3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(Your DUTY and RIGHT to INFORM the Public)
Quote(s): Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean NOT unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV). - - - MY people are DESTROYED for LACK of KNOWLEDGE (Hosea 4:6(a))
Utica Mayor Broome Introduces Himself
Host (Vogel Denise Newsome) Introduction
GUIDELINE FOR MEETING (however, NOT limited to this list)
- NO Obscene Language/Cursing/Swearing
- RESPECT One Another
- NO Interrupting Person On Floor – WAIT To Be Recognized
- NO Fighting
- PLEASE CONDUCT Yourself In A Courteous/Professional Manner
(1) CLOSURE of the Grocery Store (Sunflower) - Many citizens of Utica want a Grocery Store in Utica - What is the plan (if one at all) to bring a Grocery Store to Utica, Mississippi – Have there been any prospects from businessmen/women to bring a Grocery Store to Utica (if so, what was the OUTCOME and WHY)?
(2) BUSINESSES/JOBS – Many citizens of Utica will like to see more/new DOWNTOWN Businesses as well as more/new Businesses OUTSIDE of the City Limits/Downtown brought in – WHAT plans (if at all) are being pursued to meet the ECONOMIC demands for Utica as well as citizens/residents of Utica, Mississippi. WHAT Business proposals – NEW BUSINESSES, FRANCHISES, etc. (if any) have been brought and/or wanted to be brought to Utica, Mississippi? WHAT was the OUTCOME and WHY?
JOBS – With what appears to be the UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL closing of schools and other businesses through the ILL EFFORT to bring about the COLLAPSE of Utica, Mississippi, WHAT (if anything) is being done to bring JOBS back to Utica?
PRISON ISSUE – Is it TRUE or FALSE that there is a plan to CLOSE the Hinds Community College/Utica Branch for purposes of using the land for a PRISON? If so, WHY have the citizens/residents NOT been made aware of such an ILL-FATED plan?
PLEASE NOTE: That the issue regarding the Utica citizens/residents LEGAL right to bring a LAWSUIT (against the State/County, Board Officials, their Lawyers, etc.) regarding what appears to be the UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL closure of Hinds Agriculture High School, the DESTRUCTION of HISTORICAL LANDMARKS as well as the TAKEOVER of an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities – which receives FUNDING for such STATUS) by what appears to be a WHITE Educational Institution/WHITE-Controlled Board of Education (with Ku Klux Klan Affiliation and/or Connections)! It appears that the closure of Hinds Agricultural High School was done in VIOLATION of such laws as the KU KLUX KLAN Act and other statutes/laws PROHIBITED through the WHITE Elites (Supremacists) CREATION of Legislation to MASK and/or HIDE their RACIST Agenda from the Public/World!
(3) GENTRIFICATION – Is the buying and renovating of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods BY WEALTHIER individuals, which in effect INCREASES property values and DISPLACES LOW-INCOME families and small businesses. This is a COMMON and WIDESPREAD controversial topic in URBAN PLANNING (also known as URBAN RENEWAL). It refers to SHIFTS in urban community lifestyle and an INCREASING share of wealthier residents and/or businesses and INCREASING property values.
POORER PRE-Gentrification residents are UNABLE to pay INCREASED rents or PROPERTY taxes may find it necessary to RELOCATE!
Downtown Utica was ONCE heavily populated by WHITE-Americans in which MANY have moved away. It appears that decisions regarding businesses/jobs that come into Utica are being decided by the WEALTHY and CROOKED Lawyers that want to unlawfully/illegally CONTROL City Governments/Officials as that in Utica, Mississippi BEHIND-THE-SCENE! Is a process such as GENTRIFICATION being used by the FEW WEALTHY White Business Owners in the Utica, Mississippi? Are the FEW WEALTHY White Business Owners being ALLOWED to OBSTRUCT Economic PROGRESS in the Utica, Mississippi for purposes of securing their DESPOTISM Empires – i.e. UNLAWFULLY/ILLEGALLY obstructing ECONOMIC progress to ELIMINATE competition and EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES to People-Of-Color?
(4) WATER ISSUE – What is the STATUS of the water issue in Utica, Mississippi? Is the water SAFE to drink?
ELECTRONIC WATER METER – WHO decided to allow the ELECTRONIC water meter system to be implemented in Utica, Mississippi? WHAT is the NAME of the Company/Contractor who installed and/or is installing the ELECTRONIC water meter(s) in Utica, Mississippi? PRIOR to the installation of the ELECTRONIC water meter system, were Citizens/Residents made aware of their LEGAL rights to CONTEST/OBJECT the implementation of the ELECTRONIC water meter(s)? What process(es) [if any] were followed in the HANDLING and GRANTING of contract(s) regarding the ELECTRONIC water meter(s)? Resident(s) are COMPLAINING of the MAJOR INCREASE in their water bills since the implementation of the ELECTRONIC water meter(s). Has the City of Utica been made aware of the INCREASING cost in water bills, LEAKS, etc. since the implementation of the ELECTRONIC water meters? There are CONCERNS that the ELECTRONIC water meter system has been installed for purposes of UNLAWFULLY/ILLEGALLY gaining access to PROPERTY LANDS – for example: (i) providing residents with a HUGE water bill through FRAUDULENT practices and placing them in FEAR of LOSING water services if the Water Bill is NOT paid; (ii) SHUTTING OFF water services due to a HIGH Bill obtained through FRAUD [creation of problems resulting in LEAKS/BUSTED PIPES, etc.] = all with intent to bring LEGAL ACTION AGAINST residents who CANNOT pay such a HIGH Water Bill with hopes of TARGETING taking AWAY their PROPERTY/LANDS through Lawsuits/Liens for UNPAID bills . . . – in other words taking Citizens/Residents HOSTAGE!
(5) LAW ENFORCEMENT – There are concerns that the Utica Police Department may be ABUSING its authority: (i) unlawfully/illegally issuing citizens with citations; (ii) HARASSING/THREATENING citizens; (iii) PROFILING citizens because of their ethnicity/race (Black/African-American, Hispanic. . .) – thus, rather than KEEPING the Peace, may be actually CONTRIBUTING to the DISTURBANCE and CREATION of a HOSTILE/CRIMINAL environment in placing citizens in what they may feel “LIVING IN A POLICE-STATE” of mind! Is the Utica Police Department unlawfully/illegally being CONTROLLED by the FEW WEALTHY Whites and their LAWYERS – i.e. do they have WHITE SUPREMACIST Connections/Affiliations?
DRUG ISSUES/PROBLEMS: Citizens/Residents are complaining about the ILLEGAL Drugs being allowed to come into Utica, Mississippi UNREGULATED! The INCREASE in Crimes! It is NO secret that Black/African-Americans and/or People-Of-Color are NOT the SOURCE of the ILLEGAL Drugs being brought into the Community by WHITE-Controlled establishments that are MAKING-A-PROFIT to SECURE their WEALTHY Lifestyles! EMPLOYING Black/African-Americans to DEAL/SELL the unlawful/illegal drugs; nevertheless, these EMPLOYED Drug Dealers it appears are FORBIDDEN to INVEST in the UPKEEP and MAINTAINING of their communities from their DRUG-DEALING JOBS! WHITE Suburbia getting RICHER and BUILDING their EMPIRES and using the DRUG DEALING PROFITS to FINANCE ATTACKS and DESTROY the Black/African-American communities MASKED as URBAN RENEWAL and GENTRIFICATION!
WHAT PLAN (if at all)/LAW ENFORCEMENT Agencies are Utica’s Government Officials using (if at all) to bring the WHITE ILLEGAL DRUG employers/providers to JUSTICE – i.e. it appears that WHITE America [running and controlling DESPOTISM Government] is providing Black/African-Americans and/or People-Of-Color with the ILLEGAL Drugs to sell and then BUSTING/ARRESTING a SELECTED few while the WHITE-controlled Drug EMPLOYERS/ Providers REMAIN at-large!
COMMENTS & QUESTION SESSION (Public) – Please note due to this being the First Meeting and TIME Limitations everybody may not have an opportunity to be heard; therefore, please be patient in understanding the process that may be used.