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Bringing Global Awareness

And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the Truth shall make you FREE. – John 8:32

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . . – Hosea 4:6

The Merging Of VISIONS

Sharing not only the TESTIMONIES of Chickasaw Tribal Nation / Utica International Embassy Officials but
“HOW” they worked TOGETHER to document and secure EVIDENCE to bring the United States of America’s NAZI / WHITE Supremacist / Jewish / Zionist Officials, their Legal Counsel (as Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’ Lawyers / Attorneys) and CO-Conspirators to JUSTICE!

Providing evidence of KNOWLEDGE of USA Officials, their Legal Counsel and CO-Conspirators, etc. regarding the CRIMINAL Charges being brought against them and “HOW” they RETALIATED and CONSPIRED to have Witnesses ASSASSINATED / KILLED / MURDERED, etc. for purposes of avoiding PROSECUTION for: (1) WAR Crimes, (2) Crimes Against HUMANITY and (3) Other Atrocities, etc.

As of 05/27/2023, Cut and Pasted From:

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“Thus, Malcolm X's liberating paradigm centered upon his intention to utilize the United Nations as a Pan-African forum to illustrate the international human rights violations perpetrated by the United States upon its citizens of color.



Malcolm X attempted to deconstruct the African perception of Black Americans as United States citizens, positing an identity as peoples subjected to racial oppression and colonized by white people.' Central to this construct was the theme of Pan Africanism.



In conjunction with his Pan-African efforts, Malcolm X explained the racial situation in the United States and attempted to establish alliances with the various African nations to gain their support and cooperation in his attempt to bring the United States before the United Nations for violating the "human rights of 22 million African Americans."43



Malcolm X claimed that he had pledges of support for the case against the United States and it would be prepared for submission later in the year.45

In order to facilitate his Pan-African internationalism and United Nations plan, Malcolm X established the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), patterned after the Organization of African Unity (OAU). 6 He sought to have the OAAU accredited United Nations observer status which would allow the organization to participate in the United Nations as a legitimate representative of a national liberation movement.47



On June 24, 1964, Malcolm X made public a letter sent to local and national leaders of civil and human rights organizations and to representatives of African nations in the United States. 48 The letter announced the formation of the OAAU, designed "to unite Afro Americans and their organizations around a non-religious and nonsectarian constructive purpose for human rights."'49



Several days later during the OAAU founding rally, Malcolm X stated that one of the first steps of the OAAU was to work with all other leaders and organizations interested in a program to bring the African-American struggle to the United Nations."50



Malcolm X reiterated that it was essential to internationalize the problem by "taking advantage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Charter on Human Rights, and on that ground bring it into the UN before a world body wherein we can indict Uncle Sam for the continued criminal injustices that our people experience in this government."'51



On July 5, 1964, at the second rally of the OAAU, Malcolm X explained that world pressure must be brought to bear upon the United States: "[y]ou and I have to make it a world problem, make the world aware that there'll be no peace on this earth as long as our human rights are being violated in America. Then the world will have to step in and try and see that our human rights are respected and recognized." 2 Thus, with his new organization and agenda established, Malcolm X departed for Africa on July 9, 1964, to continue his efforts to gain support for his United Nations plan. 53


Malcolm X intended to pursue his United Nations plan by attending the second meeting of the Organization of African Unity in Cairo.' Malcolm X, although not permitted to address the OAU, was given the status of an accredited observer to the OAU conference." In this capacity, he submitted an eight-page document to the delegates appealing to the various heads of state for support. 56



Malcolm X's document stressed the Pan-African relationship between African-Americans and Africans. He stated: "[o]ur problem is your problem. It is not a Negro problem, nor an American problem. This is a world problem; a problem for humanity. It is not a problem of civil rights but a problem of human rights."5" Malcolm X requested the assistance of the independent African states to help bring the problem before the United Nations on the grounds "that the United States government is morally incapable of protecting the lives and the property of 22 million African-Americans. And on the grounds that our deteriorating plight is definitely becoming a threat to world peace."" He concluded: "[i]n the interests of world peace and security, we beseech the heads of the independent African states to recommend an immediate investigation into our problems by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights." 59

Malcolm X hoped the African heads of state would publicly endorse the substance of his position in the OAU's resolutions.' Instead, for his efforts, Malcolm X was moderately rewarded with a carefully worded declaration acknowledging "with satisfaction" the United States passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill.61 The "satisfaction" was tempered with a statement that the OAU Conference "was deeply disturbed, however, by continuing manifestations of racial bigotry and racial oppression against Negro citizens of the United States of America ... the existence of discriminatory practices is a matter of deep concern to the member states of the OAU."'62 In conclusion, the resolution urged the United States government to "intensify its efforts to ensure the total elimination of all forms of discrimination based on race, color, or ethnic origin.” 63

Although the resolution was not an endorsement of Malcolm X's United Nations plan, he accepted it and was generally satisfied with the outcome of his activities of the conference." He claimed that several African nations officially promised to support any effort to bring the problem before the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.65 In addition, Malcolm X stated that "several of them [African countries] promised officially that, come the next session of the UN, any effort on our part to bring our problem before the UN... will get support and help from them. They will assist us in showing us how to help bring it up legally. So I am very, very happy over the whole result of my trip here.”66

11/11/2019 International Criminal Court:  Regarding Situation In Afghanistan



11/25/2019 International Criminal Court: Situation In Afghanistan


After his return to the United States on November 24, 1964, Malcolm X's speeches and statements elaborated on his Pan African internationalism.74 He stressed the general need for international unity in order to combat the evils that existed within the United States.75 He explained that if international unity was accomplished then African-Americans would be in position to condemn the United States as they would no longer be in the minority but rather would become the majority.7 6 In this context, Malcolm X envisioned the purpose of the OAAU as a means "to give us direct links, direct contact, direct communication and cooperation with our brothers and sisters all over the earth."'77

November 29, 1964, Malcolm X explained that in the following weeks he would elaborate on the type of support he had received for his United Nations plan.78 He stated: "[y]ou and I must take this government before a world forum and show the world that this government has absolutely failed in its duty toward US."' 79



In addition, in a speech at a Harvard Law School Forum on December 16, 1964, Malcolm X briefly mentioned that the OAAU was trying to get the problem before the United Nations and it was willing to cooperate with any civil rights organization to achieve this goal.' ° Malcolm X mentioned the United Nations topic for the last time on February 16, 1965, just days before his death." 81

11/28/2019 International Criminal Court: Situation In Afghanistan


He explained the difference between civil rights and human rights: as long as you call it civil rights your only allies can be the people in the next community, many of whom are responsible for your grievance. But when you call it human rights it becomes international. And then you can take your troubles to the World Court. You can take them before the world. And anybody anywhere on this earth can become your ally.82 Malcolm X concluded that the OAAU must come up with a program "that would make our grievances international and make the world see that our problem was no longer a Negro problem or an American problem, but a human problem. And a problem which should be attacked by all elements of humanity." 3 On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X took the podium as he prepared to announce a basic unity plan to incorporate a reorganization of the OAAU and perhaps reveal where he was headed with the United Nations project.84

As Malcolm X began to speak, he was cut down by a hail of bullets from a group of assassins.”

To THINK About:

About March 8, 1964 – Malcolm X Announces LEAVING Nation of Islam

About April 13, 1964 – Travels To Middle Asia [Mecca Journey] – Has Spiritual Awakening

About February 15, 1965 – Malcolm X Speaks To Public – Addresses Reason(s) For LEAVING USA’s Nation of Islam MOVEMENT - - - Pull Off The Sheets On The USA’s NAZIS / WHITE Supremacists’ / Ku Klux Klan’s / Jews’ / Zionists’  Nation of Islam . . .

About February 21, 1965 – Malcolm X Is ASSASSINATED




Bringing Global Awareness Logo News

Bringing Global Awareness News seeks to enlighten the Global accomplishments of “UNIFIED” Native Nations and their People that the Public / World may not see in the European – controlled / White Man’s Mainstream Media! Furthermore, provides information regarding the MAJOR roles of Native Nations to TAKE BACK their Lands / Territories from the unlawful European Occupations . . . around the World!


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