Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

D. Foreclosure Racketeering / Ponzi Schemes and
NEXUS / LINK To Utility / Energy / Power Companies:

As a direct and proximate result of Banking Institutions’ Foreclosure Racketeering / Ponzi Schemes, said schemes have been known to play intricate parts in conspiracies reported to adversely target and / or impact the “Protected Class” / “Protected Group!” In support thereof, the following statements – i.e. however, not limited to these alone – are presented:


66        A reasonable mind may conclude, that such Racketeering / Ponzi Scheme practices and Conspiracies, etc. are the agreements that Banks (involved in said schemes / conspiracies) enter into for purposes of causing such devastation and irreparable injuries / harm to their victims (i.e. such as the “Protected Class” / “Protected Group”). War Crimes and/or Criminal Acts that pose a threat to National/Global Security and Peace that adversely impacts the Public and / or World-At-Large; that, if allowed to continue:

U.S. v. Jimenez Recio, 123 S.Ct. 819 (2003) - Essence of a conspiracy is an agreement to commit an unlawful act.


Agreement to commit an unlawful act, which constitutes the essence of a conspiracy, is a distinct evil that may exist and be punished whether or not the substantive crime ensues. Id.


Conspiracy poses a threat to the public over and above the threat of the commission of the relevant substantive crime, both because the combination in crime makes more likely the commission of other crimes and because it decreases the probability that the individuals involved will depart from their path of criminality. Id.



67        Because Vogel Denise Newsome is not seen as a Citizen of the United States of America / United States (although given a frivolous Certificate of Citizenship) and mislabeled as being Black, Colored, Negro and/or African-American, etc. for purposes of subjecting her to the “BLACK Codes” and/or “SLAVE” Codes that the United States of America and its States (as Mississippi) are still operating under in the 21st Century [thus, NOT seeing her as a Living Person / Human Being – i.e. but merely a SLAVE with NO Nationality, NO Country, NO Government, etc.], it therefore, is VDN’s legal / lawful duty to take her matter before an “INTERNATIONALTribunal rather than be subjected to the frivolous United States Courts – which are “PRIVATELY” held Companies – it appears VDN’s siblings are attempting to get her to address such matters before, with knowledge and / or should know of the War Crimes and Criminal Acts, etc. being carried out against her!


68        Vogel Denise Newsome / Prime Minister Newsome is NOT a Slave of the United States of America / United States DESPOTISM Corporation Empire nor that of its Nazis and Jews / Zionists that control said Despot Corporation!


69        VDN / Prime Minister Newsome is of Native Descent – i.e. known as Indian, etc. – and have every intent to exercise rights secured to her as well as express rescinding any and / or all alleged Treaties the United States of America / United States [a “PRIVATELY” held company] may assert are binding (when NOT) due to their Representatives’ breach as well as the fraudulent and deceptive practices (i.e. threats, coercion, blackmail, preying on illiteracy / fears / language barriers, etc.) used to obtain marking[s] (“x”) and or alleged signature[s] which can be challenged!


70        VDN / Prime Minister Newsome is a LIVE Person, awake and conscious!


71        VDN / Prime Minister Newsome is NOT a Corporation!


72        Such Foreclosure Scams / Schemes that Native / Indigenous / Aboriginal People (“Protected Class” and / or “Protected Group”) may find themselves in appear to be a direct and proximate result of what appears to be the concerns of Thomas Jefferson (Third President of the United States) of the People waking “up homeless…” because of private banks (growing up around them) controlling the issuance of the currency – first by inflation and then by deflation.



73        The United States Federal Reserve, belongs to investors as England’s Royal Family and their Co-Conspirators, etc.!


74        The United States Federal Reserve is also “a privately held company” and is a “Headquarters” business that has been categorized under “RECREATION” Association and established in 1936, and INCORPORATED in District of Columbia.



75       The United States’ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) is a “privately held company” in Washington, DC and is NOT a Government Agency NOR affiliated with a Government Agency.



76       The United States House of Representatives is “a PRIVATELY held Company.”




77       As recent as November 13, 2019, some of the United States House of Representative Members drafted a “RESOLUTION” addressing their company’s “BLACK CODES” practices. Evidence to support United States Officials’, etc. KNOWLEDGE and / or should know that their “privately held company” is engaging in SLAVERY practices may be found at the following link(s):




As of 06/12/2021, United States House Resolution 694:



78        Investigation(s), etc. will yield, that United States Officials . . . (as Florida Congressman Matthew Louis Gaetz II), their United States Presidents, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson, and their Co-Conspirators having KNOWLEDGE and / or should know that the United States of America / United States IS ILLEGITIMATE and / or is FRAUDULENT . . .!




79 Foreclosure Schemes are being carried out through the use of some and / or all of the following methods – i.e. however, not limited to this listing alone:


(a) “Mortgage” has been known to mean “DEATH Contract!”


(b) When the SIGNATURE is placed on the Application, the signature is taken to AUTHORIZE monies to be taken from TRUST established from Birth Certificate STRAWMAN and the DEBT is PAID from monies taken FROM the Trust!


(c) The Purchaser(s) / Victim(s) Debt was PAID upon signature and monies for allege Bill / Debt was taken from the TRUST; therefore, a DISCHARGE occurs from the Treasury BOND!


(e) First missed payment is what scammers want so they can come after the Purchaser(s) / Victim(s) property and / or possessions, etc.


(f) Turning to the Insurance Companieswhich are also “privately held companies - to fulfill rolls in Racketeering Scams.


(g) Although the allege Debt has been “PAID IN FULL” from their “CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST” created from the Birth Certificate, in such Racketeering Scams, this vital / critical information is withheld and they are led to believe that the monies are being provided from the Lender (when it is not) – i.e. the Lender / Bank has already BEEN PAID from monies obtained from the Trust Account!


Thus, the Lender / Banker through such Racketeering Scams seek to get paid AGAIN with INTEREST! Going as far as SELLING THE DEBT to a Third-Party to now profit from such War Crimes and Criminal Acts and to push for the completion of the Foreclosure and the THEFT / ROBBERY of the Purchaser(s) / Victim(s) Home and Property / Land!


(h) The Lender / Bank JUST HAVE PAPER! The “Contract” has NO Value because the Mortgage has been PAID out of the Trust! Therefore, the Lender / Bank now wants the PROPERTY that has already been paid for and proceeds to engage in War Crimes and other Criminal acts – i.e. FRAUD, ARMED ROBBERY, etc. to obtain it unlawfully and leave the Purchaser(s) / Victim(s) “HOMELESS…”





80        “WARRANTY DEEDS” are executed in the use of the “STRAWMAN” for the GRANTOR(S) and GRANTEE regarding matter associated with Mortgage Loan.


81        The SIGNATURE on the Warranty Deed, is taken to AUTHORIZE monies to be taken from TRUST established from Birth Certificate STRAWMAN and the DEBT is PAID from monies taken FROM the Trust to cover the expenses – i.e. Taxes, etc. associated with said transaction(s) mentioned in the Warranty Deed.


82        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies create frivolous accounts with fraudulent intent to cause allege Customers (as Native / Indigenous / Aboriginal People [collectively known as the “Protected Class” and / or “Protected Group”) injury and/or harm! A debt which has already been “PAID IN FULL!” Further, relieving Protected Class of the allege Debt Utility / Power Companies may assert is owed.


83        Because the United States of America is NOT a Government; but merely a PRIVATELY held Company - as is its Court(s) - should such Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies assert they have legal remedies through a Judicial process, JURISDICTIONAL recourse will only be permissible through an “INTERNATIONAL” Tribunal – i.e. in that the Protected Class is NOT a Citizen of the United States of America and the United States of America is NOT a Government – i.e. but merely a Company / Corporation – thus LACKING Jurisdiction to handle prosecution of the claims they may allege!


84       Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Company’s alleged bill is “PAID IN FULL” under the original of Contract / Application to provide Power, Utilities, Electricity, etc. and is to provide Services to Members of the “Protected Class” at his / her House and / or Lands / Properties “free of charge!”


85        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Company notification / collection letter is in furtherance of such Racketeering Schemes / Scams.


86        In the opening of Account for Members of the “Protected Class,” said Members are Secured Party Creditors. Nevertheless, Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies proceed to withdraw from “Protected Class” Members’ United States Treasury Account.


87        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies can be held liable for injuries / harm that Members of the “Protected Class” suffer from as a direct and proximate result of criminal acts brought to Company Officials’…attention.


88         Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies submit Monthly Bills with knowledge that Accounts of Members of the “Protected Class have been “PAID IN FULL!”


89        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies submit Monthly Bills for Accounts of Members of the “Protected Class” for purposes of EXTORTION, BLACKMAIL, etc. of monies from said Members on an alleged debt that has been “PAID IN FULL” with INTERESTS!


90        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies submit Monthly Bills regarding Accounts of Members of the “Protected Class” for purposes of EXTORTION, BLACKMAIL, etc. of monies from said Members on alleged debts which may constitute “Using Mail To Defraud” pursuant to 18 USC §§§ 63, 876, 880 and other Statutes/Laws governing said matters.


91        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies submit Monthly Bills regarding Accounts of Members of “Protected Class” for purposes of EXTORTION, BLACKMAIL, etc. of monies from said Members on alleged debts which may constitute “Blackmail” pursuant to 18 USC § 873 and other Statutes/Laws governing said matters.


92        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies submit Monthly Bills regarding Accounts of Members of “Protected Class” for purposes of EXTORTION, BLACKMAIL, etc. of monies from said Members on alleged debts which may constitute use of “Interstate Communication” pursuant to 18 USC § 875 and other Statutes/Laws governing said matters.


93        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies submit Monthly Bills regarding Accounts of Members of “Protected Class” using so-called Federal means – United States Postal Service – and deposited mail containing information constituting criminal acts for purposes of EXTORTION and BLACKMAIL, etc. of monies from said Members of a debt with KNOWLEDGE no said debts is owing.


94        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies continue to use the United States Postal Service’s mailing system to submit EXTORTION and BLACKMAIL demands, etc. for an alleged debt regarding Accounts of Members of “Protected Class” with knowledge said debt has been paid in full.


95        Members of “Protected Class” have a right to defend against the fraudulent acts and / or practices of Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Company regarding what he / she believes to be Racketeering Scam(s) leveled against him / her regarding the Account(s).


96        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water. . . Companies’ record reflect Members of “Protected Class” Race as being “Black” and/or “African-American…”


97        Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water. . . Companies are presently servicing Members of “Protected Class” Account(s) under the guise of what is known as “BLACK CODES.”


98         The State of Mississippi – a privately held company - still operates under “BLACK CODES” – i.e. also known as “SLAVE CODES.”



99        It is a matter of “PUBLIC” Record that those LABELED as Indians, Niggers, Negroes, Blacks, African-Americans, are Members of “PROTECTED Class / Group” – i.e. Indigenous / Aboriginal People. Moreover, there are Laws that protect and prohibit Members of said Protected Group / Class from such Racketeering Scams under which Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water. . . Companies are subjecting them to.


100        Members of the “Protected Class” / “Protected Group” are EXEMPT from that Debt Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water . . . Companies are asserting to be owed regarding alleged Account(s) and / or through such Racketeering Schemes.


101       Vogel Denise Newsome (as well as her Parents Joseph Newsome and Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome) being of Indian / Native descent. Thus, protected and entitled to the exemption(s) afforded Members of said “Protected” Class / Group. 


102        Due to Native / Indigenous / Aboriginal People’s Status and / or “Protected Class,” they are also EXEMPT from Taxation; however, there are records of Banks / Mortgage / Utility / Energy / Power / Water. . . Companies that will support Native / Indigenous / Aboriginal People and / or Members of “Protected Class” are being TAXED and continue to be subjected to TAXATION by “PRIVATELY Held Company(s)!”


103        The United States is merely “a PRIVATELY held Company.” Therefore, Vogel Denise Newsome CANNOT be a Citizen of a Company / Corporation!


104        Vogel Denise Newsome (being deemed an Indigenous / Native person) is entitled to and has the right to receive Power, Utilities, Electricity, and Water, etc. (free of charge) at the House and/or lands / territories occupied and / or inhabited, etc.


105        SIGNATURE is under the Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) and is used for the fiction!


106        “Signature” is TRICKERY used unbeknownst to Purchaser(s) / Victim(s) allowing for access to the TRUST Account to withdraw monies!


107        The Signature is being monetized. Monies are coming from the TRUST Fund set up from the Birth Certificate.


108     Such practices are criminal and / or fraudulent and done without the Victim’s knowledge.


109        AUTOGRAPH is what a REAL Person uses!



Cary Johnson Documents Library


110        Investigation(s), etc. will yield, the United States of America’s / United States Officials . . ., their Presidents, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, and their Co-Conspirators’ (as Lloyd’s of London. . .) FINANCIAL and PERSONAL interests in RACKETEERING “Foreclosure” Scams / Schemes that adversely impact Members of the “PROTECTED Class” / “PROTECTED Groups” for purposes of STEALING their Lands / Territories and Properties, etc.



As of 07/22/2022:


Bradley E. Chambers - Houston, Texas – Defended numerous Lloyd’s of London syndicates in an international insurance coverage matter regarding power generation facilities - - Represented mortgage servicing companies in numerous high profile cases . . .



111        Investigation(s), etc. will yield, that the United States of America's / United States' Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz is also Legal Counsel for BILLIONAIRES as Charles Koch and / or Koch Family Empires and their businesses (as Koch Industries . . .). Furthermore, "HOW" conspiracies were launched for purposes of unlawfully FORCING evictions / foreclosures, etc. that are being FUNDED through investors as Charles Koch . . .


Billionaire Charles Koch's foundation has bankrolled three conservative legal groups leading the court battle to eliminate prohibitions against tenant evictions during the Covid-19 pandemic in America.


At the same time, Koch's corporate empire has suddenly stepped up its real estate purchases during the pandemic - including making large investments in real estate companies with a potential financial interest in eliminating eviction restrictions. - - As of 07/22/2022:




112        NOW that the United States of America’s Nazis and Jews / Zionists Racketeering Schemes . . . are being exposed, the World is NOW witnessing efforts of their White Supremacist Officials attempting to move the “Protected Class” into “SOCIALISM” and deceive them into thinking that the “FREE” Services they are to LAWFULLY entitled to, MUST STILL be controlled by the White Supremacists – i.e. to which Vogel Denise Newsome / Prime Minister Newsome is vehemently OBJECTING TO!


113        United States’ Officials (Nazis and Jews / Zionists) using the guise of “FREE” Services [to which Members of “Protected Class” are LAWFULLY entitled] as BAIT to LURE these victims INTO more SLAVERY schemes – i.e. FIRST through “Democracy” and “NOWSocialism!




Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)
