We are in the process of setting up the webpages for each of these Secret Societies. Upon completion, we want to be able to allow those viewing this page to click on the images, pictures and/or links which will take them into another webpage for each and share some POWERFUL information!
Council On Foreign Relations
The Club Of Rome
The United Nations
The Bilderberg Group
For instance, we know many may have NEVER heard of “BOULE” nor “WILLIE LYNCH!” Believe us it will be an EYE OPENING experience of “HOW” the United States of America’s Nazis and Zionists use their “BLACKS” to aid and abet them in WAR Crimes and the ENSLAVEMENT of Natives and/or Indigenous People in their quest to fulfill the “NEW” World Order Agenda for “GLOBAL” WHITE Supremacy wherein they enslave Natives and/or Nations Of Color!
It has been said that former United States President John F. Kennedy WARNED of such WAR Crimes and, as a direct result of his fulfilling his OBLIGATION and DUTY to INFORM the Public/World of such CONSPIRACIES, etc. he was ASSASSINATED!
In 2012, then Vice President Joseph Biden [NOW the Corporation Empire’s President-Elect] also PUBLICLY NOTIFIED of the Big Banks and Wall Street, etc. PLANS to engage in such War Crimes of SLAVERY…
United States' Nazis/Zionists LAW and ORDER President
In 2016, Donald John Trump was put in as the United States’ DESPOTISM “CORPORATION” Empire’s President and through this slogan - - “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” the ENSLAVEMENT of Natives, Indigenous People and those they have LABELED as being “BLACKS,” etc. - - the United States’ Nazis and Zionists are moving forward with MALICIOUS intent of ENSLAVEMENT!
After World War 2, the WORLD said, “NEVER Again!” Nevertheless, this is exactly what the WORLD’S European and/or WHITE Nations are in the process of doing! ASSASSINATING, KILLING and/or MURDERING as many as they can to FULFILL Nazi Germany’s Leader Adolf Hitler’s WORLD Order Agenda as they see the DECLINE of their Race of People!