Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6


shares not only the TESTIMONIES of Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials but
“HOW” they worked TOGETHER to document and secure EVIDENCE to bring the United States of America’s NAZI / WHITE Supremacist / Jewish / Zionist Officials, their Legal Counsel (as Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’ Lawyers / Attorneys) and CO-Conspirators to JUSTICE!

Providing evidence of KNOWLEDGE of USA Officials, their Legal Counsel and CO-Conspirators, etc. regarding the CRIMINAL Charges being brought against them and “HOW” they RETALIATED and CONSPIRED to have Witnesses ASSASSINATED / KILLED / MURDERED, etc. for purposes of avoiding PROSECUTION for: (1) WAR Crimes, (2) Crimes Against HUMANITY and (3) Other Atrocities, etc.



Nazis / WHITE Supremacists / Jews / Zionists

CTN IPM BirthCertificate CertificateOfCitizenship

Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome being born in GERMANY!



The United States of America’s so-called Government issued Vogel Denise Newsome a CERTIFICATE Of CITIZENSHIP!



Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome and Matriarch Pearl Leo Torrey Newsome being of CHICKASAW Descent!



TREATIES are said to be made between NATIONS / COUNTRIES!



There is record evidence of CHICKASAW TREATIES!



So-called United States of America offered CITIZENSHIP to Chickasaws that did NOT want to be placed / enslaved on RESERVATIONS!



As a so-called CITIZEN, Vogel Denise Newsome submitted NUMEROUS “Civil Rights” Complaints / Criminal Complaints, etc. [addressing CIVIL / HUMAN Rights violations . . .] to the United States of America’s Officials – i.e. Through their EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE and JUDICIAL BranchesTO NO AVAIL! Resulting in the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials NOW proceeding through the applicable / appropriate INTERNATIONAL Tribunals after TIMELY Notifications and FAILURES TO ACT on ComplaintS and RequestS for INVESTIGATIONS, etc. submitted!

PAPER Genocide In USA FROM Indian To BLACK

NATIONS / COUNTRIES are connected to LAND MASSES! Alleged Lands / Territories alleged to have been ceded have been DOCUMENTED! Such claims which can be LAWFULLY challenged through the applicable INTERNATIONAL Tribunals - before the appropriate INTERNATIONAL Authorities!



CONSPIRACIES were entered into to DISASSOCIATE the “BLACK” Indians from the Lands / Territories that the European ILLEGAL Immigrants want – i.e. Therefore, MASS EXTERMINATIONS and GENOCIDE… [as was done on what has become known as the “TRAIL OF TEARS”] being carried out against “BLACK” Indians and KNOWLEDGE of similar-looking people living on the Continent of AFRICA / AFRIKA that resulted in TARGETING the Elders, etc. (for purposes of DESTROYING the LEADERS / TEACHERS . . . who can provide KNOWLEDGE of Tribal History / Ancestry to the YOUTH).


With the MASS EXTERMINATIONS of the BLACK Indians’ Leaders / Elders . . . as well as efforts to DESTROY evidence of these NATIVE Peoples’ TIES to the Lands / Territories



i.e. Through REPLACEMENT Scams / Schemes as the $5.00 (Five-Dollar) and use of other ILLEGAL Immigrants [as from South / Latin America…] –



CONSPIRACIES were hatched to push the LIES that the BLACK Indians ALREADY living / occupying / inhabiting / owning Lands upon which they reside [within what is presently known as the United States of America] were brought over from the Continent of Africa / Afrika to serve as SLAVES (when they were NOT)!


          IMPORTANT TO NOTE: WAR HOAXES (as the Civil War, World War I and World War II . . .) were launched for purposes of COVERING UP the MASS EXTERMINATIONS / GENOCIDE of the “BLACK Indians” and / or NATIVE People of the Lands / Territories that EUROPES’ Nazis / WHITE Supremacists / Jews / Zionists seek to STEAL for the RESOURCES, etc.!

The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials, etc. are utilizing
the TREATIES in support of the RESTITUTIONS and other relief(s) permissible through the Laws / INTERNATIONAL Laws, etc. governing such matters!



PUSHING the LIES that DESCENDANTS of “BLACK Indians” are descendants of SLAVES brought over from Africa / Afrika – i.e. with KNOWLEDGE that they are NOT!

    IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Through the applicable / appropriate INTERNATIONAL Tribunals, etc. the United States of America’s Officials / European Officials, etc. allege claims to the BLACK Indians’ Lands / Territories (within what is presently known as the United States of America) CAN be LAWFULLY challenged! FURTHERMORE, requiring USA Officials… to provide evidence as to WHAT HAS HAPPENED to the BLACK Indians and WHERE are their DESCENDANTS as of today (i.e. in the 21st Century)!



Because the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s Officials are aware of the TREATIES, their ANCESTRY and TIES to the Lands / Territories as well as the TREATY Of 1866 which provided their NATION to offer CITIZENSHIP to SLAVES, about as early as January 2017, the “EXTENDING AFRICA” Mission was executed!


About 01/17/2017 published at:



As of 05/27/2023, Cut and Pasted From:





Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Repatriation


In 1954, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I came to America just days after the Brown vs. Board of Education decision heralded the end of the Jim Crow era. For 18 months before and for six weeks during HIM’s visit to the United States, HIM Haile Selassie began a Repatriation recruitment program for Black people in New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Illinois. HIM Haile Selassie I had granted land in Shashemane Ethiopia, had made a constitutional provision for the Repatriates immediate citizenship, and promised free transportation, a house rent-free, competitive salaries, and paid three-months vacations with round-trip tickets to America and back to Ethiopia. Black Americans interested in the Repatriation offer were instructed to fill out an application (Repatriation Census) available from the Ethiopian Embassy. As a result, Black America was faced with the choosing between Integration and Repatriation.



Black America chose integration.


His Imperial Majesty Selassie Malcolm X Martin Luther King 07 




During this time from
1954 to 1961, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King began their growth as emerging leaders – Malcolm X for Black Muslims, and Martin Luther King for Black Christians. The Black Muslims began to advocate for a separate black “nation within a nation” in the United States “Black Belt” southern territory. Martin Luther King Jr, whose father was in charge of the Georgia National Baptist Convention Ethiopia Day fundraising for Emperor Haile Selassie I in the 1930’s, advocated for a “civil rights” platform of integration into the United States based on principles of equality and justice.



In the early 1960’s, Ras Mortimo Planno, a major figure in the Rastafari Repatriation Movement, was in New York and he and Malcolm X began to discuss the solution to the condition of the Black man in America. Having toured Africa and spoken with African Heads of State including HIM Haile Selassie I, General Nnamdi Azikiwi of Nigeria, President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, President William Tubman of Liberia and Prime Minister Milton Margai of Sierra-Leone, Ras Mortimo Planno suggested to Malcolm X that if the Black Muslim plan for a separate, Black Nation in the within the United States failed, that the only solution would be Repatriation. Since the late sixties, both the Republic of New Afrika and the Nation of Islam have failed to establish a government for the Black “nation within a nation”. Thus, the past fifty years have been the result of the choice of integration.



Both Ras Mortimo Planno and Malcolm X, upon returning to the West after visiting with African Heads of State, began collecting the names of those who wanted to Repatriate. Ras Junior Negus (secretary of the 2003 Rastafari Global Reasoning in Jamaica) wrote to IRIE on April 1, 2004: “I am quite aware of the census. This was the work HIM had given Planna from 61. He started from Kingston to Porus and has been no further. . . . Planna, after returning from the 2nd mission was told by His Majesty and different governments they visited to collect the names of the ones who want to return to Africa.”



Likewise, Malcolm X stated,



“One of the things I saw the OAAU doing from the very start was collecting the names of all the people of African descent who have professional skills, no matter where they are. Then we could have a central register that we could share with independent countries in Africa and elsewhere. Do you know, I started collecting names, and then I gave the list to someone who I thought was a trusted friend, but both this so-called friend and the list disappeared. So, I’ve got to start all over again.” (Jan Carew, Ghosts In Our Blood, p. 61)



“The 22,000,000 so-called Negroes should be separated completely from America and should be permitted to go back home to our African homeland which is a long-range program; so the short-range program is that we must eat while we’re still here, we must have a place to sleep, we have clothes to wear, we must have better jobs, we must have better education; so that although our long-range political philosophy is to migrate back to our African homeland, our short-range program must involve that which is necessary to enable us to live a better life while we are still here.” (Interview with Malcolm X, by A.B. Spellman, Monthly Review, Vol. 16, no.1 May 1964)



On June 28, 1964, six weeks after Malcolm’s return to New York from Africa, he announced the formation of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAARU). “It was formed in my living room,” remembers John Henrik Clarke.



“I was the one who got the constitution from the Organization of African Unity in order to model our constitution after it.Malcolm’s joy was that we could match up [our constitution with the African one]; we could find parallels between the African situation and the African-American situation – that plus a whole lot of other things we agreed with that had nothing to do with religion, because we agreed with the basic struggle. We agreed on self-reliance, about what people would have to do, and that an ethnic community was really a small nation and that you need everything within that community that goes into a small nation, including a person who would take care of the labor, the defense, employment, morality, spirituality . . . . “ (David Gallen, As They Knew Him, p.79-80).



Thus, Malcolm X, along with John Henrik Clarke, wrote the following into the Organization of Afro- American Unity (OAAU) Basic Unity Program



          i.            Restoration: “In order to free ourselves from the oppression of our enslavers then, it is absolutely necessary for the Afro-American to restore communication with Africa . . . 



          ii.            Reorientation: “ . . . We can learn much about Africa by reading informative books . . . “



         iii.            Education: “ . . . The Organization of Afro-American Unity will devise original educational methods and procedures which will liberate the minds of our children . . . We will . . . encourage qualified Afro-Americans to write and publish the textbooks needed to liberate our minds . . . . educating them [our children] at home.”



         iv.            Economic Security: “... After the Emancipation Proclamation was realized that the Afro-American constituted the largest homogeneous ethnic group with a common origin and common group experience in the United States and, if allowed to exercise economic or political freedom, would in a short period of time own this country. WE MUST ESTABLISH A TECHNICIAN BANK. WE MUST DO THIS SO THAT THE NEWLY INDEPENDENT NATIONS OF AFRICA CAN TURN TO US WHO ARE THEIR BROTHERS FOR THE TECHNICIANS THEY WILL NEED NOW AND IN THE FUTURE.



His Imperial Majesty Selassie Malcolm X Martin Luther King 08



On December 12, 1964,Malcolm answered a question about going back to Africa at the Haryou-Act Forum for Domestic Peace Corps in Harlem. Said Malcolm,



“You never will have a foundation in America. You’re out of your mind if you think that this government is ever going to back you and me up in the same way that it backed others up. They’ll never do it. It’s not in them. . . . . By the same token, when the African continent in its independence is able to create the unity that’s necessary to increase its strength and its position on this earth, so that Africa too becomes respected as other huge continents are respected, then, wherever people of African origin, African heritage or African blood go, they will be respected – but only when and because they have something much larger that looks like them behind them. With that behind you, you can do almost anything under the sun in this society . . . And this is what I mean by a migration or going back to Africa – going back in the sense that we reach out to them and they reach out to us. Our mutual understanding and our mutual effort toward a mutual objective will bring mutual benefit to the African as well as to the Afro-American. But you will never get it by relying on Uncle Sam alone. You are looking in the wrong direction. Because the wrong people are in Washington D.C. and I mean the White House right on down . . . . “ (Malcolm X Speaks, p.210-2)



William Kunstler, who served as special trial counselor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in the early 1960’s, speaks of a telephone conversation between Malcolm and Dr. King on February 14, 1965:



“There was sort of an agreement that they would meet in the future and work out a common strategy, not merge their two organization – Malcolm had the Organization Afro-American Unity and Martin, of course, was the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference – but that they would work out a method to work together in some way. And I think that that quite possibly led to the bombing of Malcolm’s house that evening in East Elmhurst and his assassination one week later.” (David Gallen, As They Knew Him, p. 84)



Among the most promising area of mutual collaboration among Malcolm X and Dr. King was the area of Repatriation. For as early as April of 1957, Dr. King had already begun to promote going back to Africa. In his sermon “The Birth of a New Nation” delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church on April 7, Dr King stated,



“Yes, there is a wilderness ahead, though it is my hope that even people from America will go to Africa as immigrants, right there to the Gold Coast, and lend their technical assistance, for there is great need and there are rich opportunities there. Right now is the time that America Negroes can lend their technical assistance to a growing new nation. I was very happy to see already people who have moved in and making good. The son of the late president of Bennett College, Dr. Jones, is there, who started an insurance company and is making good, going to the top. A doctor from Brooklyn, New York, had just come in that week and his wife is also a dentist, and they are living there now, going in there and working, and the people love them. There will be hundreds and thousands of people, I’m sure, going over to make for the growth of this new nation. And Nkrumah made it very clear to me that he would welcome any persons coming there as immigrants and to live there. . . . There is a great day ahead. The future is on its side. Its going now through the wilderness, but the Promised Land is ahead.



To Dr. King, that Promised Land was Ghana:



“Now don’t think that because they have 5 million people the nation can’t grow, that that’s a small nation to be overlooked. Never forget the fact that when America was born in 1776, when it received its independence from the British Empire, there were fewer, less than four million people in America, and today its more than a hundred and sixty million. So never underestimate a people because it is small now. America was smaller than Ghana when it was born . . . Ghana has something to say to us. It says to us first that the oppressor never voluntarily gives freedom to the oppressed. You have to work for it.


And if Nkrumah and the people of the Gold Coast had not stood up persistently, revolting against the system, it would still be a colony of the British Empire. Freedom is never given to anybody, for the oppressor has you in domination because he plans to keep you there, and he never voluntarily gives it up. And that is where the strong resistance comes. Privileged classes never give up their privileges without strong resistance. . . . If we wait for it to work itself out, it will never be worked out. Freedom only comes through persistent revolt, through persistent agitation, through persistently rising up against the system of evil. The bus protest is just the beginning. . . . Ghana reminds us that whenever you break out of Egypt, you better get ready for stiff backs. You better get ready for homes to be bombed. You better get ready for a lot of nasty things to be said about you, because you’re getting out of Egypt, and whenever you break loose from Egypt, the initial response of the Egyptian is bitterness. It never comes with ease. It comes only through hardness and persistence of life. Ghana reminds us of that. . . . But finally, Ghana tells us that the forces of the universe are on the side of justice. That’s what it tells us now. You can interpret Ghana any kind of way you want to, but Ghana tells me that the forces of the universe are on the side of justice. That night when I saw that old flag coming down and the new flag coming up, I saw something else. That wasn’t just an Ephemeral, evanescent event appearing on the stage of history, but it was an event with eternal meaning, for it symbolizes something. That things symbolized to me that an old order is passing away and a new order is coming into being. An old order of colonialism, of segregation, of discrimination is passing away now, and a new order of justice and freedom and goodwill is being born. That’s what it said: that somehow the forces of justice stand on the side of the universe, and that you can’t ultimately trample over Gods children and profit by it.”

His Imperial Majesty Selassie Malcolm X Martin Luther King 09


Just after the bombing of Malcolm X’s house on February 14, 1965, Malcolm gave a speech at the Ford Auditorium. He said,



“So when you count the number of dark-skinned people in the Western Hemisphere you can see that there are probably over 100 million. When you consider Brazil has two-thirds what we call colored, or nonwhite, and Venezuela, Honduras and other Central American countries, Cuba and Jamaica, and the United States and even Canada when you total all these people up, you have probably over 100 million. And this 100 million on the inside of the power structure is what is causing a great deal of concern for the power structure itself. So we saw that the first thing to do was to unite our people, not only unite us internally, but we have to be united with our brothers and sisters abroad. It was for that purpose that I spent five months in the Middle East and Africa during the summer.’



Malcolm X was assassinated before he was able to collect the names and the OAAU was successfully destroyed by the FBI. However, the Repatriation program survived. According to William Sales Jr.,



“An aspect of SNCC’s international orientation which survived the organization was the establishment of the Pan-African Skills Project. This was an idea of Forman’s, which reflected Malcolm’s desire to provide African American technical assistance personnel to developing African nations, which came to life in 1969. Foreman’s leadership in the Detroit Black Economic Development Conference of 1969 resulted in the development of a practical program for that old nationalist staple, reparations to African Americans. The Black Manifesto presented at New York’s Riverside Church on May 4, 1969 resulted in increased funding for programs controlled by Blacks. One of the most effective of these was the Pan-African Skills Project. Headed up by former SNCC chairperson, Irving Davis, the Project sent over 250 Afro-American teachers, technicians, and professionals to Tanzania and a smaller number to Zambia. It was probably one of the two most concrete manifestations of Pan-Africanism to emerge subsequent to Malcolm’s initiatives of 1964.” (Malcolm X and the Organization of Afro-American Unity p. 1999).






Published as of 09/18/2014:




Published as of 04/17/2015: 




Fanon C. Wilkins of Syracuse University writes,



“Founded in January 1970 by Irving Davis, former Deputy Chairman of the International Affairs Commission of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Pan-African Skills Project recruited African Americans with technical skills and ‘practical work experience’ to ‘assist in the internal development of progressive African nations. . . . Pan African Skills was the brainchild of Irving Davis, who by 1970, had a long history of political activism dating back as early as 1958 . . . . After joining SNCC in 1966, Davis came under the tutelage of James Forman, who headed SNCC’s International Affair Commission. . . . Many African American activists were disillusioned with the minimal gains made under the banner of civil-rights and the co-opted politics of ‘Black-power’ and sought to place their energies in Africa, their ancestral motherland. One of the more exciting countries for African Americans was Tanzania, which by 1967, was engaged in an ambitious socialist development experiment called ‘Ujamaa’. Tanzania also became one of the leading independent African nations lending political and material support to African nations still fighting for independence, namely Rhodesia, South Africa and the Portuguese colonies of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau. As a progressive African nation, Tanzania emerged as a political base for revolutionary activists from around the world, not the least of which included African-Americans. It was in this context that the Pan-African Skills Project was created out of the diplomatic activities of SNCC’s International Affairs Commission with Tanzania, and the individual initiative of Irving Davis, who believed strongly in Tanzania’s principles of self-reliance and commitment to Ujamaa.” (We Will Run While Others Walk: The Pan African Skills Project and Ujamaa Socialism, 1970-1980”)











The Chickasaw Tribal Nation
Is A LAWFULLY Recognized Nation and
Is NOT A Movement!

Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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Bringing Global Awareness News
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