intervention; Also Request for Investigations, Hearings and Finding (which is attached to this e-mail entitled, “071408-EMERGENCY COMPLAINT & MailingReceiptsalong with EVIDENCE supporting receipt/mailing to President Barack Obama and others to whom this Complaint was mailed) being a direct result of the SENATORS and CONGRESSMEN / CONGRESSWOMAN attempting to AID & ABET in the CRIMINAL / CIVIL wrongs reported. Moreover, keep the PUBLIC / WORLD and FOREIGN LEADERS / FOREIGN NATIONS in the dark as to the CONSPIRACY that has been leveled against Newsome as well as the African-Americans and / or people of color in the United States. From the list provided below, you and others will see the connection that United States President Barack Obama and his Administration have to LIBERTY MUTUAL and its counsel (BAKER DONELSON) and their ties to the United States Senate as well as the United States House of Representatives. This information is important because it will explain what happened to the July 14, 2008 Emergency Complaint and Request for Legislature / Congress Intervention; Also Request for Investigations, Hearings and Finding that was timely, properly and adequately filed as well as the role BAKER DONELSON and others may have played in the OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION’S COVER-UP and DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE for purposes of protecting his KEY / TOP Financial Contributors/Advisors. Newsome’s December 2008 trip to Capitol Hill was to determine where her Complaint was (i.e. the Original and four copies being submitted) as well as the attacks on her life as well as those of other African-Americans and / or people of color. Moreover, the conspiracy leveled against the African-American race and their males. Sharing concerns of false imprisonments and practices of OPPRESSION against Newsome and those of African-Americans and/or people of color. In RETALIATION of Newsome’s December 2008 Washington, D.C. trip her employment with Wood & Lamping was terminated. LIBERTY MUTUAL / BAKER DONELSON as well as Government Officials using their POWER and INFLUENCE to affect Newsome’s employment in furtherance of CONSPIRACY leveled against her and for purposes of destroying her life for being so out spoken and EXPOSING RACISM in the United States Government.


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This Complaint was submitted for filing in July 2008; however, to date, the United States Senate / United States House of Representatives are REFUSING to advise Newsome of the status of this Complaint. Newsome has REPEATEDLY requested that United States President Barack Obama (i.e. Obama receiving a copy via U.S. Mail – Tracking No. 2305 1590 0001 6380 5130) and United States Attorney General Eric Holder also provide her with a status as to where her July 14, 2008 Emergency Complaint and Request for Legislature / Congress Intervention; Also Request for Investigations, Hearings and Finding. Both President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder were provided with copies AGAIN of filing with Newsome’s May 21, 2009 Complaint at Exhibit “2.”

Then as early as November 2008, Newsome contacted President Obama VIA FACSIMILE regarding the July 2008 Emergency Complaint and requested the status of his handling of this matter – See attached to this email entitled, “11-2008 OBAMA CORRESPONDENCE.” So please understand that President Obama is FULLY AWARE AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON!! Furthermore, see for yourself from the information provided on BAKER DONELSON below. This law firm and others appear to be running the United States White House, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives – the running the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AGENCIES!!




Come the November 2010 Elections, let us work to get these CAREER POLITICIANS and CAREER CRIMINALS out of the government by voting for their opponents and / or be ANTI-INCUMBENT. Yes, it is time for the people to take back the government and CLEAN out the CORRUPTION that United States President Barack Obama and his Administration is hiding from you, the PUBLIC/WORLD and FOREIGN LEADERS/FOREIGN NATIONS. From the information provided in this e-mail, you and others can see that he LIED to the American people as well as Foreign Leaders / Foreign Nations that he was about bringing CHANGE to Washington; however, it is CLEAR that United States President Barack Obama is now PART of the PROBLEM of the BROKEN GOVERNMENT that United States citizens as well as foreign nations are faced with.




IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Approximately one month from her trip to Washington, D.C., members of the Senate and House of Representatives worked with TOP / KEY Financial Contributors/Advisors – LIBERTY MUTUAL and BAKER DONELSON – to President Barack Obama and his Administration as well as United States Senators and United States House of Representatives to see that Newsome’s employment with Wood & Lamping was TERMINATED. LIBERTY MUTUAL along with its arsenal of attorneys and others, obtained knowledge that Newsome was having problems with one of Liberty Mutual Insured’s (Stor-All Alfred LLC in Cincinnati, Ohio); therefore, resorted to CRIMINAL ACTIONS to obtain an unlawful / illegal advantage over the situation. Shortly after Newsome’s termination of employment, Liberty Mutual’s insured (Stor-All) had its attorney (David Meranus) file a lawsuit against Newsome. To be successful in its endeavor LIBERTY MUTUAL and its counsel embarked on FURTHERING the CONSPIRACY it and its attorneys had leveled against Newsome for exercising rights secured/guaranteed under the Constitution. Engaging CONSPIRACY and REPEATED RETALIATORY practices in efforts of silencing Newsome.




LIBERTY MUTUAL and arsenal of attorneys in efforts of covering up the crimes of their clients and protecting their clients (i.e. Stor-All Alfred LLC and others – clients being sued in Louisiana and Mississippi) interest CONSPIRED with Newsome’s employer (Wood & Lamping), United States Senators and United States House of Representatives to terminate her employment to eliminate the CONFLICT OF INTEREST that existed in the attorney’s (David Meranus) representation of Stor-All. A CONFLICT OF INTEREST existed because the attorney that Newsome assisted at Wood & Lamping (“W&L) prior to coming to W&L worked for the same law firm (Schwartz Manes Ruby & Slovin) of the attorney who filed lawsuit on behalf of Stor-All. Actions have also been taken to keep you and the PUBLIC / WORLD and FOREIGN LEADERS/FOREIGN NATIONS of learning of the 2009 Federal Complaints filed:


(a) Family & Medical Leave Act Complaint filed with the Wage & Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor. This Complaint is attached to this e-mail entitled, “011609-FMLA COMPLAINT (W&L)” – U.S. President Barack, Obama, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis each received a copy of this Complaint with Newsome’s May 21, 2009 mailing at “Exhibit 58” – May 21, 2009 USPS Mailing Receipts following complaint attached to support mailing/receipt.


(b) Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint filed with the United States Department of Labor. This Complaint is attached to this e-mail entitled, “070909-EEOC COMPLAINT (W&L)” along with the “070709-USPS MAILING RECEIPTS” which follows to support mailing and receipt.

United States President Barack Obama advised that he would not allow DISCRIMINATION under his Administration and during his WATCH. However, you can see that such statements like many made by President Obama are LIES. . . LIES. . .LIES and more LIES!!! It is a good thing Newsome documented transactions because it is the practice of the Obama Administration and / or the United States Government to make it appear that she is crazy when in fact Newsome is not. Moreover, efforts by the Obama Administration and / or United States Government to drive Newsome over the edge!!!

Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
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