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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6


United States of America’s / Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’


March 2, 2023                                                                    Chickasaw Tribal Nation INTERNATIONAL News                               Volume 1, Issue1

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5 Operation SMALLPOX Blankets – i.e. Reported as the BIOLOGICAL / BIOCHEMICAL Warfare used by the BRITISH Colonizers against the “BLACK Indians” as early as the 1700’s!  OVER 300 Years of BIOCHEMICAL Warfare - - - 2020 Covid-19 / Coronavirus was used to TARGET the “BLACK Indians” / “Native Nations,” etc.


SMALLPOX: A virus causing a disease that can inflict disfiguring scars, blindness and death - i.e. an unlawful tactic constituting a crude form of BIOLOGICAL Warfare . . . - - As of 02/28/2023:'%20warfare%20against,and%20linens%20contaminated%20with%20smallpox.





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The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials believe that similar COVERT Paramilitary Operations are being carried out in the 21st Century with the aiding and abetting of the United Nations’ PERMANENT Members (United Kingdom, United States of America / United States, France, China and Russia) with CO-Conspirators as GERMANY, ISRAEL and European / West Allies!



WHY IS SUCH INFORMATION IMPORTANT? Because the alleged September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center Towers in New York City, New York, have been deemed to have been carried out by TERRORISTS (Labeled as al-Qaeda) against the United States – i.e. moreover, deemed “ACTS Of Terrorism” that brought about the United States’, its Officials and Legal Counsel’s Baker Donelson’s as well as their CO-Conspirators’ Covert Paramilitary Operation known as “WAR On Terrorism!”

The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11,[d]were four coordinated suicideterrorist attackscarried out by the militantIslamist extremist network al-Qaedaagainst the United States on September 11, 2001. That morning, nineteen terroristshijacked four commercial airlinersscheduled to travel from the East Coastto California. The hijackers crashed the first two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centerin New York City, and the third intothe Pentagon(the headquarters of the United States military) in Arlington County, Virginianear Washington, D.C. The fourth plane was also intended to hit afederal governmentbuilding in D.C., but crashed in a field following a passenger revolt. The attacks killed nearly 3,000 people and instigated the global war on terror.



The world suffers a lot.  Not because of the violence of bad people, but BECAUSE of the silence of good people! / History is a set of LIES AGREED upon. - - Napoleon Bonaparte


O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit - - Jeremiah 16:19

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It appears the United States’ Officials and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson (with CO-Conspirators) PLANNED, ORCHESTRATED and CARRIED OUT the Domestic Terrorists Attacks on the World Trade Center Towers reported on September 11, 2001 – i.e. carried out by the USA’s NAZI / White Supremacist / Jewish / Zionist Officials, Employees, Representatives and Legal Counsel, etc. and CO-Conspirators parties to said CONSPIRACIES! 


IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  The 9/11/2001, World Trade Center DOMESTIC Terrorists carrying out alleged attacks for purposes of using WarS to unlawfully invade Middle Asia (also incorrectly known as the Middle East) to STEAL and TAKE CONTROL of the Native Nations there as well as their Lands / Territories / Properties and Resources! Using similar WAR Crimes / War of Aggression / Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities that the Europeans’ / West’s NAZIS, White Supremacists, Jews and Zionists used against the BLACK Indians / Natives within the Lands / Territories / Properties presently known as the United States of America – i.e. there are reports of FAILED attemptS to create a “United States of the Middle East!



Even WORSE, it appears (from report[s]) a United States of EUROPE by 2025, is in the making under the “ILLUSION” that the United States of America is a success (when it IS NOT)!






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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Creating deceptive “CORPORATION” Racketeering Schemes where there are supposedly going to NO LONGER be Countries anymore, but ONLY Corporations / Companies – i.e. As such unlawful schemes presented in a 1988 Movie entitled, THEY LIVE!”




As of 02/28/2023:






WHEN You Do Not Know The United States of America’s HISTORY / PLAYBOOK, The SAME PLAYS Will Be Used On Other VICTIMS / NATIVE Nations (As Jackson, Mississippi / Jackson State University)



Note the following PLAYBOOK WAR Crimes / War of Aggression / Crimes Against Humanity . . . being used (i.e. however, not limited to this listing alone) AFTER the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center Attacks . . .:





GREEN - For the RESTORATION of "OUR" Lands / Territories, HEALTHY Lives, ECONOMIC Wellbeing and PROSPERITY for God's / Allah's People

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OCTOBER 7, 2001: The War in AFGHANISTAN / Afghanistan War being launched!



“The War in Afghanistan was an armed conflict from 2001 to 2021. It began with an international military coalition led by the United States launched an invasion on Afghanistan.” - - As of 02/28/2023:

There are reports that Hillary Clinton acknowledged through interview(s) and / or Public Hearings, the United States’ role(s) in the CREATION and / or TRAINING of Terrorists in Middle Asia! Moreover, that said planning, etc. occurred during the time of their United States President Ronald Reagan!  TRAINING which included arming those that have been labeled as Terrorists with WEAPONS!


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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Baker Donelson’s Howard Baker (who served as a United States Senator) served as Chief of Staff for Ronald Reagan! In 1980, Howard Baker ran for President of the United States!


Yes, according to reports an “International Military COALITION” was formed and led by a PRIVATELY Held Company (United States of America / United States) against SOVEREIGN Native Nations in Middle Asia!



WHY IS SUCH INFORMATION RELEVANT? Because on or about January 10, 2012, Vogel Denise Newsome - who is presently serving as Prime Minister of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy, NOTIFIED the United States of America’s Officials (via their President Barack Obama, United States Senator Rand Paul and Admiral Michael G. Mullen of the Joint Chief of Staff of “. . .International Military Intervention May Be Necessary” - i.e. Addressing the attacks on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (as Florida A&M University)!


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WHY DID WAR START IN AFGHANISTAN? According to the United States’ Department of Defense, it was alleged to have been a “war of self-defense!” However, there is NO record evidence to support said claims! NOR is there record evidence to rebut that of the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy’s Officials claims that it IS the United States of America’s / United States’ Officials, Employees, Representatives, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Lawyers / Attorneys and their CO-Conspirators that CONSPIRED to carry out the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Attacks against the CIVILIAN Population, etc.!





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DOES THE UNITED STATES GET OIL FROM AFGHANISTAN? We believe that Investigations will yield that on September 11, 2001, the United States’ Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-CONSPIRED to carry out the DOMESTIC Terrorists on the World Trade Center Towers, etc. – i.e. for purposes of creating LIES in keeping with their “War On Terrorism” and the CONSPIRACIES to invade Middle East Nations (as Afghanistan . . .) for purposes of CONTROL over SOVEREIGN Nations, their People / Citizens, Lands / Territories / Properties and Resources (as their OIL)! It appears, the THORN in such conspiracies being “IRAN!”




As 03/01/2023:,called%20%E2%80%9Cthe%20Great%20Game.%E2%80%9D




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MARCH 20, 2003: The United States NAZIS, White Supremacists, Jews, Zionists and their EUROPEAN / West CO-Conspirators (i.e. which includes China and Russia) each tacitly playing role(s) for purposes of accomplishing the “OBJECT” of Conspiracies – i.e. “NEW” World Order Agenda for GLOBAL White Supremacy over ALL Native Nations and their Citizens / People; as well as their Lands / Territories / Properties and Resources, etc. “by any means necessary!”



A TACIT AGREEMENT is defined as (however, not limited to this definition alone):


Occurs when two or more persons pursue by their acts the same object by the same means. One person performing one part and the other another part, so that upon completion they have obtained the object pursued. Regardless whether each person knew of the details or what part each was to perform, the end results being they obtained the object pursued. Agreement is implied or inferred from actions or statements.


MARCH 2004: There are reports that Baker Donelson establishes BAGHDAD Office in Iraq to assist INTERNATIONAL Clients with their INTERESTS in Iraq and the REGION . . . Interests in Iraq’s EMERGING Economy . . .

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As of 03/01/2023:





IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Those who planned, orchestrated and carried out the September 11, 2001 (“9/11”) ATTACKS on the World Trade Center Towers have been deemed TERRORISTS! Moreover, according to reports and / or USA so-called INTELLIGENCE, having Taliban / al-Qaeda CONNECTIONS and / or RELATIONSHIPS, etc.! It appears a NEXUS between the USA’s Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and their CO-Conspirators with the Taliban / al-Qaeda can be established! Thus, a reasonable mind may conclude that Middle Asia’s allege Terrorists – i.e. as the Taliban / al-Qaeda / ISIS – appear to be the CREATION of the United States of America and their Allies! 


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The Taliban / al-Qaeda / ISIS being the Middle Asia version of the USA’s NAZIS / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists TERRORISTS!



It appears that the Taliban having a nice cozy relationship with the United States of America’s Officials, their Presidents (as Donald John Trump)!


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NOT only that, there appears to be evidence that the USA Officials and their CO-Conspirators ARE FINANCING the Taliban’s TERRORIST Missions through EMBEZZLED USA Taxpayers’ monies!  The FINANCING of Terrorist Groups are PROHIBITED under INTERNATIONAL Laws . . . – i.e. for purposes of accomplishing the NAZIS’ / White Supremacists’ / Jews’ / Zionists’ controlling Middle Asia’s RESOURCES, etc.!




WHAT was the purpose of the USA’s 9/11 DOMESTIC Terrorists attacking the World Trade Center Towers, etc.?



We believe that the United States of America “ILLUSION” being created to serve as Operation “BEER HALL PUTSCH” – i.e. To serve as a STRONGHOLD (similar to Nazi Germany Leader Adolf Hitler’s BERLIN conquest . . .) through the unlawful seizure of “BLACK Indians” and other Natives’ Lands / Territories and Properties within what is presently known as the United States of America. Through such unlawful INVASIONS, War Crimes, War of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities, the USA IS serving as a BASE to launch further NAZI / White Supremacist / Jewish / Zionist Operations against the WORLD’S Native Nations located in North America, South America, Middle Asia and the Continent of Africa . . .!  Thus, in keeping with the Jews / Zionists quest to have their “A World of OUR OWN” by any means necessary!



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"We Jews.  We are the DESTROYERS and WILL REMAIN the destroyers.  NOTHING you can do will meet OUR DEMANDS and NEEDS. We WILL FOREVER destroy because we want a WORLD of OUR OWN!" - Maurice Samuel




     “If we have to USE FORCE, it is because we are America; we are the INDISPENSABLE nation . . .”

“. . . We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the FUTURE.” - - Madeline Albright, Former Secretary of State (USA)



It appears GERMANY, the United Kingdom / England and their EUROPEAN / West Allies believing they were successful (when they were NOT) in conquering the Lands / Territories presently known as the United States of America, then proceeded to provoke “GLOBAL” Wars that have been LABELED as “World Wars” – i.e. as World War I and World War II – for purposes of furthering their GLOBAL White Supremacy Agendas that have become known as OPERATION “NEW World Order!” For instance, using World War II to create a BEER HALL PUTSCH – Styled Operation that has become known as “ISRAEL;” wherein, England / United Kingdom with CO-Conspirators (European / West Nations) sending in their JEWS / ZIONISTS to set up COVERT Paramilitary Operations for purposes of serving as a BASE from which WARS would be launched throughout Middle Asia as done in what is presently known as the United States of America (as the Chickasaw Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials, etc. are working to CHANGE - - i.e. as done with the Soviet Union which is NOW known as Russia / Russian Federation)!




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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Said Covert Paramilitary Operation BEER HALL PUTSCH Schemes / War Crimes / War of Aggression / Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities, etc. ARE being used to unlawfully invade Native Nations within the USA, South America, Middle Asia and the Continent of Africa, etc. for purposes of carrying out MASS EXTERMINATIONS of Natives and the STEALING / THEFT of their Lands / Territories / Properties and Resources etc.!



GREED - - - GREED - - - GREED - - - GREED . . .!



It appears that the United Nations’ PERMANENT Members (United Kingdom, United States of America / United States, France, China and Russia) and their EUROPEAN / West Nations’ CO-Conspirators are conspiring in the use of WARS as well as the engagement therein of War Crimes, War of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities, etc. for purposes of accomplishing the “OBJECT” of Operation “NEW World Order” Missions – i.e. for GLOBAL White Supremacy OVER ALL Native Nations and their People / Citizens!  Unlawful / Unwarranted Wars being launched to achieve the MASS EXTERMINATION of Citizens / People of Native Nations!


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There are OVER 500 (what have become known) Civilized Tribal Nations / Native Tribal Nations throughout what is presently known as the United States of America and OVER 100 specifically “BLACK Indian” Nations that have become known as “Historically Black Colleges and Universities [HBCUs]” that have their own Lands / Territories / Properties and Resources, etc. (i.e. such as Utica Junior College in Utica, Mississippi that is presently under SIEGE by the State of Mississippi Officials, one of their PWI (PREDOMINATELY White Institution) – Hinds Community College – and CO-Conspirators as the Law Firm of Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz who have had the College’s name CHANGED to Hinds Community College Utica Branch . . .NOW in Jackson, Mississippi the USA’s / State of Mississippi’s Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-CONSPIRATORS are eyeing said City and Jackson State University [“JSU”]; wherein, there IS RECORD EVIDENCE to support a FAILED Takeover in about 2010, as well as efforts to CHANGE JSU’s name to “Jacobs State University!”





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As Germany’s NAZI Leader Adolf Hitler did through the unlawful siege of Berlin – known as Beer Hall Putsch operations – there are also reports that allege that Hitler was taking his CUES from NAZI / White Supremacist / Jewish / Zionist Lawyers within the United States of America (i.e. as Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz - a Law Firm FULL and Operational DURING Adolf Hitler’s REIGN)!




HOW NAZI Germany’s Adolf Hitler Used United States Of America’s JIM CROW Laws

As of 03/02/2023:


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Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! - - Sir Walter Scott



The United States of America’s / State of Mississippi’s COVERT Paramilitary Operation: Deion “PRIME Time” PLAYBOOK Scams . . . was skillfully planned, orchestrated and carried out by USA’s Legal Counsel Baker Donelson (World’s No. 1 Terrorist Organization), the Walton Family Foundation, Deion Luwynn Sanders and CO-Conspirators (as Shedeur Sanders and Travis Hunter), etc.! Each standing to FINANCIALLY Profit from their ROLES in such CONSPIRACIES to BREAKUP the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) and take Jackson State University to a PREDOMINANTLY White Institution (PWI) Conference!

The USA’s NAZI / White Supremacist / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionist Officials with their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson having their BLACK Ku Klux Klansman Coach Deion “PRIME Time” Sanders and STAR Football Players (Shedeur Sanders and Travis Hunter) GROOMED and YOKED to pull off one of the GREATEST Scams [so they thought] in HBCU History without many “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations aware of WHAT was going on and HOW “The PLAN / PLAY” to achieve “The OBJECT” of such conspiracies was being carried out!

As of 03/02/2023: 60 Minutes Deion Sanders /  JSU Interview 2022


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It appears that the United States’ Officials, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and CO-Conspirators, etc. believing they were successful in the BREAKUP of the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (“MEAC”) THEN would move on to the SWAC! However, the USA, its Legal Counsel and CO-Conspirators KNEW and / or should have KNOWN they were establishing a PATTERN-Of-Practice / PATTERN-Of-Systemic-Racist Practices to adversely impact “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations, their Communities and Cultures, etc. for purposes of Financially . . . BENEFITTING the NAZIS’ / White Supremacists’ / Ku Klux Klan / Jewish / Zionists’ Communities, Cultures and Agendas!



In other words, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials will be using the unlawful DEFUNDING and / or unlawful withholding of Monies / Funds for “BLACK Indians’” / Native Nations’ Towns, Cities, Colleges and Universities, etc. as well as the BREAKUP of the MEAC as EVIDENCE to support the RESTITUTION . . . RELIEF / DEMANDS owed to correct the wrongs committed and the injuries / harm sustained by our Tribal Nation(s) in violation of the Statutes / Codes / Rules / Regulations . . . governing said matters!




60 Minutes Takeaways:


Deion Sanders allege, God called him “COLLECT!”


The Walton Family Foundation role in FINANCING / INVESTING in Jackson State University’s Football (i.e. as Practice Field / Locker Room). EMPHASIS: Deion acknowledges making the initial contact and / or agreement with Walmart . . .to obtain the services / funding / benefits from such agreements.


KNOWLEDGE of Systemic Racism and Doors (Opportunities) Being CLOSED To HBCUs / SWAC . . . (Athletic Programs)

Ongoing Water Crisis In Jackson, Mississippi

[IMPORTANT TO NOTE: All PREDOMINANTLY White Towns / Cities / Communities [presently squatting on STOLEN Native Lands / Territories] are on WELL Systems – i.e. Brandon, Clinton, Flora, Flowood, Madison and Ridgeland. Byram is moving to a WELL System. Within Jackson, Mississippi, the Fairgrounds has a WELL System and Millsaps University is getting a WELL System!


Nevertheless, the “BLACK Indians” / “Natives are supposed to remain on a CHEMICALLY-Treated Water System designed to adversely impact them, etc.!

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image026 HOW Did JSU / The CHURCH People NOT See The DEVIL In The DETAILS?


Pimp Daddy Deion Sanders [A Florida State University (FSU) - Predominately WHITE Institution SLAVE] “BEHIND-The-SCENES” Conspiracies To Aid and Abet In The DESTRUCTION Of Historically Black Colleges and Universities [HBCU] and Culture . . .Guess WHO Pimp Daddy Sanders make DEALS With To FINANCE USA RACKETEERING . . . SLAVERY Schemes?


Nazis / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan / Jews / Zionists – INVESTORS In PRIVATEPrisons / School-To-Prison Pipeline / Human Experiments [as Tuskegee Experiments / Eugenics . . .]/Gentrification / WHITE Flight . . .SCAMS / SCHEMES!



From research, there appears to be a WELL-ESTABLISHED relationship between the USA’s Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and The Walton Family Foundation – i.e. Sharing interests in “BLACK Indians’” / Native Nations’ Towns, Cities, Communities and Colleges / Universities, etc.! Moreover, INTERESTS to bring about the collapse / demise of “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations for purposes of gaining access to their Lands / Territories / Properties and RESOURCES . . .!

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In law, it is call “NEXUS” (meaning CONNECTION and / or RELATION . . .) between The Walton Family Foundation (known for their Walmart Business) and the USA’s / State of Mississippi’s Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz!



CONSPIRACIES have been launched against Jackson State University / City of Jackson, Mississippi because they sit on what is known as PRIME Real Estate! Thus, the USA and the State of Mississippi (PRIVATELY held Companies) are seeking to unlawfully SEIZE as well as STEAL the Lands / Territories / Properties and RESOURCES (as water / water rights . . .) etc. of the “BLACK Indians” / Natives! Mississippi having access to MAJOR Waterways i.e. as the Mississippi River and Gulf Coast waters, etc.




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Prime Minister Newsome (PM Newsome) is a graduate of Utica High School in Utica, Mississippi. This High School is presently closed. She is a Mississippi State Champion in Track and Field in the 440 yd dash, Long Jump and 4x440 Relay . . . She continued her Collegiate Education at Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) in Itta Bena, Mississippi where she went on to become Nationally and Internationally ranked in Track and Field [600 yard/meter dash and the Long Jump]. After two (2) years at Mississippi Valley State University she was pursued with interests from two PWIs (Predominantly White Institutions) – Texas A & M University and Florida State University – however, she REFUSED offers; in that she did NOT want her mind WHITE INSTITUTIONALIZED / PROGRAMMED and taking to heart the instructions given by her Mother (Matriarch Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome) upon leaving to go to MVSU, “DON’T forget WHERE you come from and DON’T forget your People!”



There is a scripture that reads,



5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?


6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.


7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. - I Corinthians 3



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PM Newsome was born abroad (in Germany). A PAPER Trail has been preserved to sustain.  WHEN the United State of America’s Officials, Employees, Representatives, their Lawyers Baker Doneson and CO-Conspirators, etc. FAILED TO ACT on her Complaints (which included “Request For INVESTIGATIONS” and “Findings…”) submitted to the applicable USA Agencies, NOTIFICATION was submitted that INTERNATIONAL Recourse would be pursued! It is GOOD to be of NATIVE (Chickasaw) Descent and have INTERNATIONAL options available to pursue LAWFUL remedies (as RESTITUTION . . .) for injuries / harm / damages as a direct and proximate result of WAR Crimes, War of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities, etc.

Matriarch Newsome planted spiritual seeds within the fertile soil / heart of Prime Minister Newsome. It is at MVSU and FAMU that said seeds were watered and nurtured – i.e. Coach Bobby Lang providing “Words of Wisdom” and providing instructions for success as well as working through injuries and prevailing, etc. Now the Public / World is witnessing God giving the INCREASE!



PM Newsome having OVER 30 years of experience in the United States of America’s CORPORATION Empire (i.e. Corporate and Legal). It is Matriarch Newsome who instilled in PM Newsome the importance of documenting life experiences and testimonies – i.e. specifically the attacks the USA’s Officials, Employees, Representative, Legal Counsel and their CO-Conspirators launched against her.



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As shared in this instant Press Release, the United States of America is a “PRIVATELY” held company and NOT a Country. Neither, is said Corporation / Company authorized to provide Citizenship to “BLACK Indians” / Native People – i.e. because their SOVEREIGN Nation(s) provide them with a NATIONALITY (as Chickasaw). Nevertheless, such Racketeering SCAMS / SCHEMES are being carried out by said USA Corporation / Company deceiving many into thinking they have “AMERICAN” Citizenship (when they do NOT) and / or are Americans (when they are NOT)! The Land Mass mislabeled as the United States of America is a FRAUD!





About 2015, having been BANNED from employment with USA Corporations / Companies as well as BANNED from USA so-called Courts (German / Nazi SONDERGERICHT Courts), Matriarch Newsome and Vogel Denise Newsome continued addressing the issues adversely IMPACTING “BLACK Indians” / Native Nations – i.e. becoming actively involved throughout the Native Communities within the State of Mississippi!



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In 2016, Community Activist Vogel Denise Newsome does her first Television Interview with Dr. Eldridge Henderson with “REAL NEWS” in Jackson, Mississippi. Through said interview the USA was put on NOTICE that any attacks on her life would be a FATAL mistake for the USA and / or its Legal Counsel Baker Donelson should they come after her and BLACK Indians / Native Nations! Said interview may be found at the following Link(s):

In September 2016, Vogel Denise Newsome is inducted into Florida A & M University’s Sports Hall of Fame (SHOF) in Track and Field as a Member of the 4 x 400 Meter Relay Team with included: Pamela Porter, Pamela Oliver and Mary Wellens Jones. It is through the 2016 SHOF Interview, that she addressed the attacks of the USA’s Legal Counsel Baker Donelson on her employment efforts that led her to make the necessary adjustments that the Public / World is witnessing live today! Furthermore, making known her MISSION being to bring about the demise of the United States of America!  Said interview may be found at the following Link(s) - NOTE: Pam Oliver’s PUSHING of the “NEW” Jim Crow and the TAG-Team approach between Oliver and Mary Jones Wellens as to which one would RESPOND to statements made by Community Activist Vogel Denise Newsome. - -


Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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Bringing Global Awareness News
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Post Office Box 31265
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