Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

USA President Donald John Trump’s, Congressional Members’, Their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’, and Co-Conspirators’


Pearl Leo Newsome


           FIRST giving all Glory, Honor and Praise . . . to God / Allah / Our Creator – The AUTHOR and FINISHER of our Faith (Hebrews 12:2-4) – who extended GRACE and MERCY to our Native Nation, its People and Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome to allow for the HISTORICAL Achievements the World and People are witnessing playing out LIVE!


           We have received numerous responses from Native People who are asking, “HOW can I / we financially support as well as provide moral support for the Native Nations-Building Missions?” To briefly answer such questions, this webpage has been set up. We apologize for the delay; however, as many of you may know, our Chickasaw Tribal Nation (CTN) and Utica International Embassy (UIE) Leaders have come under VICIOUS Terrorist Attacks by the United States’ Nazis, Jews / Zionists, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz (with their BOULE / BLACK Slaves), and other Co-Conspirators in their effort to prevent such a TIME as this from happening! Through such CONSPIRACIES, on September 21, 2019, our Matriarch Pearl Leo Newsome was ASSASSINATED shortly after being returned to Clinton Healthcare LLC (in Clinton, Mississippi) over her objections! Our Prime Minister and her Mother’s concerns have been MEMORIALIZED in a March 22, 2019, Facsimile to Clinton Healthcare LLC to serve as EVIDENCE of the methods being used to COVERUP such War Crimes, Criminal Acts and other Atrocities!


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: In March 2019, the implanting of stents were done.  We believe that the United States' Officials and its Legal Counsel used this opportunity to compromise the health of our Matriarch!  The procedure performed was done with malicious intent to bring about a calculated murder / death!  Had these Terrorists been successful in the ASSASSINATION of our Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome - during their Kidnapping of  her - there would have been TWO Funerals and the United States' Nazis / Jews / Zionists would have moved forward with the release of their Covid 2019 (Covid-19/Coronavirus) - rather than waiting until 2020 for release in the USA - and other NEW World Order Conspiracies to ENSLAVE the Civilian Population!




United States COVERT PARAMILITARY Terrorists’


On Chickasaw Tribal Nation /

Utica International Embassy Officials. . .




          March 22, 2019 Facsimile to support “HOW” the United States’ Nazis / Jews / Zionists - upon obtaining information regarding the medical attention our Matriarch was receiving - planned, orchestrated and carried out “COVERT” Paramilitary Terrorists Operations to use such knowledge to have Top Officials of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy ASSASSINATED!







          March 22, 2019, VERBAL Assault on our Prime Minister was launched by the United States’ Employees - Cloteal Jolquita Newsome Turner and Harvellia Lupene Newsome Thomas - in RETALIATION for exposing the War Crimes and other Criminal Acts being leveled against our Matriarch (Pearl Leo Newsome) through Clinton Healthcare LLC:













          On March 25, 2019, our Prime Minister took the time to post in a Social Media Forum (Twitter) such conspiracies that have been launched. It was the United States Department of Justice’s STAR Employee Cloteal Jolquita Newsome Turner (Cloteal) who advised our Prime Minister of the US CORPORATION’s conspiracies specifically TARGETING the Elderly!








Nevertheless, NOTHING was done to protect the life of our CTN’s Matriarch! Instead, our Prime Minister’s siblings CONSPIRED to launch attacks against the Chickasaw Tribal Nation as well as the Utica International Embassy and have our Prime Minister removed from overseeing her Mother’s / our Matriarch’s Healthcare! When Cloteal was advised of the post healthcare treatment being set up with a Native Cardiologist, she vehemently objected and advised our Prime Minister she “DID NOT want to hear it!” Cloteal went on-and-on about a “BIG Employment Opportunity”possible promotion - awaiting her with the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ)! Thus, it was important to her to “PLEASE” her “WHITE NAZI Leader / President Donald John Trump” rather than what was in the best interest of our Matriarch! Yes, Cloteal is a REPUBLICAN!




          The United States Officials and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson, etc. sending in our Prime Minister’s siblings for purposes of DISTRACTIONS as well as to aid and abet in the KIDNAPPING and ASSASSINATION of our Prime Minister!





           Our Prime Minister coming under verbal and vicious attacks from the United States’ Agents leveled with false accusations against her regarding our Matriarch’s / her Mother’s healthcare!




           On March 25, 2019, the United States’ CORPORATION President Donald John Trump and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson CONSPIRED with our Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome’s siblings (Joe Lee Newsome being their MAIN undercover Paramilitary Operative – due to having over 20+ Years in the United States Army [a PRIVATELY held company]) to have her KIDNAPPED and assist with her ASSASSINATION!



           This was done under the guise of supposedly unpaid tickets; wherein, our Prime Minister and her Father was subjected to an UNLAWFUL Ku Klux Klan Traffic stop (in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act 42 USC § 1985[3]) that Joe Lee Newsome (Joe Lee) CONSPIRED with the United States Officials / Lawyers and the Town of Utica Mississippi’s so-called Police Department [a PRIVATELY held Company]) to carry out.





          For those who may not know, about 2017, the State of Mississippi (another PRIVATELY held Company) drafted so-called Legislation known as House Bill 1033 clearly stating that people would NOT be incarcerated for alleged UNPAID TICKETS!”





           There is record EVIDENCE that on or about February 25, 2019, the United States’ privately held companies’ officials were timely, properly and adequately notified of “INTERNATIONAL” Legal / Lawful action to be brought against the Town of Utica Mississippi and Hinds County Mississippi Officials, etc. through the applicable Tribunals!






          Legal / Lawful matters that will bring the United States Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Lawyers / Attorneys . . . to JUSTICE! Therefore, in efforts of avoiding prosecution, Baker Donelson recruited Joe Lee Newsome and our Prime Minister siblings to aid and abet in having her KIDNAPPED for purposes ASSASSINATION! Yes, War Crimes and Criminal Acts in VIOLATION of their Ku Klux Klan Act and other so-called Statutes / Laws governing such matters!


(2) Obstructing justice; intimidating party . . . - If two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire to deter, by force, intimidation, or threat, any party or witness in any court of the United States from attending such court, or from testifying to any matter pending therein, freely, fully, and truthfully, or to injure such party or witness in his person or property on account of his having so attended or testified







           Our Prime Minister was held Hostage for approximately 52 days [without just cause and in VIOLATION of our Nation’s Laws and / or INTERNATIONAL Laws] at a Hinds County Mississippi Detention Facility for Women! Then on or about May 6, 2019, as a direct and proximate result of NOT being able to Assassinate her, the United States Legal Counsel Baker Donelson orchestrated a FRIVOLOUS “MENTAL” Competency Hearing held in one of their many NAZI Concentration Camp “CONTROLLED” Environments (i.e. Chancery Court of Hinds County Mississippi); wherein, Baker Donelson turned to their Hinds County Sheriff Victor Mason to contact Joe Lee Newsome to be their KEY Witness for the State of Mississippi! Baker Donelson saw to it that Joe Lee was coached to provide PERJURED / FALSE Testimony alleging criminal acts against our Prime Minister! The Hearing was also used to launch attacks against the Utica International Embassy’ website and efforts to get Vogel Denise Newsome to DENOUNCE being our Prime Minister – which she REFUSED to do! Moreover, used this opportunity to address the United States’ role in recruiting Juan Guaido and having him install himself as the Interim President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela over Nicolas Maduro! Our Prime Minister making it clear that she is NOT saying she is the Interim President of the United States of America! LOL! Thus, it becoming clear that her KIDNAPPING and the ASSASSINATION on her life being due to the United States’ needing her death for purposes of UNLAWFULLY invading Venezuelai.e. disrupting the NAZIS’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ NEW World Order Agenda for Latin America!


TWO (2) Court-Appointed Psychiatrists, NO determination regarding our Prime Minister’s mental capacity could be made warranting her being committed to the State of Mississippi Hospital! Nevertheless, OVER the objections the Court-Appointed Attorney, Baker Donelson’s KANGAROO “BLACK” / BOULE Judge Trent Walker advised he was having our Prime Minister committed to the State of Mississippi Hospital anyway over objections! Prior to leaving the Courtroom, our Prime Minister advised Joe Lee to retain Legal Counsel – i.e. to represent him in the legal / lawful matters being brought against him for his role(s) in such CONSPIRACIES to have her KIDNAPPED and ASSASSINATED! Judge Trent Walker was furious that he FAILED in getting the findings he was “PAID” to orchestrate in getting! Out in the Court’s hallway, Geneva Newsome Mosley was full of excitement / thrilled with the injuries, harm and attacks being leveled against our Prime Minister, etc.! Such elation is EVIDENCED through an email entitled, “PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: MY Mother’s (Pearl Leo Torrey / Torry Newsome’s) MURDER Will NOT Be In VAIN!”




           On or about May 16, 2019, our Prime Minister was transported over Highway(s) / Interstate(s) – in further support defining KIDNAPPING – to the Mississippi State Hospital. According to the Order of Judge Trent Walker, if our Prime Minister “REFUSED” to be treated, she was to be RETURNED to the Hinds County Detention Center! Just as she REFUSED to sign documents at the Hinds County Detention Center, our Prime Minister REFUSED to sign documents at the Mississippi State Hospital! Nevertheless, the United States President Donald John Trump, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and Co-Conspirators defied instructions given in Court Order due to having KNOWLEDGE they could NOT return her to the Hinds County Detention Center because of allege time being served for unpaid tickets! On said date (May 16, 2019), Baker Donelson then attempted to the Mississippi State Hospital Officials’ ASSASSINATE our Prime Minister through MEDICINE that was designed by NAZI Scientists to cause her death and make it appear she died from “NATURAL Causes” emphasis added! Our Prime Minister was able to ease the “fast-dissolving DEATH Pill” she was forced to take back into the cup undetected! Therefore, when the MALE administrator (in an ALL-Women’s Ward – warranting suspicions), overseeing dispersing of medicine to the Hostages and Patients being held, focused on our Prime Minister’s mouth and requested to check her mouth after giving her the “DEATH Pill,” he failed to see her ability to ease the remainder of DEATH Pill back in the cup undetected – i.e. as he quickly discarded the cup thinking he had accomplished the United States / Baker Donelson’s ASSASSINATION Mission! Such check sparked concerns among other Hostages / Patients who advised our Prime Minister such “MOUTH Checks” are not requested of them; therefore, curious as to “WHY” it was done with her? Further confirming, that the “DEATH Pill” was to have been swallowed; however, was NOT! It was obvious the SHOCK amongst Staff Members that our Prime Minister had not DIED through the night – i.e. wondering HOW she survived AFTER taking the “DEATH Pill” they thought she had swallowed (but did NOT) – that it took SEVERAL days for the Mississippi State Hospital to put our Prime Minister’s name on the door as they continued to await instructions on “HOW” to handle her!


           We have sufficient evidence that our Prime Minister was “LABELED” Black under the United States’ Nazis / Jews’ / Zionists’ “BLACK Codes” and other unlawful Statutes, Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Criminal practices and IMMEDIATELY injected with poisons for purposes of DESTROYING her mind as well as efforts to bring about her UNTIMELY DEATH and / or ASSASSINATION! EVIDENDE to support that the United States is engaging in SLAVERY practices, etc. These United States Terrorists / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan Members . . .held our Prime Minister at one of their many CONCENTRATION Camps (that have been disguised as Hospitals, State Hospitals, Detention Center, etc.) actually thinking that our Prime Minister would “AUTHORIZE” them to experiment on her when placed under such hostile and life-threatening situations; wherein, she REFUSED and WOULD NOT sign / execute any such forms [NOR verbally] granting any so-called Treatment. Her requests to be RELEASED were REPEATEDLY denied! We look forward to challenging the WHITE Man’s / Nazis’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ so-called Laws; moreover, challenge under, WHAT AUTHORITY” are they creating such “LABELS” and / or “RACE Classes / Titles” - as Niggers, Negroes, Blacks, and African Americans, etc. – over Humans?



           On or about September 21, 2019, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Matriarch Pearl Leo Newsome was ASSASSINATED! It is alleged that she transitioned under “NATURAL” Causes; however, that was NOT the case! Keep in mind, our Prime Minister “PERSONALLY” has knowledge that the United States’ Nazis’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ SCIENTISTS have created a “DEATH Pill (as that given to her at the Mississippi State Hospital)!” Moreover, there is record evidence that our Prime Minister was to be consulted regarding decisions about her Mother’s Healthcare; however, both our Prime Minister and our Matriarch / her Mother were UNLAWFULLY deprived these Humanitarian Rights and other protected rights secured under the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Laws as well as International Laws governing such matters! We retain EVIDENCE to support our Matriarch (although 89 years young) being full of life and very vibrant, etc.! Moreover, having to live in FEAR of being injured / harm as a direct and proximate result of the conspiracies launched against her and our Prime Minister. Fearing being harmed by siblings of our Prime Minister should they find out she was calling her – i.e. resulting in our Matriarch feeling she had to “SNEAK” and / or “SECRETLY” call our Prime Minister! The SAME TRAGIC FATE our Matriarch was subjected to, is the same tragic fate the United States’ Nazi / Jewish / Zionist Officials, their Representatives / Employees, Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and other Co-Conspirators had planned and orchestrated against our Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome. Had these Terrorists / Nazis / White Supremacists and their Co-Conspirators succeeded in our Prime Minister’s ASSASSINATION, they would have created a “LIE” that she died of “NATURAL Causes” as that being spread by the siblings of our Prime Minister regarding her Mother / our Matriarch!

Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


Coming News Sections:

Native Nations Economics

United States
Politics and Religion
Business and Finance
Science and Technology
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Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
Bringing Global Awareness News
c/o Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi  39286

Phone: (888) 700-5056 (Extension 8000)
