Bringing Global Awareness
And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6
1988 Movie "They Live" Foretold Of Power Elites' 2025 New World Order Agendas
There are NO Countries - Elite are ruling!
Note: Screen may appear white as video loads
As a matter of Law, it is IMPORTANT to have EVIDENCE to support / sustain claims that the United States is NOT a Country but merely a “Privately Held Company!”
When dealing with the United States’ Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, etc. it is IMPERATIVE to preserve EVIDENCE! If NOT, this Law Firm is KNOWN to move to DESTROY EVIDENCE for purposes of COVERING UP their WAR Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities, etc.!
Country United States America is a privately held company in Washington, DC and is a Headquarters business.
Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi 39286
Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)